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Xenonauts: Community Edition 0.34.2


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NEW RACE Xenomoprh drone. DOES NOT attack vehicle.

<AI MODMERGEATTRIBUTE="race" MODMERGE="insert" race="xenodrone">
                Environment ="-10"
                CautiousDistance = "1"/>
                NormalDamage = "2.0"
                StunDamage = "2.0"
                EmpDamage = "2.0" />
                DamagePreference = "3" 
                KillPreference = "5" 
                RankPreference = "3" />

    <Sounds death="ReaperDeath" injury="ReaperInjury" />
    <Props sightRange="16" suppressionMultiplier="0.0" moveSpeed="300" stairsMoveSpeed="200" />
    <GibbedSpectre name="particles/gibbed_alien/gibbed_alien" />

<Rank  type="XDrone">
                Environment ="-10"
                CautiousDistance = "1"/>

      <Props APs="150" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="300" Reflexes="200" Bravery="100" Abilities="Regeneration,MeleeVehicles" CrouchDisabled="1" />
      <Armour kinetic="30" energy="10" chemical="40" incendiary="4" />
      <Items killed="Items.XDroneCorpse" stunned="Items.XDrone" />
      <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />
          <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.droneclaws" />



REAPER AI Xenomorph drone, does attacks to vehicle.

 <AI MODMERGEATTRIBUTE="race" MODMERGE="replace" race="Reaper">  
                Environment ="-10"
                CautiousDistance = "1"/>
                NormalDamage = "2.0"
                StunDamage = "2.0"
                EmpDamage = "2.0" />
                DamagePreference = "3" 
                KillPreference = "5" 
                RankPreference = "3" />

    <Sounds death="ReaperDeath" injury="ReaperInjury" />
    <Props sightRange="16" suppressionMultiplier="0.0" moveSpeed="300" stairsMoveSpeed="200" />
    <GibbedSpectre name="particles/gibbed_alien/gibbed_alien" />

<Rank  type="XDrone">
                Environment ="-10"
                CautiousDistance = "1"/>

      <Props APs="150" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="300" Reflexes="200" Bravery="100" Abilities="Regeneration,MeleeVehicles" CrouchDisabled="1" />
      <Armour kinetic="30" energy="10" chemical="40" incendiary="4" />
      <Items killed="Items.XDroneCorpse" stunned="Items.XDrone" />
      <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />
          <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.droneclaws" />




DRONE WEAPON both AI used this..

 <Weapon MODMERGEATTRIBUTE="name" MODMERGE="insert" name="weapon.droneclaws" bulletType="melee" emptySound="Empty Click 1">
        <props range="1000" hands="1" recoil="0" weight="1" isHeavy="1" clipSize="999" isMelee="1" isIntegrated="1" reloadAPCost="10" reloadSound="" reactionModifier="0" />
        <SingleShot sound="ReaperInjury" delay="0.1" suppressionValue="100" suppressionRadius="1">
            <Set1 ap="20" accuracy="300" />
        <GUIImage name="gui/weapons/stunbaton.png"/>
        <GroundImage name="grounditemimages/stunbaton.png"/>
            <Ammo name="ammo.ballistic.shockbaton" type="kinetic" damage="25" stunDamage="0" mitigation="0">

As you weapon and AI code are all same, only the race is different.

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3 minutes ago, Solver said:

Aha. I may have found the thing that makes Reapers special. In that case it's a bit surprising that any other melee aliens work at all...

Tell me, have you seen some unexpected behaviour differences between Reapers and other melee aliens before?

I said that :P.. this game works with surprises anyway.. so i did not surprise so much :)

Differences.. uhmmm... to be honest as the reapers only one shot zombify, it's hard to compare with normal DPS reapers. But i can say that, i worked on AI to make them aggressive.. they were very shy and mostly they did not want to attack.. but i handled it with the code.. so i can't say something specific.. maybe you can tell me about it and i can connect it to some behavior i experienced when i was coding the AI..

The thing is, i think you read our topic too, melee got an urge against vehicles.. i was working on this and noticed this bug so stopped.. I don't see any other problem..

I am waiting your news :)

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1 hour ago, Solver said:

Tell me, have you seen some unexpected behaviour differences between Reapers and other melee aliens before?

For clarification reasons all melee units were under the "reaper" race at all times even back in the 0.98 days. So we only recently started to gain experience with non "reaper" race melee units.

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2 minutes ago, Solver said:

Ah. Because there may be issues with non-Reaper melee units being, for instance, less aggressive. Not sure, it's not so easy to tell, which is why I asked about your first-hand experiences.

Well, this was unfortunate.

The reapers were more sneaky without any extra code at their aggresive AI coding. I needed to rise the numbers for make all melee units to engage xenonauts without thinking their lives. As you see at the code, I doubled all the weapon damage and target pathing preferences. At the end, i could handle the situation.

Now i don't have any problem with melee AI at all.

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I've been trying to find the source of the glitched maps, but no luck so far, read on.

28 minutes ago, sfarrelly said:

A few comments on the new mods shipped with XCE 34.2 and whats causing the map glitches.

Some more pics for all to laugh at. These houses actually don't have walls this time (they're not invisible like the previous pics, they're simply not there. I guess architecture principles have changed over the years :p )farmhouse 3.pngfarmhouse 4.png

This new form of structural engineering was achieved by having the map fix pack deactivated. The "invisible" walls were with it activated.

It has also had a detrimental effect on Terror Battleships (probably all battleships, but only confirmed terror so far)

terror battleship hull door.png

The aliens have decided that hull doors are kind of superfluous to their design and shunted it off into the superstructure of the hull (which seems to have destroyed the actual door itself in the process, that wasn't caused by explosives). I've seen it on 3 of them now, all are the same.

This was with ONLY X:CE Extra Map packs activated in additon to all previous X:CE 34.1 mods. Both "Tropical and Swamp Tileset" and "Xenonauts Fix Pack" are deactivated. I think i'll reactivate the fix pack and see if it makes farmhouse walls just invisible again (that could have been pure coincidence) or has any effect on the terror battleship.

I've attached more saves with all of the above (ignore the name "invisible" in one of them, it should be "missing")


invisible walls 3.sav

no walls.sav

terror battleship.sav

Since then, I've run through another terror battleship, this time with the xenonauts fix pack activated. Results were the same, attached save and pic.

battleship 2.png

Please note that both battleship pics are single level views, that door is off to one side, and not floating in mid-air as it may appear.

Hope it helps find the problem :) 


terror battleship 2.sav

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I've seen that building with the missing walls myself!

Unfortunately, I know nothing about mapping or how maps in the game work, so this is a bummer. The additions in 0.34.2 are the tropical maps and the Fix Pack, but these do not seem to be the issue according to you...

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Feedback for future versions:

The config.xml could use explanation tags bebhind the code to explain what they are actually doing, preferable in detail. Exactly like the gameconfig.xml does it.

For instance its hard to guess what <AlienRoomVisibility>true</AlienRoomVisibility> actually does and most other code lines are the same.

Thank you for your time you spend on XCE !

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I will try to see if I can fix that farmhouse and add it to the fix pack (latest version is on nexusmods and steam workshop), I think it might be related to one of the older map packs (there were a bunch of bugs with the wooden farmhouses one of them added).

Are the terror battleships part of X-Division? Vanilla Xenonauts don't have UFOs on terror maps as far as I know. I personally don't use that mod but if you could upload the .xml files for them (somewhere in the maps/town and maps/soviettown folder I presume) I could take a look at it.

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1 hour ago, Policenaut said:

Are the terror battleships part of X-Division? Vanilla Xenonauts don't have UFOs on terror maps as far as I know. I personally don't use that mod but if you could upload the .xml files for them (somewhere in the maps/town and maps/soviettown folder I presume) I could take a look at it.

Sorry, I might have explained them poorly. They are called terror ********ship as they're the ones that start terror (and base)  attacks, but don't appear on either map (unless you shoot them down beforehand, which is what i've done here). I think they're based off the vanilla battleship (but my memory of the vanilla game is a little fuzzy, its been 2 years since i played vanilla).

I'll attach the .xmls for them both landed and crashed. We haven't changed them since forever :p 

Extract into ......\maps\ directory



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@Solver @sfarrelly

One question regarding the missing wooden farmhouse walls - do you guys have X:CE higher in priority than the Restored Community Map Pack?
It seems that X:CE "fixes" various spectres in RCMP by moving them from the common tile folder and into the farm folder in this case. I remember reading on the forums somewhere when I learned about mapping in Xenonauts that a spectre in one tileset folder (i.e farm in this case) cannot use .png graphics from another tileset folder (i.e common in this case). The "fixed" spectre files that were moved into farm/wooden farmhouse still use the .png graphics from the common/Stinky spectres/Wooden farmhouse folder and this seems to be causing the "invisible walls". The simple fix is to put RCMP above in priority to X:CE (which is why I personally did not experience this), but I've decided to simply add a fix to the fix pack. I also fixed the small gap you can see circled on this picture.


There might be other "fixes" in X:CE that share this similar issue so PM me about them if you discover them.

When it comes to the terrorbattleship they are not a part of vanilla Xenonauts. I'm not that knowledgeable in UFO submapping but when I compare it to the vanilla battleship there seems to be nothing wrong (my guess was that the door was placed on the wrong level, but that's not the case). I think it's a pivot data bug for tiles/UFO/terrorbattleship/terrorbattleship_door_se_damaged_spectre.xml and tiles/UFO/terrorbattleship/terrorbattleship_door_se_spectre.xml. The vanilla version of the door uses these pivot values: pivotX="347" pivotY="125".

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1 hour ago, Policenaut said:

One question regarding the missing wooden farmhouse walls - do you guys have X:CE higher in priority than the Restored Community Map Pack?
It seems that X:CE "fixes" various spectres in RCMP by moving them from the common tile folder and into the farm folder in this case. I remember reading on the forums somewhere when I learned about mapping in Xenonauts that a spectre in one tileset folder (i.e farm in this case) cannot use .png graphics from another tileset folder (i.e common in this case). The "fixed" spectre files that were moved into farm/wooden farmhouse still use the .png graphics from the common/Stinky spectres/Wooden farmhouse folder and this seems to be causing the "invisible walls". The simple fix is to put RCMP above in priority to X:CE (which is why I personally did not experience this), but I've decided to simply add a fix to the fix pack. I also fixed the small gap you can see circled on this picture.

my modloader looked like this when i first came across them. I've been playing around with turning the new ones one/off since (and clearing roaming files each time i do)


Maybe you didn't experience it due to having all tiles expanded? Thanks for the fix, I've downloaded it and will test it out :) 

Also, if you're willing, I have a few questions about map making i'd like to PM you.

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Do you use X-Division as well Solver? It might edit the same spectre files for the wooden farmhouse since X-Division makes more things crushable by vehicles etc. I can't think of anything else causing it if both of you have the RCMP above X:CE. I temporarily replace the tiles folder when editing maps and use the normal ones with tile atlases when playing so I don't think it's that.  

And yeah sfarelly you can PM me and I'll try to answer with what I know.

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Indeed. Well I can't think of anything other than the thing with a spectre in a tileset folder pointing to .png files in another tileset folder. It could perhaps be that some of the map packs that create new tileset folders like common and trees etc is the cause, but why does that cause invisible graphics for you guys but not for me? Hopefully the fix is enough, otherwise the proper fix might be to merge those new tileset folders (common, trees etc) into all the other tilesets that use them and edit all the submaps that feature them. That would be a lot of work...

Edited by Policenaut
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2 hours ago, Policenaut said:

I remember reading on the forums somewhere when I learned about mapping in Xenonauts that a spectre in one tileset folder (i.e farm in this case) cannot use .png graphics from another tileset folder (i.e common in this case).

Thats correct. If the game loads for one tileset, eg. farm, it can only take ressources from that tileset, even if something might correctly refer to something else in another tileset/folder.
Dont be shy and copy things to other tilesets, is what i would recommend. People have enough space on their HDD.
Also spread the wisdom, so people know about this.


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Every game update and X:CE update resets the modlauncher order and the activation/deactivation status to its liking, messing up every individual setup you might have had before.


So please, if you receive an update through Steam or install a new version of vanilla/XCE recheck your modloader order and activation status, just like you would when you install a new game or new mod.


Keep in mind that EVERY save is unique to its modloader setup it is saved with. Loading a save with a different modloader order, even if they are the same mods, can and will cause problems alll along the way.

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Just one thing I've encountered, I updated to X:CE 0.34.2 no troubles, but it never installed; Tropical and Swamp tileset mod. I'm inclined to blame Steam for this fault as Xenonauts updated and then a bit later (few hours? maybe 12 at most) there was a second update, unless X:CE was pushed in two parts or updated shortly after initial update?

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56 minutes ago, Solver said:

I just checked and it's in the Steam upload. Perhaps if you do the "verify local files", it will download the tropical maps.

Hmmm strange, was 0.34.2 deployed to steam all in one go? The reason I noticed is Steam said it had updated Xenonauts again after 0.34.2 on the same day. But the download data said 0/0bytes downloaded so I wasn't sure what had happened.

I will see if I can do the download manually for that mod as I found out from previous experience that "verify local files" for some stupid reason digs through and replaces a whole heap of the X-Division game files completely destroying the mod.

If Charon is reading this, no I won't enable this mod half way through my current campaign as I know it will impact my play testing of X-Division :D


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1 hour ago, Sectiplave said:

If Charon is reading this, no I won't enable this mod half way through my current campaign as I know it will impact my play testing of X-Division :D

I havent looked too deeply into the mod but i do believe it is save to activate and deactivate, as most map mods are. Its more about to know that every activation and deactivation and add and removal is a kind of an install in itself.

Yes, an verification of the game integrity would call for a clean install of any non native mod again. For unknown reasons it also deletes the messageboxdirect.lua which is unusual because normally an verification doesnt touch files which have been manually added. So this file must be known to the verification process which demands its removal, although it fixes something. How unfortunate, but lets end the lamentation here.

One last word about the adding and removal of mods. Its mostly about critical game files that you should be concerned about, not about the mod being a mod in itself. Make a mod for a nicer picture and you can add and remove it at your leisure, without fearing too much. The same goes for map mods, which should be ok - in most cases, as there are exceptions for everything. The AM_* files are safe to touch as well as there is no deeper effect of adding or removing them, unless you want to spawn a UFO which doesnt exist, or try to put a unit in a UFO which doesnt exist either.
Mods which change main game files like researches.xml and manufactures.xml may make and break a save, and others concerning weapons and vehicles are semi critical.

It all depends on that you know what file does what. Once you know that you can operate safely to your best knowledge.

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