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10 Good
  1. config.xml <DamageText offset="-84" offsetCrouched="-64" offsetVehicle="-60" displayDelay="1.5" fadeDelay="0.5" difficultyEasyOn="1" difficultyNormalOn="1" difficultyVeteranOn="1" difficultySuperhumanOn="0"> <DamageColour red="1.0" green="0.2" blue="0.2" /> <StunDamageColour red="0.3" green="0.3" blue="1.0" /> <HealingColour red="0.2" green="1.0" blue="0.2" /> <ResistedColour red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> </DamageText>
  2. Hope you figure this out because it looks great, just one problem, its not working.
  3. Can mod description tell us exactly which changes needs modified exe file ?
  4. Nope, files went to \tiles\farm\props\ without any overwrite message.
  5. Numbers are as follows <soldierRanks> <!-- Soldiers increase their ranking when they have a certain number of rank points. A rank point is gained each time an AP, strength, accuracy, reflexes or bravery progress is done. --> <Private rankPoints="0" /> <Corporal rankPoints="3" /> <Sergeant rankPoints="9" /> <Lieutenant rankPoints="16" /> <Captain rankPoints="30" /> <Major rankPoints="45" /> <Commander rankPoints="75" /> <Colonel rankPoints="100" /> </soldierRanks>
  6. You can get double maximum points after first battle + bravery increasement. In other battle you get normal maximum amount and no bravery. Bravery increase through medals or if your soldier panics. Normal maximum increase is TU+2, STR+2 and other stats +1.
  7. Implementing 1 and 2 is so easy, not sure why this is not done yet. Make it optional so people can click number above soldier picture or doubleclick on portrait. I suggested to include minimap long time ago... Debug mode map can be remade into minimap.
  8. Is missionscore_gc.xml removed? I can't find this file.
  9. Hey, just want to say grats to devs )) Game is finaly out. Time to load my Steam and try final version of the game. Just found out about final version on a torrent site, well, not sure this is good or bad, but game is already so popular if appears on torrents
  10. There is really simple fix - Extend and randomise time between UFO waves. ~10 waves per month + at later game stage there is 2-4 crash sites per wave. For those who do every mission it becomes very boring and tedious fast enough. Because this is strategy game, skipping any mission is not wise, even if there is no penalty for doing that. This leads to very disbalanced games, because those who do every mission gets loads of money and experience. V19 STABLE CANDIDATE 1 - The value of recoverable alien technology reduced by 50% This also does not help skipping missions.
  11. There is nothing more monotonous as to know exactly when next wave will arrive. Any plans to change that?
  12. Haha, I remember when I met 300+ health alien. Wasted so many bullets on him so this was my first mission when I started to collect alien weapons in case I run out of ammo.
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