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  1. I think preorders should have exclusive access to helmets for their squad. If the plebs want helmets, let them pay for DLC. On a serious note, big grats to Goldhawk on going on Steam. Been great watching you guys grow and progress over the years.
  2. Thought that was the policy, but seeing 2 download tiers kinda threw me (I always just use the Desura client, first time trying the page). Thanks for helping clear it up.
  3. Says download now I preordered a good while before Desura came into the picture. If there's no difference in versions, and won't be in the future, I guess it doesn't matter, though.
  4. Well, I see deb, rpm, and dmg versions, so no windows version that I see, but the Premium versions of those all want me to pay 29.99. I imagine if it's mid update, things are wonky, but I'm just curious if I'm not on file as a Premium Preorder with Desura, or if this is normal?
  5. Curious, is it normal to be Premium, but only have access to the standard versions through the Desura website?
  6. I hear ya Montie. After JA:BiA and what X-COM is looking to turn into, Xenonauts is about the only game on the horizon I'm actually excited about.
  7. 7.62 High Calibre (brigade e5 sequel) with the Blue Sun Mod is definitely worth a look. The mod's a must.
  8. Point taken and valid. I'm just thinking more along the lines that they've likely already had to make major changes to their vision to accommodate their publisher. A lot of fans, the people who would donate, are disturbed by the direction of their new game, so I'd imagine a kickstarter would fall flat.
  9. No particular order: X-COM Final Fantasy 6 Operation Flashpoint Diablo 1 & 2 Independence War 2 Jagged Alliance 2 Fallout 1 & 2 Demon's Souls Xenogears Dominions 3
  10. Bah, there is no war. It's all a matter of economics and the frustration protectionist markets can generate. But, w/e, I'll drop it.
  11. I generally consider consolization to be when options are reduced to accommodate quicker play and a limited input device. Consoles are great for action games where you're controlling a single characters movement, but I find them pretty lacking without keyboard and mouse support for strategy or tactical games. In the end, most people can afford a console and they're about as easy to mess up as a microwave. That gives them the largest market share. Most AAA games will be target that market. PC gets relegated to mostly ports. Is one better than the other? Well, I can play any console game from the PS2 back on my PC using my PS3 controller through bluetooth. I can play those wonderful PC games that have lots of menus and options that I so love. I can't play any PC games on my PS3, though (I wish I had the old model with Linux capability). I can't play Battlefield 3 with a keyboard and mouse on my console. However, I can play with my friends online that can't afford a decent gaming rig, and most games are designed for my console first and foremost, so they don't have frustrating ported controls (I'm looking at you, Skyrim). Both have their pros and cons. PC is definitely superior in functionally, but it's not so affordable. It's kinna like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford Focus. Wouldn't it be great if we could all drive Ferrari's? I don't look at Xenonauts so much as changing things, as much as refining things. I'm not sure if Firaxis is innovating or butchering, yet.
  12. Gotta agree on this being minimal priority. If we were talking about a more JA2 type tactical combat with the ability to climb, sneak, shoot specific body parts, quite a bit of statistical differences between weapons, being able to find or build the perfect tool for the job is important. With this it seems a bit frivolous, though.
  13. Been pondering this a lot when I check out the alpha builds. It's definitely a piece of polish that helped with the mood of X-COM, having the oily black Chrysalid barely visible at the edge of FoW. Curious if the possibility of an overlay has been explored yet?
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