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Chris last won the day on July 25

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    London, UK
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    Project Lead, Xenonauts

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  1. Thanks. This isn't intentional and should be reported as a bug if you can figure out what's happening. Basically, interrupting a movement by spotting an alien should never cost you TU. Your soldier shouldn't rotate towards any aliens it spots, and it shouldn't need to anyway - by definition they already should be facing towards the alien when they spot them. So something is going wrong here. I'll ask Koki to take a look at it too, but if you guys find a reproduction case or have screenshots / saves then let me know.
  2. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Balance Changes: Accuracy values for all aliens has been reduced by roughly 10% overall, and enemy Accuracy modifiers have been reduced to 0.8x on Recruit difficulty (from 0.85x), and increased to 1.3x on Commander (from 1.2x). Overall, this means enemies have roughly the same Accuracy on Commander difficulty, roughly 10% less Accuracy on Soldier and Veteran, and 15%-20% less Accuracy on Recruit difficulty. Wraith Accuracy has been reduced by a little more than the other aliens, as their base Accuracy was so high. Secton Psionic Triangulation ability now grants +30 Accuracy when active (previously +50). Automed Module now heals +5HP a turn (previously +10HP). It is therefore still excellent for healing Bleeding Wounds, but it does not make Medikits completely redundant. Cleaner Accelerated Rifle is no longer slightly more accurate than the human equivalent. One Cyberdrone has been removed from the early Psyon terror sites / retaliation missions (so you now face 1 Cyberdrone on Recruit / Soldier, 2 on Veteran, and 3 on Commander. Bugfixes: Fixed a bug where certain mechanical units would not disappear correctly when killed (most frequently enemy Sentry Guns in the Cleaner Base). Fixed a bug where the Combat Shield would sometimes not disappear visually when destroyed. Fixed the Servitor playing a human injury sound. Fixed the Servitor's body not disappearing when destroyed. Fixed an issue where tooltips would spawn more quickly than they should in some situations (which could be quite annoying). Fixed interceptor evasive roll travelling further than intended if time was set to pass at 2x speed. Fixed a UI issue where it was possible to unintentionally transfer soldiers back to their own base. Fixed a bug where you could sometimes be unable to rotate the camera after loading a save. Fixed an issue on one of the Dockyard maps where there were some missing concrete walls on the water edge tiles.
  3. Yeah, Commander may need some changes too. But given it is still clearly possible to win the game on Commander (even using only 12 soldiers apparently), I don't want to nerf the top-end experience without having played it much myself. So I'll hold fire on that for now. However, the accuracy bonus affects the base stat of the alien - sectons only have like 45 Accuracy now. So it'd be 1.3 * 45 = 58.5, plus 50 for Psionic Triangulation gets you to 108.5, multiplied by whatever fire mode is being used on the weapon. Then you take off cover and smoke. So the values aren't quite as high as you're saying - but Psionic Triangulation may still need a bit of a nerf anyway. +50 might be a bit excessive. As for the shooting paths, the cone is slightly wider than perfectly diagonal when shooting around a corner. It's just a quirk in the way the tile grid works.
  4. You've got to remember that difficulty settings have a multiplicative effect on the amount of balancing required. Pretty much every mission has 3 or more alien species / teams that could spawn for them, and there's four different difficulty settings already. That means there's 12 possible ways that mission can be experienced already, and it's very difficult to stay on top of it as is - it seems like Sebillians are relatively quite a bit weaker than Wraiths, for example. If you add three settings for the troop numbers you can bring to battle, you're talking about nearly 40 possible configurations for a single mission.
  5. Thanks. Yeah, the game doesn't save the state of specific items - so if a shield or armour survives the battle, it has full HP next battle again. That's not idealy, but it's quite a major thing to add to the game and it's probably not worth the trouble. The grenades and ammo being redistributed isn't a bug exactly, as the system just collects all the items at the end of the battle and distributes them around your soldiers as fairly as possible based on what you left the base with. But I'll ask the programmers how possible it is to try and remember the existing loadouts so we just share out the items recovered from dead soldiers, and don't actually take items off the surviving soldiers to give to their friends. As for the HP loss, it's because soldiers become wounded on the strategy layer equal to the lowest HP level they suffered in battle (if you keep it as the maximum HP level, they'll never end up badly wounded). But I'll see if maybe we can apply this only when they return to base rather than immediately.
  6. We've now released another stability fix for Milestone 4 that fixes several more crashes / hangs. If you encounter further issues, please continue to report them and we'll continue to fix them for you. We've also been collecting player feedback since our balance patch last week, and it seems the general opinion is that the game is remains a little too hard - with the most common issues being that aliens feel too accurate, and a few specific missions (such as early Psyon / Wraith terror missions) just have too many enemies. We'll be releasing another balance patch to address this soon - but these changes will be felt more on the lower difficulty settings, as we believe Commander difficulty should remain a challenging experience. Changes / Bugfixes: Fixed the issue in the tutorial where the Cleaners were sometimes not reaching their intended positions, causing the tutorial to fail. Fixed a crash that could occur due to enemy overwatch fire. Fixed an AI hang that could occur during enemy overwatch fire. Fixed an AI hang that could occur during the AI turn during enemy movement. Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur on the Geoscape when transferring items / staff / aircraft between bases. Another attempt to fix the reinforced shield engineering project not unlocking correctly (from Ultradense Alloys). Fixed an instance where grenades would sometimes not explode when thrown, which would happen if the soldier rolled a miss and they scattered into an invalid location. Fixed some flickering walls on one of the Cleaner Data Raid maps. Fixed some issues with demolition grenades not showing their fire tiles correctly when targeting fences. Added updated translation files for most non-English languages.
  7. Again, thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll probably be making another round of balance tweaks for 4.19, mostly looking at the overall enemy accuracy levels on everything but Commander and maybe making that first terror site a bit less dangerous when facing Psyon or Wraith teams. I'll bear the other feedback in mind for Milestone 5, as we're a bit limited in terms of what we can change as part of a hotfix for Milestone 4.
  8. Thanks. I think I've already explained this once, but it's pretty straightforward - the game rolls to hit based on the hit chance shown on the cursor. If you hit, the shot goes where indicated. If you roll a miss, the shot will deviate so it doesn't hit the intended target. The maximum deviation is about 40 degrees in each direction, so it goes within an 80 degree arc from the front of the soldier. If that miss shot encounters a prop along the path, it rolls to see if it hits is based on the stopping chance of that prop - and if it hits it, then the grenade stops and explodes on the previous tile. That's probably what's happened in the attached video, although I'll have to check a bit to see. I think it missed and scattered through the tree clump to the right, which it hit, so the grenade fell to the ground and exploded. If that's what happens, the bug is that the treeclump should have been discarded as adjacent cover and you shouldn't be able to hit it.
  9. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Changes / Bugfixes: Fixed an AI hang that could occur during enemy reaction fire. Fixed a crash that could occur when transferring aircraft between bases. Fixed an instance where grenades would sometimes not explode when thrown, which would happen if the soldier rolled a miss and they scattered into an invalid location. Another attempt to fix the reinforced shield engineering project not unlocking correctly (from Ultradense Alloys). Updated the Spanish and Korean translations.
  10. Thanks - do you have any save games / logs we can look at? (details on where to find them here) Does the crash keep happening, or were you able to play further into the game after the crash happened?
  11. Could you post up a save game from just before the end of the first mission if you have one? Things like ammo and grenades shouldn't be replenished - the only exception is that a gun gets one free clip if it would otherwise start the mission empty. But it sounds like more than that is happening here.
  12. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Changes / Bugfixes: Added updated translation files for most non-English languages. Fixed a crash that could occur due to enemy overwatch fire. Fixed a hang that could occur during the AI turn. Fixed the issue in the tutorial where the Cleaners were sometimes not reaching their intended positions, causing the tutorial to fail. Fixed some flickering walls on one of the Cleaner Data Raid maps. Fixed some issues with demolition grenades not showing their fire tiles correctly when targeting fences.
  13. Can you try this? You might have some old files from an old campaign that are causing problems. The game certainly shouldn't be locking up when you try to change the customisation options. It seems to work fine for me on GOG Galaxy too. As for the soldier being kicked off the dropship - as Skitso says, is this for a Rescue Soldiers mission, or when the dropship lands back from the ATLAS base mission? Did the soldier take damage during the last combat?
  14. Did you play the tutorial? That should have explained it was right-click to rotate. If you knew that already, was there a particular place where you found it wasn't working reliably.
  15. Thanks. Yeah, 1 and 2 should be easy to do (although we'd probably use right-click for deselect) for the aircraft. 3 is a bigger feature but I'll bear it in mind for future.
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