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Level Design Testing


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So, I'm thinking of implementing a level testing programme in the near future. One of the things we've not iterated are our maps, which seems a bit silly in hindsight. Now is pretty much the ideal time to start doing it, though.

The idea would be that every few days we'd release a map scenario for testing (not always a new map, perhaps an iteration of an older one instead). It would take the form of a zip that contained a map and an updated levelsetup_quickbattle.xml, so you'd unzip it into your directory and then just run Quick Battle.

This would contain a specific map, a specific crashed UFO type (if a Crash Site mission), a specific crew of aliens and a squad of soldiers to tackle the mission with pre-set weapons and armour. It's more than likely the UFO exterior would just be blocked out rather than having actual graphics, allowing us to test different UFO interior configurations without worrying about graphics.

You lot would play the mission and then give us feedback on it; in particular we'd be looking at this sort of info:

- Did you win?

- How long did it took you to complete / lose?

- How many soldiers did you lose?

- Did you feel the map was too large / too small / about right?

- Were there too many / too few aliens?

- Was the tactical use of destructibility in the map good?

- Does the map look convincing artistically?

- Which parts of the map needed more / less cover etc?

- How was breaching the UFO?

I think that's probably the best way to come up with some good map designs. I'm guessing quite a few people would be interested in this sorta stuff, but please post here if you'd be interested in taking part.

Finally, GJ needs to implement the decision layer of the AI before we can do this, and we'd also need to add support for specifying the equipment of the soldiers used in the Quick Battle, so this might take a couple of weeks to rustle up....but it could be very useful to normalise things like map sizes, alien stats, the size of the Xenonaut starting squad etc.

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This is perfect. i dont always have time to play the game these days but quick battles would be perfect.

If you created a standard pro-forma for feedback - with an open comments section at the bottom - we could copy n paste it and word edit it before submitting it either as a forum post or as an emailed file whichever is quicker for you.

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OK, I'm starting to put together some maps for this. Basically, they won't have the painted ground tiles until they're done (might have the change the layouts etc) so they ain't gonna be pretty, but I think testing ugly maps is much better than making pretty maps and then finding the layout isn't very good and it needs to be redone!

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