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  1. I like the old farm map, the one that is almost identical to the original X-com. That one that was very open and all you had to do was jump fences.
  2. So, I'm thinking of implementing a level testing programme in the near future. One of the things we've not iterated are our maps, which seems a bit silly in hindsight. Now is pretty much the ideal time to start doing it, though. The idea would be that every few days we'd release a map scenario for testing (not always a new map, perhaps an iteration of an older one instead). It would take the form of a zip that contained a map and an updated levelsetup_quickbattle.xml, so you'd unzip it into your directory and then just run Quick Battle. This would contain a specific map, a specific crashed UFO type (if a Crash Site mission), a specific crew of aliens and a squad of soldiers to tackle the mission with pre-set weapons and armour. It's more than likely the UFO exterior would just be blocked out rather than having actual graphics, allowing us to test different UFO interior configurations without worrying about graphics. You lot would play the mission and then give us feedback on it; in particular we'd be looking at this sort of info: - Did you win? - How long did it took you to complete / lose? - How many soldiers did you lose? - Did you feel the map was too large / too small / about right? - Were there too many / too few aliens? - Was the tactical use of destructibility in the map good? - Does the map look convincing artistically? - Which parts of the map needed more / less cover etc? - How was breaching the UFO? I think that's probably the best way to come up with some good map designs. I'm guessing quite a few people would be interested in this sorta stuff, but please post here if you'd be interested in taking part. Finally, GJ needs to implement the decision layer of the AI before we can do this, and we'd also need to add support for specifying the equipment of the soldiers used in the Quick Battle, so this might take a couple of weeks to rustle up....but it could be very useful to normalise things like map sizes, alien stats, the size of the Xenonaut starting squad etc.
  3. So I've thought some more about how the UFOs can be presented in-game. We've tried one of the test UFOs kindly produced by zzz1010 in our game, but it suffers from the same problems as our existing models (except some of the layout is more intelligent). Thankfully, though, Aaron provided a suggestion that may help justify his exorbitant salary. He's proposed that we have the walls of the appropriate section of the UFO disappear entirely when a unit enters them. I've thought about this a bit, and I think it'd work fairly well. I'll justify why below but let me explain how it would work in-game first. Basically, we'll designate a series of ground tiles in the game to be "UFO interior tiles", with the ability to group them into different sections. We'll then add the functionality where if a human unit steps on any one of these ground tiles (or perhaps as soon as they can see one of them), the corresponding walls vanish entirely. However, we'll use painted ground tiles that will show (on the ground) the space that the walls fill - they'll be black spaces with an outer border of whatever colour the ship hull is and a purple inner border. It should be clear at a glance where the walls are but they won't block visibility at all. This is why I think this is the best solution I've heard yet: 1) It means that our in-game UFO models don't really have to be hollow, as the player doesn't actually go inside them. They just disappear when the player "enters" them, leaving the floor outline. This makes painting over them so much easier it is untrue. Perhaps they'll still have to be sliced up (as when you see one part of a multi-tile object, the entire thing is revealed) unless we have the entire UFO area reveal when you see part of it, but it's still an order of magnitude easier than it is now. All the problems with the big UFOs go away, so we can have the big UFOs on the map in this system too. 2) The obvious corollary of 1) is that the UFOs can also be a bit Tardis-like in the way they can be bigger on the inside than on the outside. We don't have to spent quite as much time making sure that all walkable parts of the UFO are tall enough to allow a unit to walk around inside them (which really screws up the curves on our models) because any time the units inside are visible, the actual UFO model is not. So they can look more like the concept. 3) It won't be as difficult to see your soldiers inside the smaller UFOs any more, which is a problem none of my earlier solutions addressed. 4) It scales easily to cover our existing UFOs (Scout / Corvette) all the way up to the really big ones. For the big ones, you could just have a few "sections" of walls. Perhaps when you initially breach a large UFO, only the front half of the ship would disappear and the rear half would remain until you enter that. 5) Man, would it be easy to test UFO layouts in beta. We'd create the interior layout based on how well it plays in-game, then fit the UFO model to it after that. Changing the floor tiles is far easier than remodelling and repainting the UFO model (so much work we just wouldn't do it in the existing system). All in all, it's pretty much perfect for what we need - unless I've missed something. The only complication would be when units are inside a UFO and shooting out, but I think we can deal with that by having the UFO model removed if a certain door is open or certain tiles are visible etc. Some people might find it a minor annoyance not to be able to see both the UFO exterior and interior at the same time, but I think that's a really minor thing they'd get used to very quickly. So, does Aaron get a cookie for his new solution? If you're going to poke holes in it then probably best to do it now, before we spend any dev time implementing it. EDIT: Here's a basic preview of how it might look (though we'll probably do some more work to improve the visuals): www.xenonauts.com/devimages/testUFOwalls.jpg
  4. OK. I've read the entire last thread on the proposed new system and I'm going to look at the two-part missions again. There may be other solutions to the issue, perhaps shrinking the larger UFOs or coming up with better shapes for them for the tiles. Zzz1010 has some good shapes for some of the awkward UFOs so maybe I'll look at them in more detail. It may be possible to get the Landing Ship and Cruiser in the maps using the current method after all. Just to be clear though - in no circumstances will the outer hulls of the UFOs be destructible. The tiles just can't work that way with the paintover system we use, even if we continue using the current one. Also, no promises. If the two-part solution has to be used, it has to be used. EDIT: to inform the future discussion, these are the main issues: 1) The bigger UFOs are massive. This is relatively easy to remedy, simply by scaling them down a bit (which I'm happy to do if the other issues are fixed up). However, in the current form there's basically no point having a large UFO crash site with an exterior because the exterior would just be the UFO hull rather than buildings or terrain etc. Hence the two-parter idea in the first place. 2) The UFO shapes are rounded, which means it is hard to get a decent sized interior out of them if unless the UFO is large as the space is frequently wasted. I've seen a few of zzz1010's concepts and there might be room for improvement here (his cruiser in particular has quite an intelligent rectangular lower level space that hadn't occurred to me), but we'll see. This causes #1. 3) To be properly interactive, the UFO walls have to be cut into 1 tile slices and then painstakingly aligned in the game. This is incredibly labor intensive, and to paint them over so they are consistent with the other terrain tiles is also expensive. To paint them over in a wal that would allow them to be destructible (ie. so they have all sides of the tile painted rather than just the top) would be prohibitively expensive. Also, the 3D model has to be exported as a layered Photoshop PSD file with every tile on a seperate layer, else it's not possible to slice the tiles correctly, so just modelling up the UFOs isn't enough if the 3D program does not support this. 4) Randomisation of the UFO interior is not impossible in the current system, but it is much harder than in the proposed system. 5) Additional hull breaches are not impossible in the current system, but they are MUCH harder than in the proposed system.
  5. Artic and desert, but jungle? What happens when there is a mission in central america?
  6. I'd like to see the map file name while in ground combat screen, like the FPS indicator. Maybe this could be a function activated through the option screen or by a keys combination. I think this could be useful, if you encounter any bug or want to modify the map, so you don't have to look through every map. Having installed Orumo's 201 maps, I find it's actually impossible to find the map you want to fix. being new to the game, I don't know if there's already a function like that; I've looked in the option screen but wasn't successful. If there is, please tell me how to get it, and sorry for the post...
  7. Updates 08/10/2012: Ind and farm maps updated to v15.1. All chinook orientations added. 04/09/2012: Maps updated for v14. Industrial maps with less open spaces. 18/08/2012: Farm maps added and Industrial ones reviewed. Added example of how to edit level setup for quick battle tests. Links: Industrial Updated on 08/10/2012 Farm Updated on 08/10/2012 Level Setup for Quick Battle example Additional Notes: To use the levels in the Full Game Campaign, just unfold the zip in the "installation dir/assets/maps/" and you will have them into the war. Just check that the final placement of the maps is "installation dir/assets/maps/[industrial/Farm/etc...]/". To test the maps in Quick Battle you need to check that in "assets/levelsetup_quickbattle" you have add the proper spawn type for that map, check the example in the link above to see how to make it. So if you wish to try a "scout" map you have to add a "scout spawn" to the xml.
  8. Just a quick question, will all the maps in the final product be preset, or will the game implement random tile generation as in X-Com? If the answer is the former; do we know roughly how many maps the game will contain? Thanks.
  9. Sorry if this has already been posted, but i didn't find anything similar. One thing that could make the game much better is randomizing the ufo and alien spawn points. Starting a battle already knowing where the ufo crashed and consequently where the majority of the aliens are or where they will be coming from is not fun. The original X-com as i remember had completely randomized maps. If randomized maps is not possible, please create the maps with at least two possible ufo crash positions, and preferably two start positions for the Xenonauts dropship too, even if this does mean more empty spaces. Even in the terror mission started when you choose quick battle, i know where the majority of aliens come from. One suggestion to avoid having many empty spaces due to randomization...swap the crashed ufo position with a big building position....or even smaller buildings. You will have quite some randomization this way...
  10. but random maps? for not having to always play the same two maps... is the most important things for now in order to play the game... not with the new tile(tundra or desert) with the old its ok..
  11. Hey all. Loving the game so far tonnes of forum input that i can see too, but another idea or 2 cant hurt can it? I know that there is a significant amount of random stuff loaded in the latest few builds, but i was thinking that a few invisible overlays could be made for each tileset that uses some form of loading an asset from a pool of assets(to further randomise) to make the maps even more varied. This could also be used indoors to turn houses into shops, shops/houses into warehouses/storage etc. It would basically dynamically load pre-made assets over the tiles using what should be a super-easy to produce colour map(which is obviously invisible to the player) These assets would also have various states of destruction, such as fire hydrants spraying water constantly when shot up, road lights no longer illuminating light missions. As the image attachment thing shrunk my file to buggery, ill put the legend here Blue - road lights/power lines/road lights & power lines Red - North-west road crossing Yellow - garbage cans, post boxes, fire hydrants, etc. Green - North-east road crossing Purple - 4-way traffic lights Cyan - Random trash? 10%? chance of appearing (Can move over with TU penalty if exists) Olive - Flowers/weeds asset pool (% chance of appearing ) I'll have to grab my gold pre-order medal thing too sometime now that I have finally registered on the forum again. And hopefully the 10 or so "Xenonauts" games in my windows games folder will dissappear too someday too... Anyways thanks for reading;)
  12. when there are new maps? is frustrating play with only two maps
  13. My take away from playing the Kickstarter demo was that the battlemaps were very heavily tile based. In the two or three missions I placed the areas looked like the whole map had just been cut into quarters and preplaced terrain just plonked down into the 4 quarters of the map. Barn here, field here, crashed UFO here, each area taking up roughly the same footprint. It didn't feel very organic to me. Is this a limitation in how the battlemaps are built or is this a freak occurrence given I've only played a couple of battles and they are more varied?
  14. I was wondering, after playing the latest build a bit, if the current size of ground battles is the final and maximum size area that things are going to take place in? Just wondering, because they feel kinda small. I don't know if it's a function of the soldiers being able to traverse the whole thing in just a couple of turns, but for some reason it feels... small. I wouldn't mind seeing the map reach twice the current size, for a bit of extra ground to cover. The search for the aliens is always so intense, but if you always know that the UFO is just a few turns this or that way every time, rather than a bit of "it could be several turns that way, and if I spend too much time being too careful, I give the aliens more time to kill civilians" .. Just wondering if I'm the only one.
  15. I am not long on these forums, so i wanted to ask this. Do you know what the devs are planning about the combat maps? Now it's just two maps, that's fine, it's an alpha, but what are they planning to do? Are they planning to create some maps and it's random on which map you land, or are they really going to do it like ufo and make it that the maps generate themselves. In my opinion it would really hurt the athmosphere if it would always be the same maps, just in some random order. Also: Are they planning to add more research options? There are just so many kinds of research shown and yet there seems to be so dissappointingly few research options. Edit: oh and to not sound too negative her :-) The new air combat is a blast and the music of the air combat is just awesome!
  16. How this work and what I about. Where we can walk and can we see through for target maps squares determined by invisible "boxes", I alter some of them. It's hard for me to explain - I did the picture instead. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?tx273sf40a8p0f4 Maybe this must be "mods" but this is maps actually.
  17. zzz


    Since in 9.3x changed targetmap handling - all this maps are obsolete I played with the editor and made some maps. This is primarily not about the quality(and some can be wierd ), but an attempt to add a diversity. I changed some of files, but because they are not used now, I do not think that this could be a problem. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pg4vtpbn1yadqkd If you remove the "assets \ levelsetup.xml" the game will choose the tilesets on the basis of the globe This is to add into the game a desert (in some way), a farm and one more industrial map. You should also remove maps\industrial\testbase.xml and testbasesmall.xml - they only for testing purposes. Or you can use this file (assets \ levelsetup.xml) to force the game to always use one particular map that actually this file is does.(as far as I understand) This is a list of maps random <Map tileset="farm" mapname="farm_C_S1_random" /> <Map tileset="farm" mapname="farm_lightscout_random" /> some variety <Map tileset="industrial" mapname="test22" /> random and bit wierd <Map tileset="desert" mapname="desert" /> <Map tileset="desert" mapname="desert2" /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?288b7l6l6ib6cg1 some variety <Map tileset="industrial" mapname="Factories" /> In the first place I was concerned about the possibility of a return to the original as I propose to copy something, and even replace, but if you remove the new maps and\or return "assets \ levelsetup.xml" then the game will play as intended, other changes would remove next update or desura verify.
  18. After playing around with the map editors a while, I've a couple of simple offerings that will hopefully be of some use: Submaps Orchard Much like the one in the original XCOM game. Size (10x10). Submap Data (Preferred Folder Name: "SMOrchard") SMOrchard XML Farm Storage Shed A single storey concrete and corrugated iron storehouse for fertilizer or diesel. Size (10x10). Submap Data (Preferred Folder Name: "SMFarmstorage") SMFarmstorage XML Grass Field A basic, large grass field for use with constructing larger farm maps. Size (20x20). Submap Data (Preferred Folder Name: "SMGrassfield20x20") SMGrassfield20x20 XML
  19. I wonder if maps will be random like in UFO EU. I have doubt because there's level editor includeed.
  20. I wanted to ask about the terrain generation in the game. Is it randomly generated? When I have been watching videos it appears to be the same level (with the chinook in the bottom left corner, electricity generators infront and a massive oil tanker that can explode if shot to the right of the chinook) Is this intentional and random terrain generation is not in game or is this just because it's an alpha and it's not implemented as of yet? Many thanks, James
  21. Since no one has posted any of their submaps yet I thought that I would take a first stab at it. I will be using this initial post to summarize my created level & sub maps. As I make more I will update this thread as necessary. For my first post I would like to post 3 new submaps. In the next couple days I will add a level map which uses them. To add the submaps for your own levelmap designing, simply add a folder for each of the maps in /xenonauts/assets/maps/industrial, name the folders the prefered name (so that other people's level maps can use it), and finally paste the file in it. If there is more than 1 file in a given submap folder it will randomly select one of them. Submaps Crossroads: Nothing particularly special here, but nice to have when laying out roads. Size (5x5). Image Submap Data (Preferred Folder Name: "Road Cross") Crossroads XML Warehouse A single floor warehouse with lots of windows, lots of shelving, north entrance, and south side entrance. Size (10x15). Image Submap Data (Preferred Folder Name: "QMWarehouse") QMWarehouse XML Small Factory w/ Parking Lot A single floor factory with an attached parking lot which has some conexes in it. The parking lot is fenced in, but does have an entrance with a gaurd post next to it. I will probably be changing this one eventually, because the parking lot is a little difficult to position onto a neighboring street. Size (15x15). Image Submaps Data (Preferred Folder Name: "QMFactoryWLotSW") QMFactoryWLotSW1 XML QMFactoryWLotSW2 XML Levelmaps QM Industries This map features my Small Factory w/ Parking Lot and my Warehouse submaps. The following zip file (QMIndustrial ) includes the necessary submaps and the levelmap. Extract them into the "\xenonauts\assets\maps\industrial\" folder and adjust the levelsetup.xml file as necessary.
  22. i hope so what about a light sound in a background? jungle sounds like and on a snowmap we can hear footsteps when a soldier is moving like this?this brings a bit more life to the maps. its just an idea thank you
  23. Hello, Will the Fighting areas after an Crash more like Ufo - EU oder more like Efo Extraterrestrials? Means will the Areas consit of a sqare of 5x5 Tiles thet where randomly selected from a great pool of tiles or will the areas be completly designed with a pool of maps for each Ufo Type? I'm playing UFO ET at the moment and I mentioned that an Battlecruiser will never crash in a Town, while on the other hand a Scout or Fighter will never Crash on a golf course And: Will some Aliens die during the crash? Fighting Ufos in ET sometimes shows that some aliens die during the crash. In UFO EX you will always have the same number of aliens. Out of interest how often the Ufo was hit and damaged. Thats nasty for the atmosphere of the game.
  24. I'm just wondering how are the land combat maps rendered. Are they made as randomly generated towns and set pieces or are there certain maps used always for certain regions? Seems from my limited experience with the game that the latter is true. I played twice and came up with the exact same map when the crash site was in the USA. Even the enemy seemed to be in the same place. I know the game is still no where near finished and you have certain limitations with what you are working with but I'd love to know if this game engine will use a random map generator. Also does the combat run with its own tactical AI or are they scripted triggers where the computer enemy is always in a certain location to start with on a given map and reacts to basic triggers say when attacked in expectation of how the human opponent will operate and has a set of scripts on how to counter or defend. battlefront uses these on their CM2 engine. Also, is their a way I can save my game? Did I miss something? I know its still in beta.
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