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Xenonauts: Community Edition 0.34.2


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Version 0.34.2 of Xenonauts: Community Edition has been released.

Installation (Windows Steam users):

  • Switch to the Community branch in Steam by right-clicking on Xenonauts, selecting Properties, going to the Betas tab and selecting Community. No access code is needed.
  • You can enable/disable mods in "Modding Tools" in the game launcher.
  • You can revert to the standard official game by switching back to the NONE branch in Steam.

Installation (other users):

1. Download the base mod and the mod package.

2. Launch the old version of the game, install the base mod using Modding Tools. Alternatively: extract the base mod into assets/mods/xce, overwriting everything.

3. Exit the game launcher.

4. Run the new executable from assets/mods/xce. It should display the version 0.34.2. Using this launcher, go to Modding Tools and install the mod pack. Say Yes when asked about overwriting mods.

5. You can now play from assets/mods/xce, or optionally copy the files to the main game installation folder.

What is the relation between X:CE 0.34.2 and Xenonauts 1.6x?

  • The official Xenonauts releases incorporate some features/fixes from an older X:CE version, and some have intentionally not been included. 
  • X:CE 0.34.2 should contain all relevant Xenonauts 1.6x fixes and new features. If you already play X:CE, there should be no advantage to switching to Xenonauts 1.6x.
  • X:CE 0.34 can read saved games from Xenonauts 1.5x or Xenonauts 1.6x, but Xenonauts 1.6x cannot read normal X:CE 0.34.2 saved games. Switching option saveCompatibility in assets/gameconfig.xml to "gh15x" before running X:CE should produce saves in a format that Xenonauts 1.5x or 1.6x can read (keep the option as "xce" for normal play, otherwise some new X:CE values may not be kept in save files). Note that Xenonauts 1.6x may still be unable to load such a saved game if it includes objects it doesn't know (e.g. researches from the Lore+ mod, or incendiary grenades from X:CE).

Changes from 0.34.1:

This is a version that mostly focuses on modding, bringing numerous new options for mod creators to take advantage of. There are also bug fixes and mapping fixes in this version.

Crash fixes

  • Fixed a rare crash when an alien would attempt to mind control multiple enemies.
  • Fixed a rare crash with air superiority missions.

Bug fixes

  • AP-damaging weapons should now work even if the weapon does 0 normal damage.
  • Airplanes that have 4 weapons, of which 1 is a cannon, will correctly show all 4 slots in the air combat UI.
  • Vehicles can now take EMP damage. This should not affect the base game, only some mods.
  • Fixed Saviour Medal / Crux Solaris display (from 1.65).
  • Loading a saved game will no longer reset the minimum cooldown of Terror or Base Attack missions.
  • Quantum radars will now properly identify the city targeted by a Terror mission.
  • Fixed the text shown if an alien base is detected by an airplane.
  • Avoided duplication of alien base if detected by several airplanes.


  • Reapers will now attack vehicles as they were intended to (change in the X:CE Balance mod).


  • Melee aliens can now be allowed to attack vehicles, on a race/rank basis.
  • A LockManufactures command has been added, which will remove the ability to manufacture an item.
  • Added ability to add custom categories to the Manufacturing UI.
  • Allowed control over zombification and Reaper spawning. Aliens can now turn enemies into any race/rank type. Such zombies can now also spawn any alien, and with a customizable timer.
  • Allowed a configuration where lost continents can be retaken. If enabled, lost continents will automatically spawn one alien base, and the player has to kill that base (and any others on the continent) to regain it.
  • Descriptions for manufacture projects can now be added. Add a new string with the ID ManTech.X.Description, for instance, ManTech.MiG32.Description. It will be shown in the workshop screen.
  • Custom sort order for the stores screen can be provided in items.xml in the "Sort order" column.
  • More building sizes now supported for base buildings, such as 3x2 and all the way to 6x1.
  • Extra sizes for alien bases that can be used to create custom missions.
  • Allowed creation of new gas types that can do damage multiple times per turn, that is, for each tile passed with that gas.


  • In the Stores screen, items are now sorted. Players can sort by a column, by clicking on it.
  • Categories in the Manufacture UI are now sorted.
  • Xenonaut soldiers holding a medkit and a weapon (the usual being medkit + pistol) will now appear with the weapon in their hands instead of empty-handed.


  • Included a fix for many bookshelf tiles across different maps. It was previously impossible to stand next to them.
  • Updated maps in Skitso's Ultimate Megamix pack, fixing issues with stairs in desert scrap yards.
  • Included the Xenonauts Fix Pack mod by Policenaut that fixes many small issues in various maps.
  • Included Tropical and Swamp maps as an optional mod.

Included Mods

  • Xenonauts Fix Pack - new mod by Policenaut, on by default, fixes many small mapping issues across the game.
  • Tropical and Swamp tileset - new mod by Policenaut based on work of Khall, TT3, Frankel and others. Adds new tropical and swamp maps to the game.


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  • Solver pinned this topic

As the Lead of the X-Division development team, i want to thank you to give us so much time. All team is hyped crazy, everyone works on this like a real job.. 3 team member's computer lost their GCU on this journey. 

Probably a default game player won't notice that 0.01 difference between 0.34.1 and 0.34.2 but it's dedicated for modding and for X-Divisions crazy ideas. If you think that a "0" and "1"  could be a game changer, this additions will make us rewrite all the mod.

X-Division is here because there is X-CE. 

Thank you for letting us create the ultimate X-Com experience.

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2 minutes ago, drages said:

As the Lead of the X-Division development team, i want to thank you to give us so much time. All team is hyped crazy, everyone works on this like a real job.. 3 team member's computer lost their GCU on this journey. 

Probably a default game player won't notice that 0.01 difference between 0.34.1 and 0.34.2 but it's dedicated for modding and for X-Divisions crazy ideas. If you think that a "0" and "1"  could be a game changer, this additions will make us rewrite all the mod.

X-Division is here because there is X-CE. 

Thank you for letting us create the ultimate X-Com experience.



- Charon

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20:37 - Charon: omg omg omg omg its downloading
20:37 - Drages: heh yeah
20:38 - Charon: its here, its coming omg omg omg omg :):):):)
20:38 - Drages: the new era has began
20:39 - Charon: 26,3 mb omg omg
20:39 - Charon: the weight of our dreams
20:40 - Drages: i am tired and sick a bit.. so going bad now..
20:40 - Drages: bed*
20:41 - Drages: cya soon
20:41 - Charon: k, cya, all the best to you
20:41 - Charon: and some tortilla falaffel
20:42 - Charon: they taste good
20:43 - Drages: it gave me a corrupt file error
20:43 - Drages: did u finish the update?
20:44 - Charon: jup, i can try
Montag, 17. Oktober 2016
20:45 - Charon: works like a charm
20:45 - Charon: you have to check your anti virus thing
20:45 - Drages: i dont have any
20:45 - Charon: it detects the update as an virus
20:46 - Drages: lol
20:46 - Charon: every pc has at least a standart one
20:46 - Charon: even more so windows 10
20:46 - Drages: steam itself said it
20:47 - Charon: than verify game integrity while you sleep
20:47 - Drages: now it installs more..
20:47 - Charon: hm ... everything is smoother
20:47 - Charon: and there is no loading error for saves
20:47 - Charon: faster load, faster frames, faster screen
20:49 - Drages: really?
20:49 - Drages: o.o
20:49 - Charon: yes, it looks to me like that
20:49 - Charon: there was always a bit of stutter
20:50 - Charon: xwarriow survived a ballistic hmg to the face
20:50 - Charon: thats new
20:50 - Drages: wow 34.2 buffed them
20:52 - Charon: can i post this ?
20:52 - Drages: what where?
20:53 - Charon: in the announcement forum
20:53 - Drages: we did not talk about cool things?
20:53 - Charon: we did
20:54 - Charon: so ?
20:54 - Drages: np for me


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^Same here, thank you Solver!

On 16.10.2016 at 9:12 PM, Solver said:

Allowed creation of new gas types that can do damage multiple times per turn, that is, for each tile passed with that gas.

Lol, all this time, all those many playthroughs of Xenonauts, I always thought that this was how gas/fire/smoke worked by default. :p
This is also means that EMP-mine launcher from XMC mod can finally work to its full potential! :D

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5 minutes ago, sfarrelly said:

Solver may want to add a disclaimer to his 34.2 release as its not backwards compatible with any mod that renames a category. I think the sorting was caused by him sorting the original categories alphabetically. Not an issue for us as we can easily ignore all the existing ones and make new ones as we want them ordered (like you said :) )

EDIT: About the vanilla manufacture categories.

Edited by Charon
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17 minutes ago, Sentelin said:

Hey, it's nice to see that this project (and generally modding scene) is still going. :)

Whoa, Sentelin!

Good to see you here. I'm also quite happy that the Xenonauts community is still alive - it may not be a huge community but there's new content still coming and it's doing great for a 2+ year old low-budget game, and I'm happy to do my part!

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2 minutes ago, Solver said:

Whoa, Sentelin!

Good to see you here. I'm also quite happy that the Xenonauts community is still alive - it may not be a huge community but there's new content still coming and it's doing great for a 2+ year old low-budget game, and I'm happy to do my part!

Read our latest post :).


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15 hours ago, Solver said:

Whoa, Sentelin!

Good to see you here. I'm also quite happy that the Xenonauts community is still alive - it may not be a huge community but there's new content still coming and it's doing great for a 2+ year old low-budget game, and I'm happy to do my part!

Yeah, hard to believe that it has been 2+ year now, hasn't it?  And they are quite enthusiastic and vocal (I'm looking at X-division team),it reminds a bit of how things were back when X1 was in EA and couple of months after the launch of the game :D

Also Xenonauts 2 is on the horizon (you bet, I will pre-order it today) and you are back supporting small busy modding community, not bad at all for such a low budged game . It's bit of shame, that some modding projects died and some of modders moved on, but hey, it's not end of the world.


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We detected 2 issues at new things.

1. Country recapture: If there is a country which is not under alien control and you destroy a base over it, game act like you recaptured it and makes your point with that country to the recaptured state.

2. Melee vehicles: The "meleevehicles" ability only works under "reaper" race AI.. i tried to use that under new races i created and it did not work.

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4 hours ago, drages said:

1. Country recapture: If there is a country which is not under alien control and you destroy a base over it, game act like you recaptured it and makes your point with that country to the recaptured state.

Ah, that would be a bug.


4 hours ago, drages said:

2. Melee vehicles: The "meleevehicles" ability only works under "reaper" race AI.. i tried to use that under new races i created and it did not work.

This should not be so, there is nothing specific to Reapers. Something else might be different with your race or the weapons they use. Do they, for instance, have a weapon with bulletType "melee" and props isMelee="1"?

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21 minutes ago, Solver said:

This should not be so, there is nothing specific to Reapers. Something else might be different with your race or the weapons they use. Do they, for instance, have a weapon with bulletType "melee" and props isMelee="1"?

I worked today fully about this.

After tons of tests, i took "same" melee unit as a rank under reaper AI and "same" under xeno AI created by me. I put 4 of both to same map and i tested. 4 attacked to vehicle as soon as possible other 4 cleaned all soldiers and just walking here and there without touching to vehicle.

So there should be a connection. Like the andron/drone relation ship as i explained to you.. there is something hidden in the game, which creates unexpected AI behavior..

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