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Training and perks


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I propose to add a branch training, and soldiers trained in the specialty:


2.Heavy weapons

3.Light and semi automatic weapons

4.Explosives, missles and grenades

5.Energy weapons(alien weapon).

Each branch is working on the characterization of a soldier, such as a sniper - akuratno and range. Heavy on the cargo and portable akuratno firing heavy weapons.

Also needed perks!

For example:

1. killed 200 blue aliens - was 5% more damage they cause

2.Throw 100 grenades - was to throw more 5metrov

3.suffered 3,000 HP damage - has +3% Armor

This will make the gameplay much more interesting.

Edited by NeoRad
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I don't think perks would be a good idea in a game where the soldiers are as expendible and interchangeble as they are in xenonats. It sounds cool but it probably won't add anything and just be a dissapointment in the end. It's uneccesary polish that just takes time from other features.

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Classes and Perks...

If you REALLY need those to figure out what your soldiers should be carrying go play the cheap X-Com knockoff Firaxis is putting together for the kiddies.

Yes I'm snippy, The application of lazy gimmicks to every new game I may enjoy is starting to grind my nerves as well as my patience. This is one of my last hopes for a NEW and complex game, and I don't want it cheapened by shoddy construction short-cuts. Thankfully what I've seen implies the development team isn't interested in said shortcuts.

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You could have auto descriptions instead? IE break down the stats needed (have to be relative stats as they all grow with time) and if your stat score is appropriate show 'Sniper' instead of you tagging it yourself? Might give a clue as to what the current stats make the guy best at... doesn't necessarily mean he'd HAVE to be a sniper, just that's what his stats suggest he'd be best at.

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I suppose this forum is not about Lord of the rings. I don't know how a guy from russia can propose such things. Russians are not so much follow the LOTR mainstream wtf? Stalin would have you executed dude

Hello comrade Russophobe ;)

Perks I first saw the game "Fallout 2" in 1996, since then they have just added the game quality. Perks are not so hard to do.

And in thy "LOTR " I just do not play

Edited by NeoRad
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I think that would be fun to have hidden perks. Ie you will never know what perks your soldier have. You will only see them as a stats difference or smth. ;)

As for perks like in civ3 i don't really like it.


Now i refer to Vladimir Vasiliev "Enemy Unknown" book again:

Xcom soldier could not use alien pistol or rifle during combat until it was researched. There was a certain mind directive to be given to pistol to toggle safety catch. After the weapon was researched xcom soldiers were trained to toggle specific safety.

During one of the terror missions civilian hacker have picked up an alien weapon and participated in the combat. He was accepted into xcom team. It became clear that he can not be mind controlled but can not mind control aliens himself. During one of the late missions he pretended to sectoid that he is under the mind controll came to him and choked him off.

That it is a fun perk.

Edited by KOKON
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I believe adding a little helper regarding what role suits your soldiers best wouldn't be bad. However, as per the manual, this is probably going to be implemented as "role badges", which has that reminder functionality but without real "perks" or statistical differences. I think it wouldn't be too bad if the soldiers had additional properties that distinguished them, but creating some hundred perks (so they don't all repeat all the time) for guys that are going to die left and right on their first mission might be superfluous.

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Yeah the role badges basically let you set your soldiers to be a "class", but all that does it make it easier to give them a common equipment loadout and spot at a glance what the soldier is good at.

KOKON, I'm not sure you're being particularly helpful here. I don't actually have any idea what you're talking about in most of your posts in this thread.

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Yes, let's have the perk 'Fairy Feet' so someone can traipse across landmines without setting them off, etc. I tend to find that kind of stuff not only annoying, but if you hide it, I can't tell if FuFu can do this or not. or 'Bulwark' with the ability to ignore damage a set % of time... Or Pinky Rings! for ultimate bling blinding!




I'm about to get crude here, so turn away.

I'm tired of the Candy-ass casual genre waterdown effect I'm seeing across the board in strategy or Real-Time Spam gaming. I say we draw a line in the FORKIN sand right here, right now. And say "NO MORE! This Far and NO FURTHER!" Don't mind me, I'm just tired of a number of dev teams (here excluded) pissing on my head and telling me it's rain.

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LMAO I'm actually working on not swearing as much, so freakin, forkin, and a few other words get put in place of various swearing. people look at me a little funny, but are usually less offended. If only because they don't realize what I meant ;)

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I don't know why you're so mad about perk/trait systems. Sure, they can be done poorly, but if done properly, they add a human aspect to each unit. It really depends on how well it's executed. For example, in the Total War series, the perks and retinues created a sense of personality for each of your generals/agents. Delusions of grandeur, a manipulative spouse or a paranoid personality give each unit in those games a personality trait that the gamer can relate with and see as a human quality as well as providing a statistical effect on the game (Paranoia reduces chance of being assassinated, delusions of grandeur reduces loyalty etc.)

X-COM: UFO Defense (or UFO: Enemy Unknown) had a system similar to a perk system, but was more subtle. Everything was randomized. Is there really a huge difference between having a recruit with 10 bravery and a unit with a "Coward" perk that reduces his bravery to 10? Obviously, if the developers make a joke of it and make perks called "Fairie Feet" or "Twinkle Toes," then we lose out on immersion, but perks like "Steel Nerve" or "Honorable" add dimensions of humanity to each and every unit and those same traits can and do exist in real life soldiers.

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I'm aprehensive against a perk system in a game like this as well. I just can't imagine a perk system working well, (and im pretty fond of the first and second fallout games and their perk system). People suggest it because its cool in other games, but it really wouldnt be in a squadbased game like this.

And no I do not think it's similar. First of all you have just mentioned a stats changeing perk, we could simply have the same "subtle" random stats and have no need for a perk system. Secondly unless I'm mistakeing the bravery stat could be increased in X-com.

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Yep, as said up there perks will add a looot of micromanage. It would be nice to have a training area but just to train plain attributes, it would take missions and actual battle to make your soldiers gain ranks, bravery, reaction etc...

I remember when I was like 15 yo playing UFO Enemy Unknown and taking advantage of such things, I had 2 squads and kept one of them on constant PSI training. Then switched and... every battle was easy as ... easy as... ok Im not good with metaphors in this language :D

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Yep, as said up there perks will add a looot of micromanage. It would be nice to have a training area but just to train plain attributes, it would take missions and actual battle to make your soldiers gain ranks, bravery, reaction etc...

I remember when I was like 15 yo playing UFO Enemy Unknown and taking advantage of such things, I had 2 squads and kept one of them on constant PSI training. Then switched and... every battle was easy as ... easy as... ok Im not good with metaphors in this language :D

Easy as pie is a fairly common one. Or you could describe it as a cake-walk.

Now I'm hungry.

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I'll freely admit that there are some games where perks are awesome. The newer Fallouts used them to reasonable effect, the original Bioshock also used something similar to enhance plasmids.

That being said, I don't think they belong in military squad/strategy games, which is what Xenonauts is to me. Yeah, there are aliens, but who's kickin em in the daddybags? A bunch of pissed off Infantry ;)

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In a game with a single character, or a small group of significant ones, the perks would work.

In Xenonauts your ground squad limit is 16 troops.

You may have several of these squads plus several more to defend your bases from attack.

That would be a lot of perks to identify, sort, and keep track of.

It would have to be an important part of the game to make that effort worthwhile but not so important that losing a few trained troops would ruin your chances of winning.

All in all I am against it because I don't feel it adds enough interest to the game to make the integration and balancing of the feature worthwhile.

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