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  2. Langara毕业证Q/微457202606兰加拉学院大学毕业证书加拿大毕业证学位证教育部认证留信认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数Langara College 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可!
  3. UNBC毕业证Q/微457202606北英属哥伦比亚大学毕业证书加拿大毕业证学位证教育部认证留信认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数University of Northern British Columbia 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可!
  4. BCIT毕业证Q/微457202606不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院大学毕业证书加拿大毕业证学位证教育部认证留信认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数British Columbia Institute of TechnologyBCIT毕业证Q/微457202606不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院大学毕业证书加拿大毕业证学位证教育部认证留信认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数British Columbia Institute of Technology 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可!
  5. NC毕业证Q/微457202606尼亚加拉学院大学毕业证书加拿大毕业证学位证教育部认证留信认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数Niagara College 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可!
  6. 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可! BCIT毕业证Q/微457202606乔治布朗学院大学毕业证书加拿大毕业证学位证教育部认证留信认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数George Brown College
  7. ULV留学毕业有困难Q/微457202606拉文大学毕业证成绩单留信认证教育部认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数University of La Verne 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可!
  8. SFU毕业证Q/微457202606西蒙弗雷泽大学毕业证书加拿大毕业证学位证教育部认证留信认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数Simon Fraser University 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可!
  9. CQU留学毕业Q/微457202606中央昆士兰大学毕业证成绩单留信认证教育部认证1:1制作电子图修改GPA分数 Central Queensland University 学历怎么认证?【Q/微信:457202606】1:挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办?? 2:找工作没有文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办? 3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供学历学位证书怎么办? 咨询:办理毕业证成绩单、教育部学历认证、学历文凭、使馆认证/留学回国人员证明、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可查! 一、认证流程: 收集资料→顾问审核评估出方案→确认认证方案→补充材料(毕 业证成绩单)→注册认证账号→递交认证材料→认证评估完成→邮寄领取教育部认证书 留学生学历认时所需材料   1. 一张二寸彩色证件照片;   2. 在国外获得的所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件;   3. 需认证学位的完整、正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息(注意:硕士及以上毕业的学生可以能还需毕业论文内容);   4. 需认证的国外证书和成绩单或研究证明的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);   5. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件   6. 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;   7. 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件 二、留学生学历认证时间   受理教育部留学生学历学位认证从接受申请到认证结果下来,留学生学历认证时间一般情况为2至3个月的周期,特殊情况除外,这是难以预料的,但多数不会超过这个周期。(可加急办理)   留学生学历无法认证包括以下原因(如果有第7点问题的可以找我Q.Q/微.信457202606)   1.外语补习和攻读其他非正规课程(如短期进修)所获得的结业证书;   2. 进修人员和访问学者的研究经历证明;   3.未经国务院学位委员会办公室批准的中外合作办学所颁发的国外学位证书;   4. 未经省、直辖市一级教育主管部门批准的学士学位以下(不含学士)层次中外合作办学项目取得的毕业文凭;   5.函授取得的国外学历、学位证书;   6.非学术性国外荣誉称号或学位证书。 7.未能正常毕业,论文未通过,毕 业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕 业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可!
  10. Yesterday
  11. What was your squad composition through the game? I didn't find a use for MARS/Ares as they take extra alloys that I only had very late into campaign to properly upgrade. On the tactical map, they are too slow by my count - low movement range in the end-game and shots take too much TUs while being too inaccurate. A combination of parameters so to say Sure, I could use them for AoE attacks, but I don't want to take those into the UFO - destroying bodies and techs for sale - nothing I can't do the same with a soldier with a demo pack usually. For machine guns- sure their volley suppresses well - so does a concussion grenade/demo pack, or a shotgun, or a rifle burst. MG's damage values are same as a rifle, but only one shot per turn. Sniper rifle is overall better, plus the sniper has no move accuracy bonus of +50, which allows to use quick shot at 55% percent TUs at near-100% accuracy if I want to shoot and reposition. Or I can use the high TU shot to get that shot extra far or through obstacles, using high accuracy to compensate for range penalty. MG can't do the same, while its uses against armor are covered by demo packs, sometimes on a better scale. Once demo packs are nerfed in range and blast size, and (I hope) MGs are, they become more interesting/viable. Take a look at stats - the difference between MG and a Rifle in base burst fire is 5 accuracy and for late-game Gauss and Fusion MGs a +5 range is added to the MG, damage stats are the same. A Light MG should have better burst accuracy, have 5-6 bullets per quick burst and maybe allows two quick bursts before Exosuit's bonus. if it's a Medium/General Purpose MG, those have much higher damage on a level of a our sniper rifle (which is actually a DMR) as it uses a bigger bullet. Lastly, Colossus should basically count as a walking weapon mount (which it tries to simulate), completely nullifying set-up time for the LMG/GPMG and allowing extra bonuses to accuracy and maybe even TUs for firing. Btw, Androns should be around the same as Colossus - they should be very scary, but right now, their only shtick is that they require a demo charge and a shot to be killed reliably. Their damage output is not great. That low Reflex for MARS/Ares is on purpose, so that they could draw out reaction shots
  12. I find auto-med to be useful as a med kit replacement on most soldiers (leaving rifles with both). It saves too many troops who would bleed out otherwise (you can't always run someone over in time). Grenade launcher (outdoors only) now reaches far enough to be useful. Still WAY heavy (I take 1 max). The Machine guns are for suppressing packs and more often, for chewing through bot armor (the to-hits are high enough against bots that you can do serious damage). Collossi are slightly more portable machine guns, but need a med module and be immune to suppression (they get suppressed, they can't even shoot..). I find up-armored MARS much better than using shield characters: can tank a lot of damage, heals for nothing and instantly, can usually be replaced at half price if it DOES die, carries 6 grenade equivalents (or a big gun for indoor work), can't cause troops to panic.. Use it early, preserve it if it takes serious damage and ALWAYS use the over armor option. Having a triple-shot available can solve a LOT of issues. Oh, and it knocks open doors and removes a lot of walls, letting you mouse hole the cleaner base. Just be careful about sending it through hostile doors and teleporters (it has terrible reflexes and draws all kinds of opportunity fire).
  13. Make it more graphical : 1. In the arrmory on soldier spec sheet, use national flag icon instead of word. On the Flag mouse over, show tooltip the word. 2. The mission briefing on the loading screen is great for masking loading time, but whole screen is just gray and text. Not very exciting. Add on this screen picture of mission which is used on geo scape, when mission is announced. it will ad at least some colours and graphics.
  14. Oh, now that you mentioned it, I'm actually not 100% sure any more about the briefcase value. *shame*
  15. Yeah, the briefcase of cash is supposed to reflect on the monetary reward but the UI doesn't really work well for that. We're planning to change part of the UI to better accommodate rewards that come in items (like the briefcases), but that might come a bit later in time as our UI artist has a lot of work lined up for them at the moment! For the cash reward itself though, this might be a genuine bug, I thought the briefcases sold for 75k each? If it's selling for 50k I'll have to clarify it with Chris whether the briefcase rewards were changed or affected by difficulty
  16. I think I gotta agree here, or perhaps he's just better than me, but I thought those missions were not easy! (Commander difficulty) Maybe they need to adjust the reinforcements. I had 4 cyberdrones on that mission, but once they were dead I think I could have killed the reinforcements for quite some time if they were only wraiths. Bring in cyberdrones as reinforcements and it's a whole different playing field.
  17. Last week
  18. Yes, this! I have meant to bring this up for years but never remembered. I'll even ping @Chris as this is actually very annoying small thing that really needs to get fixed!
  19. QoL : 1. Requested feature : in battle, click on portrait (bottom bar) Center screen on the person. Then I can click on alien icon, move mouse pointer just a bit and click on face so your camera moves back and forth with little effort. 2. mouse aim on enemy press c (to crouch), chance to hit do not change. You have to move mouse cursor to trigger re-count aim chance. ---- Make it automatic : re-count hit-chance after crouch without mouse move.
  20. it'd be interesting to be able to have a "tactical battle log" that essentially logs all movement & actions (e.g. alien turn 3: psyon 1 spent 10 t/us moving and took a shot at 45% and HIT) to be able to recreate and see what really is happening in these scenarios, but yeah I feel OPs pain in these situations
  21. Surprisingly well written! I'm playing on Commander, and I have the exact same issues. It's really hard to disagree on anything in this post. Well done!
  22. They are good, early game. On the flip side, I never had any alien ever throw a regular grenade anymore. Luck, or a bug? Later game, Vanguard armor is fully gas right, so the gas grenades are moot. We need something new the aliens can do that would make them dangerous again in late game. Also, I would love to be able to make my own gas grenades!
  23. From a balance perspective: I think the balance for the continent bonus is imbalanced for the following: North America: +10 starting XP Europe: +5 training points per hour North America: Maybe I misunderstand what +10 XP means, but if it means only 2 hours worth of training, then it's kinda pointless? If it means it is in fact 10 times x 100 training points = 1000 points. Assuming you have 5 training points per hour = 1000/5 = 200 hours worth of training, then it's totally balanced! Europe: I am playing around day 300+ or so, and from all my research on aliens I managed to get +3.5 training points per hour. If a simple continental bonus adds +5 to that, which is 5/3.5 x 100% = 142% of my alien research combined, I think that either the training from researching aliens is way too low, or the bonus is way too high. I think it's a bit of both. Double the training bonus from researching aliens, and halve the continental bonus. Also, the continental bonusses are not at all intuitive to see. I only read in the patch notes "regional bonusses" and was like "What, are there regional bonusses? Where?" And only after that I was bright enough to click on the name of the continents to figure it out. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I truly did not know from the game itself. From a balancing point of view, the UOO-1 missions are kinda pointless. I mean, I get +20 panic to a single continent every 14 days. I am truly not worried about that, at all! Sure, from a roleplaying perspective you'd want to save those millions of people, but +20 panic every 14 days to a single continent.... it will take, 2.5 months (if you are extremely unlucky) to lose a single region from 0 to 100 panic, while panic reduces each month, so let's say 3 months to lose a region. If you assume ultimate luck and every time it hits a different region, it would take 6 x 2.5 = 15 months (again, it reduces each month), so let's say 18 months to lose all regions. Come on, that's not threatening at all! Make it +20 panic GLOBALLY! Also, by the time this happens money is not an issue with my 10.000 cash per hour from engineers. I can easily add another 80 engineers for more cash per hour at this point, so I have no real interest in keeping panic low (from a cash point of view). Air combat: maybe the best alien vessels still need to come, but the end-game is kinda easy so far. I have two Gemini per base. I equip a torpedo, a rocket and a fusion cannon. The ships are dead before the first alien torpedo gets close ... But the air combat still gets an overhaul, right? So this could be solved later on anyway. So far my update from a purely balanced point of view. Maybe later more.
  24. Dude, that's insane! What difficulty are you playing on? Perhaps there should be a turn limit on those missions? Perhaps twice the amount of turns you get allocated for the mission before reinforcements? So if there are reinforcements in 7 turns, you get 7 x 2 = 14 turns in total till the dropship is forced to leave?
  25. It's now next week. Is the more significant balance update imminent?
  26. It is like that already unless I misunderstood what you mean
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