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Xenonauts: Community Edition 0.34.2


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On 16.10.2016 at 8:15 PM, Solver said:

Starting with 0.34.2, gases can be allowed to do damage multiple times per turn. In such a case they will work like fire does, dealing damage for every tile a Xenonaut/alien passes that has the gas. To enable this, edit the relevant gas in gas_gc.xml and in its Props, set:



What props ?

EDIT: i only edited them in gas_gc.xml.

Edited by Charon
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Yeah that's the idea. So stun gas:

<Props damage="0" stunDamage="40" damageType="chemical" dissipationChance="50" accuracyReduction="10" />

should become

<Props damage="0" stunDamage="40" damageType="chemical" dissipationChance="50" accuracyReduction="10" multiplePerTurn="1" />


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Just now, Solver said:

Yeah that's the idea. So stun gas:

<Props damage="0" stunDamage="40" damageType="chemical" dissipationChance="50" accuracyReduction="10" />

should become

<Props damage="0" stunDamage="40" damageType="chemical" dissipationChance="50" accuracyReduction="10" multiplePerTurn="1" />


Confirmed not working then.

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13 minutes ago, Solver said:

Is this with "Sort order" unimplemented (-1) for the items?

Thanks for the video!

The wha .., ah right. Where do i find the code ?

Ah right, items. Hm ... . We havent even integrated that part yet.

Let me test real quick.


So, no change.

This it is with Drakus Lua and has 3 sorting orders in comparision to the 2 XCE has.


Edited by Charon
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Future Improvement suggestion:

If the modlauncher wouldnt put not yet installed mods below the X:CE, mostly from steam, it wouldnt tell the player that the modloading order is messed up and ask to sort it automatically, as this confuses many players EDIT and messes up every individual order if "Yes" gets pressed.

Either put the not yet installed ones on top of the list and/or tell the player he does not have installed mods yet.

Edited by Charon
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On 28.10.2016 at 10:36 PM, sfarrelly said:

I've been trying to find the source of the glitched maps, but no luck so far, read on.


Since then, I've run through another terror battleship, this time with the xenonauts fix pack activated. Results were the same, attached save and pic.

battleship 2.png

Please note that both battleship pics are single level views, that door is off to one side, and not floating in mid-air as it may appear.

Hope it helps find the problem :) 


terror battleship 2.sav


The problem was a dublicated isUFODoor code line. It only concerns X-Division i think.

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@Solver Any ETA on a public release including the fixes for multiplePerTurn, non reaper melee and working Geoscape music after GC? I'm cooking up a "vanilla Xenonauts expansion" and it mostly needs the multiplePerTurn fix so I'll have to wait for that fix to go public before releasing. No need to rush it though since I still have some work left before releasing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys.

I have a font size problem at xenopedia. I use 1920*1200 with amd radeon hd 6870.

I tried different resolutions but the font of xenopedia was always too small.

Another in-game font and UI scale looks very good and comfortable. Only font size of xenopedia is annoying.

Is there any solution?

Edited by IIIZechIII
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  • 3 weeks later...


Heads up fpr the alphabetical sorting. It functions correctly, the reported bug was a mistake on my side, because all items need to have a -1 sort order, even if you dont know what you are doing with it. So not filling the column with a -1 produces a different result than putting a -1 in.

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