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Charon last won the day on November 30 2022

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  1. Ok, I think everybody in this thread needs to calm down. I think one of the reasons why @ Bernie22405 feels slighted is because he feels like his voice is not being heard in what he wants to say. So let me give you my impression of what he wants to say. [] How much the automed heals is unspecififed. That information would be useful to the player. [] Because of the heavy reduction in healing power Bernie22405 personally feels like that that that blow would be too much to his specific playstyle to still enjoy playing the game in this state. He would prefer a smoother change in order to still enjoy playing the game. [] Taking a medikit and an automed is currently unviable because of WEIGHT reasons. All of this points are valid points to make as a beta tester for a game, irrelevant whether or not they are actually accurate. They provide value to the game developers and to the final version of the game. @ Chris you should propably re-read Bernie22405 s answers because you dont seem to be reading the same thing I do. @ Skitso s I dont mind insults, but you are not adding anything to the discussion, but are just escalating it. When a beta tester voices his opinion that a particular change makes him quit the game, than that is 1) incredibly useful for a game developer to know, because that feedback paired with other information might lead him to develope a better game, and 2) is a valid information to make as a beta tester. In all cases its better for everyone involved that such opinion is voiced, than somebody just quietly leaving the game, the forum and the position of a beta tester and nobody is none the wiser because of why. As a beta tester you will inevitably come to a point where the changes to the game make you no longer enjoy testing/playing the game. Thats natural. Thats called burnout. Everybody gets it at one point. People come, people go. You thank the people who want to leave for their service so far, and you move on. The best thing you can do is to acknowledge that that person is enjoying a different state of the game, but the project as a whole still has to move on. I want to remind everybody that Quality Assurance and beta testing was once a job in the industry that took up to 50% of the budget involved. One of the reasons why indie developers can even deliver products nowadays is because they outsource QA/testing to the wide range of users. Being a beta tester is [] unpaid [] time consuming and [] not thanked for. The only thing you might even get out of being a beta tester is the consciousness of having partaken in a process to create something that more people than you will ever meet in your life enjoy to the utmost. For taking up the role of a beta tester, and people like him who take up this role, providing invaluable feedback, which shaped and will shape the game into a better version of itself, I thank @Bernie22405 Cheers Charon
  2. @Chrisgo to bed. Its 23 52. You can work tomorrow. Which is in a few minutes. :P
  3. At the right side you have a green square that the path of the damage can take, around the corner. Hence the damage. The way that a grenade does transfer energy are: 1. Shrapnels (which travel in a straight path), 2. Shockwaves (which compress air and take the path of the least resistance), 3. chemical (which can travel the path of air), and 4. heat (which also travels with the path of air). 1. cannot travel around corners, but 2.,3. and 4. can. It depends on how you define your grenade technology to work. It worked like this since X1.
  4. As the current creative content holder following announcements and clarifications have been added: These clarifications have been added to address installation questions as well as removing ambiguity of how to reuse creative content of the project. Cheers ! Charon
  5. This is absolutely genius. They are becoming self-aware. @Chris had to ping you about this. But the question is real, the forum is overrun by bots, but at what point can we no longer distinguish authenticate human posts from bot ones ?
  6. Indeed. You picked up on that very well. Indeed he keeps his side of the football field "clean". Though somebody suggested that i am in the wrong thread for this kind of talk, so i will get lost ;).
  7. That somebody translated "Cleaners" as "Ausputzer" either doesnt know any german, or has intricate football knowledge, or wants to make an elaborate joke or uses google translate. Google translate actually thinks this is correct. All your base are belong to us. Such translations really add some spice to a game.
  8. wrong categoy ? Unless you redesigned the interface, and hooked Xenonauts.exe into unity and remade the game ? Edit: Doesnt seem to be the first time this happened.
  9. I tend to take charge of projects is participate in, so that has advantages and disadvantages. Here is just my 2 cents. The most important part that is missing in this thread are end users. People who can NOT program but want to mod. You need 2 groups of people. One group of people who can make the actual program, and the second group of people who can not program but would like to produce creative content. People who want to mod and can program are put into the group of people who can program. The question that you have to ask yourself is what is the target audience. You could propably answer that by saying that the target audience are people who are willing to produce creative content. This target audience will propably be somewhere beetween people who can program, and people who cant. The big discrepancy is not in the quality, but the quantity. The overwhelming amount of people who want to create creative content cant program, even if the quality is not on par. If you want to have a high quantity of creative content make tools which are designed for people who dont know how to use computers, if you want to get high quality mods you have to increase the capability of the tools. One of the examples of a very programmy system is @ Illunaks modmerging system: https://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/index.php?/topic/11156-documentation-modular-mods-system/. Very handy for programmers indeed, but nobody else used it because nobody understood how it worked. The other problem is that the modular mod system is actually a chain. Have one faulty mod in your mod loading order and everything may break down. Even worse, without actually notifying the user of it. 20 hours into the campaign and it breaks. If your software can be misused, the users will misuse it. Simply put you need QA. Otherwise you will simply end up with wolves designing a barn for sheep. Very handy for wolves indeed ... Other thoughts include: Proprietary or open source ? Version Control ? Git ? Public hosting ? Licenses ? Dependencies ? Contracts ? Which GUI library ? Programming Language ? This post does not express my interest in participating, merely my interest in getting quality tools running. Otherwise you will simply end up with dead code ... Cheers Charon
  10. Dieser Beitrag sollte jetzt nur noch funktionierende Links enthalten. Man darf @ Solver danken.
  11. @Solver Please delete the links: OP link works
  12. Ive downloaded every single link in this thread and its always 0 bytes. Except for my own one, which i uploaded: This ones works correctly. The confusion comes from the fact that this thread is full of links which dont work. I recommend removing all links in this thread which actually dont work, with a note that a moderator edited each post, in its post, and move my own version into the OP. Currently no links in this thread work except mine. Cheers @ Solver <3 PS: I can assist in the german language, if the need arises.
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