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Most annoying bugs?

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Finally, the thread you've all been waiting for.

We would like to release a new stable version of the game to Steam in the next few weeks (i.e. a version that everybody who has Xenonauts will get, not just those on the experimental branch). It is obviously critically important that this be as stable and bug free as possible.

So, although we do track all the bugs reported through our own internal system, we wanted to ask you guys again which bugs in the game do you currently find most infuriating? What really makes you want to fill the beta forum with these: :mad::mad::mad::mad:. This can be any bug, great or small, even if it has been overlooked for a long time, but it should be something that is either common or serious or both (i.e. not house sprite #6005 is misaligned).

All moaning will be gratefully received. Grumbling is acceptable. You are also permitted to kvetch.

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Please don't argue / discuss with one another in this thread, though - just post the bugs that are annoying you. Link to the appropriate bug forum report if it's something you've already reported, so we have all the facts we need.

Keep your post clear, short and to the point and it'll help us assess the priorities better based on what the community want. (That'll be the community collectively rather than you specifically, of course! :) )

EDIT - Also, please check that the bugs you're posting are still in V19 Experimental 5 if you can!

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The vision not updating after a flare is thrown until you move.


-The fact that the weapon descriptions, tool tips, etc. call magazines "clips". It just sounds unprofessional and uninformed (even if the OG did it, ha).

(I guess that's not a bug, per se. Oh well, it's up there anyway.)

-The fact we cannot delete/rename soldier roles (big one for me)

-Lack of soldier names (I have so many repeats it's not even funny. Barbara this, Barbara that...)

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19.5 Bugs:-

Caesian Light Scout. An alien shoots at the hull, although the door has never been opened.

Light Scout - UFO components can be seen through the hull after the door has been opened for a round.

Light Scout Interception - UFO crashes into sea message but mission comes up as available. This happened just off the south coast of Spain.

Sound effects of aliens firing doesn't match the animations.

In the industrial maps, I've had 2 Sebillians trapped in the transformers.

19.5 Issues:-

Greece being in the Middle East really jars as the first thing I go to do in the game is put a base there, only to find that it's in the "wrong" funding bloc.

Instant Promotions - I had 7 Sgts after the first mission.

Manufacturing delay - there's no manufacturing to start with and I have a 6 day delay waiting for the third hanger to be built before I can begin the manufacture. I imagine that there would also be a delay if I built a garage, but haven't built that one. So, no manufacturing to start with, and then a delay in the first topic that's available to manufacture.

Local forces down UFO early mission - If you want to equip your squad before the go, you want to press cancel. However, the timer stays at the same speed as when the "local forces down UFO" message appears. Hours race by before you can get to the top to stop it. Even if there's a time freeze hotkey, it would be nice if it just reverted back to the slowest speed.

Firing into the UFO from just outside the doorway, continues to be odd looking. Accuracy plummets (and it's poor to begin with). Breach soldier doesn't always have the TUs to go much further than the door safely. So, it's back to grenades, as the least risky option. I can understand why you don't want everyone to be able to fire right into the back of the UFO, but it looks strange when you can't

Research dries up around 18th with 15 scientists. That's for a few days and then it dries up again around the 27th. The tail end of both research periods is only 1 topic leading on to the only other available option. So there's no real research choice for the player. It's very linear. Considering the world is supposed to be running around trying to figure out how best to deal with the threat, there's little research going on.

Edges of Light Scouts. - I still find some of the targeting around the corners of the ship to be odd. I've had a Caesian in plain sight just at one of the pincers, but I couldn't hit it directly and had to work my way around. Some oddities at the door as well. These have pretty much always been there.

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If I had the power to magically fix one bug, it'd be the A.I. cheating with TUs. I don't know why, but out of all the bugs in the game, this one really gets my goat. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not have the game crash to desktop, but it doesn't enrage me. Suppressing an alien only to have him blast the heck out of everything in sight anyway, though? "But - but you can't do that! You can't just do that!", I cry out in a high-pitched voice.

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All from 19.5.

1. Having to move/turn soldier to update vision

2. Destroyed Escort Fighters magically reappearing then sometimes crashing game when destroyed again/mission attempted

3. Xeno's still knowing location of soldiers without LOS - especially night missions/xeno base maps

4. Related to 3, Xeno's shooting through/at walls - especially/only night missions/xeno base maps

5. Suppressed aliens still being able to shoot a number of times/burst shoot

6. Hidden Movement screen still not working - Image present for entire Alien turn

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Number 1, 2, and 3 on my list is aliens shooting through walls at night (especially in alien bases). It's the only bug that actually makes me stop playing out of frustration.

Next would be interceptor spam re-engage until your planes run out of fuel and crash, followed by enemies disappearing from your vision at night.

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since yesterday I am not able to load a play the game. Every time there is a tactical combat the loading-screen takes much much longer than before (last time i waitet 10 minutes) and after the combat it takes still longer to get out, than it took me to get in. That makes the game right at the moment unplayable.

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b19v4 steam

Shooting down an escorted corvette wich is targeted to base assault, leaving escort intact, leads to immidiate crash after closing air combat screen.

In the same situation, eliminating an escort but not a corvette produces a "ghost" escort marked as "destroyed" (but still active and attacking) when attacked second time and also crashing game.

Very often crashes when trying to maneuvering in air combat.

There was no chance to me to avoid my base attack, high instability of air combat forced me to play stable version.

Edited by drunkenbear
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Most annoying for me is probably the LoS bugs. Mainly thinking of the issue with aliens seeing/shooting at you when they can't actually see you, but I'd include other LoS issues others have mentioned above here as well. Also, I'm not sure whether this is a bug (rather than an unimplemented feature) but being unable to shoot through (unbroken) windows is also something I find annoying.

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"Invisible" aliens.

Enemy indicator says I see an alien but I cant see him on the screen. Need to move soldier to update vision. If I select another soldier alien becomes invisible again. To reveal him I need to select first soldier again, sometimes need to move/turn first soldier.

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Only been playing with the b19v4 steam build for 2 days, but these bugs annoy me the most:

- Aliens "wallhacking", especially near their own spaceship instagibbing my veteran soldiers with 1 burst of automatic fire through a wall :mad:

- My interceptor squad getting drawn into combat over and over and over again after I disengaged the first battle until the point my 3 ships crash down from a lack of fuel... ugh

- The fact that sometimes my xenonaut's movement doesn't stop automatically when an alien is spotted; a surefire way to be in a really bad spot with not enough TU left to do something about it

- Lack of visual cues with spotted aliens half-hidden in the fog of war. Also, it sometimes causes some squadmates to -not- get a targeting icon when I'm positive the cursor is pointing at the exact spot where the alien is standing. If this is intentional, then nvm and excuse me ;)

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My favorite hit lists would be....

Aliens in Alien Bases/UFO's constantly shooting without LOS and sometimes shooting through walls

Inability to see aliens in the dark or behind mesa's even though my soldiers can see them.

Doors in aliens bases somehow magically locking. Had the teleporter aliens teleport into the deployment room on a alien base and when I went back to get him none of my troops could open the door. Ran into that in a few rooms in the base.

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The change load out update button sometimes drops the weapon so when you go to change the rest of those with that role the also have no weapon. I can't at this time get my rocket guy to keep his weapon when I update his load out. The other weapons will take if i two step it.

Change some gear. Save load out. Add weapon back. Save load out.

update: It is cased by right clicking if you left click it is fine.

This would no longer be a top bug for me.

Edited by bigwookiee
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Tiny piles of rubble that look like they should provide no cover, but somehow reduce accuracy your by 50%.

Alt-tabbing messing up the GUI.

Random crashes after you save a game.

And the most annoying of all: not being able to target an alien because he's hidden behind a box, and the game thinks you want to target the box instead of the alien!

Edited by lemm
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