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[v1.09/X:CE v0.30] X - Division - In Earth We Fight Ver: 0.9


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For installation do we overwrite the files?

The explanation is not 100% clear.

Also will it show the new version .97.1 on the title screen?

I installed it to my XDivision mod folder and overwrote the files but it shows .97 not .97.1

look at the modinfo or at modding tools and u will see its 0.97.1

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Alright I've gotten this mod and i enjoy it a lot. Appreciate the immense work it must have taken.

-I have some constructive critisism. If the mod developer would like to hear it just ask and i'll share what I think could improve the mod.

-I would also be happy to help with writing new xenopedia entries, weapon descriptions and tutorials in english -again just ask if you'd like my help.

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Are these weapons in the game already or are they ones you plan to add? Also I didn't get very far before my research screen was full of ######. Is that normal?

Which weapons? I added everything i show here.. i didnt get which weapons u mentioned?

They are only #### researches which you dont research.. i mean they will be researched after 24 hours automaticly. Probably you did a GC and got many items for automatic research.. just wait 24 hours to pop up them..


you dont create anything just extract it inside mods directory so it will overwrite the old ones.. then check the modding tools which u activate the mods and u will see xdivision is 0.97.1... like a hotfix..


I am open all ideas, critics and would accept all help about xenopedia and tooltips. I am happy to read and answers questions..

Edited by drages
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Good Drages just tell me what xenopedia entry(ies) you want me to write and what information you want it to relay and I'll do it. You can then copy my text to the mod.

As for my suggestions: -design the early game to have fewer options and provide adequate information/tutorials about the new feautures. This was my main concern with the mod as soon as I started it up. there weer several new feautures and poor explanation as to what they did. Why do i have 3 different armor types from the beginning of the game especially when two of them are obviously superier to the basic armor. These shouldn't be available at the start nor should they come in an unlimited quality. It makes the jackal and wolf armor pointless from what I could tell -I had no reason to construct them because I already had an unlimited supply of similar armor for no apparent reason. these armors should be unlockable later in the game and with an extensive xenopedia page each, I could write it if you want.

The new large, slow radar plane I start out with doesn't seem to fill any function. It's too slow to catch UFO's and its radar range is far less than my base radar. Is it supposed to patrol and look for alien? If so how do i do that because right now the only thing I can do is to send it after alien crafts and hope it'll chase them beyond my radar coverage to get a few seconds of, very, small extra radar range -it is pointless as of now I quickly sold it.

My aircraft have a variety of very advanced weapons to choose from at the start. not only is this overwhelming as I have no information about what the pros/cons of each one is but it also leaves me wondering where the X-division got a hold of such advanced technology. I would like for them to be unlockable but if they truly need to be available from the start then please provide info on all of them and prefferably some lore to tell how the xenonauts got a hold of them.

Similarly I have no idea which enemies the flame thrower and the "cannon" grenade launcher are effective against nor do I get any information when I hover over them like I do with all other weapons. I would be happy to write the info just tell me what they're stats are and what other information I should add to the description. It's important to add info on all these new feauters otherwise the player quickly gets overwhelmed and it makes the mod feel less polished without them.

Why are battles so easy all of the sudden? I used to be on edge even in my earliest missions because I only had so many soldiers and I wanted to level them all. Now it feels like I have an army, even though the mod only adds two extra soldiers to the charlie helicopter, and they're all ten times as powerful as the soldiers from vanilla xenonauts. I almost always hit even if the hit percentage is below 50%, I have a very large number of turn points so I can burst my lmgs three times (!) each turn, the assault rifles now take much less TU's to burst and the burst is much more effective at killing aliens than before, my soldiers take almost no damage even from grenades this might be because they started out with the option to equip a powerful armor without any cost or significant penalties (all soldiers can carry much more). Perhaps the difficulty is supposed to ramp up as I play but I would still like there to be fewer options early game to streamline the experience.

I get tons of reasearch quickly and I had researched the jackal armor after only a few days (I had no reason to use but still), I got notifications I didn't understand like that there are different damage types which seems like a fun idea but I got no info on what they each did and when they should be used. i also got little info on how the new UFO core-deconstruct worked. I sometimes got a core and sometimes I didn't -when i completed the core-deconstruction project nothing happened and it left me confused.

I love that there are many new weapons, aircraft, vehicles, and equipment but they should be introduced slowly so i get a chance to use all of them and get a sense of progression and also gradually so that I don't get overwhelmed with unexplained options.

i awnt to stress that I really like the mod and I think it has the most potential of them all. I love most of it but I think it needs to be much more polished so that it feels like a proper expansion to the game. you've done great work and it only gets better from here -I would love to help in any way I can. I don'¨t know anything about modding but I would be happy to write xenopedia entries, descriptions and tutorials for you.

Thanks and keep up the good work

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About xenomorph invasion in 0.971...

Only one encounter with them to date...I fear, imho, that they risk to ruin the balance and flow of an otherwise excellent campaign:

They move too far, and being impervious to almost anything but fire, it's like a lottery: any (or several) of your xenonauts got zombified in a pair of turns.

Apart from being nearly invulnerable to any type of attack (but fire) and run like hell, they seem to have a lot of HP...and they heal themselves? haha, c'mon...:D

Furthermore, the flamethrower acts a little buggy...Sometimes it brings an area on flames, but if not (if the shot misses? dunno), the program gets frozen for a while.

A single flamethrower in the squad doesn't seem enough protection. Having to carry always one or two flamethrowers in the squad (since you don't know the nature of the crew of crashed UFO's until late in the campaign) seems to turn the campaign (which was very interesting) into a game of "cross your fingers and pray for not finding reapers"

Maybe you have planned surprises developing new techs that counteract the reaper menace, but at this moment I've seen the campaing turned into a game of "OMG xenomorphs again!"...

Would like to hear other's opinion...

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Blue, thx for your time or that critic.. let me try to answer..

1. U dont have 3 armour or extra aircraft weapons from start. Are you sure you downloaded last version? I mostly upload wrongly with test version then i hotfix it to normal. The newest 0.97.1 version is working as it should be. You got nothing new. So you are right about it if they were ready to use from start..

2. AWACS, my very cool radar plane is mostly for escaping ufo detection. To be honest its one of the my first airplane i create for the game and it was not necessary to add it to this mod. But i added it as last second and want to see what we can do with it.. its still testing period.. if its not useful still, its no problem to sell it..

3. Hmm u got hand cannon at beginning right? As i said u got an early broken version. You are right about weapon stats. There is an excel file in mod named "weapon-stats". U can see every info about all the weapons u can use. U can get the info from there..

4. Starting soldiers are better. You are right. Its up to difficulty. At normal u can play a casual play but at veteran u will face a serious thread. Game is still hard..

5. I try to explain the game mechanics to players. But we need to add the info which damage is effective against who..

6. You can check the xenopedia.xml to read the short infos i wrote about new items.. U can start to add tooltips to the weapons at string.xml.

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About xenomorph invasion in 0.971...

Only one encounter with them to date...I fear, imho, that they risk to ruin the balance and flow of an otherwise excellent campaign:

They move too far, and being impervious to almost anything but fire, it's like a lottery: any (or several) of your xenonauts got zombified in a pair of turns.

Apart from being nearly invulnerable to any type of attack (but fire) and run like hell, they seem to have a lot of HP...and they heal themselves? haha, c'mon...:D

Furthermore, the flamethrower acts a little buggy...Sometimes it brings an area on flames, but if not (if the shot misses? dunno), the program gets frozen for a while.

A single flamethrower in the squad doesn't seem enough protection. Having to carry always one or two flamethrowers in the squad (since you don't know the nature of the crew of crashed UFO's until late in the campaign) seems to turn the campaign (which was very interesting) into a game of "cross your fingers and pray for not finding reapers"

Maybe you have planned surprises developing new techs that counteract the reaper menace, but at this moment I've seen the campaing turned into a game of "OMG xenomorphs again!"...

Would like to hear other's opinion...

New reapers/xenomoprhs dont zombify anything. First xenomorphs can be killed fast i think.. Flamethrower is a bit funny yes but sadly cant do more..

I will wait others ideas too.. cant answer so long because i am busy atm..

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Blue, thx for your time or that critic.. let me try to answer..

1. U dont have 3 armour or extra aircraft weapons from start. Are you sure you downloaded last version? I mostly upload wrongly with test version then i hotfix it to normal. The newest 0.97.1 version is working as it should be. You got nothing new. So you are right about it if they were ready to use from start..

2. AWACS, my very cool radar plane is mostly for escaping ufo detection. To be honest its one of the my first airplane i create for the game and it was not necessary to add it to this mod. But i added it as last second and want to see what we can do with it.. its still testing period.. if its not useful still, its no problem to sell it..

3. Hmm u got hand cannon at beginning right? As i said u got an early broken version. You are right about weapon stats. There is an excel file in mod named "weapon-stats". U can see every info about all the weapons u can use. U can get the info from there..

4. Starting soldiers are better. You are right. Its up to difficulty. At normal u can play a casual play but at veteran u will face a serious thread. Game is still hard..

5. I try to explain the game mechanics to players. But we need to add the info which damage is effective against who..

6. You can check the xenopedia.xml to read the short infos i wrote about new items.. U can start to add tooltips to the weapons at string.xml.

I got an early version? Well could you link me the current one (I'm pretty sure I got the right file but maybe I did a mistake). It says I got version 0,95 so maybe you're right in that case I retract what I said until I've tried out the new version.

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New reapers/xenomoprhs dont zombify anything. First xenomorphs can be killed fast i think.. Flamethrower is a bit funny yes but sadly cant do more..

I will wait others ideas too.. cant answer so long because i am busy atm..

Ahh well...that makes things more reasonable. My first encounter was with two "reaper bulls". Sprayed over them all the firepower I could bring in two turns, but actually they didn't "zombify" none, what I though as a strike of luck...I feared a future of zombies everywhere without having actually seen them :)

The problem I see with reapers is their apparent great movement allowance: given the new management of AI moves display (from game program), you see the monster appear/vanish before your eyes. I think this will be corrected with the next X:CE update

I've met the "doggy" xenomorphs, they are pretty cool and can be killed given enough hits. But...the game crashed when I tried to open the inventory window to see the name of the corpse...

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its normal that a medium lander has a crew of 14 caesans 4 wraith and 14 reapers? wow thats a hell xD and im only with first wolf armor :) (maybe the 1/2 when downed but wow :)

i going to try it in the name of cience xD

They are not reapers. If u reply with true names and numbers I can see the situvation more clearly.

Melee units are giving tension to the game. It makes you fell the horror. Without melee units, u bring war to them. With melee they bring war to u.

I am thinking putting xeno to all races. But I don't want you fight with same thing at every battle.

Melee enemies make u use your ammo. I want to see what happens when u see an empress at a command room :)

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well i managed to end it with just 1 several dmged guy xD yeah they where all xenomorph. that poor cop at turn 1 had no chance :)

it was and intense fight because all of the xenomorph where alive 14 and near 8 were near the landing vehicle , (biped and doggy ones) 2 wraiths and 9 caesans total of 25 aliens in the downed ufo :) this was a fun battle anyway and yep the fear factor is good, i nearly shited myself when saw all those xenos coming from the buildings (urban map) and started to flank me :).

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I tried installing the mod, everything seemed to be perfect and I can set XDivision097 in the mod options of the launcher and launch the game but it's not different. I understand that the launcher is supposed to be different. It's exactly the same. Anyone know what's happening?

Edited by Chaos Marine
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Yes I've played the latest version of X-division for several hours now. Couldn't put it down it's really fun. Anyway the update solved most of the issues I've had. the progression system works, everything feels rewarding and fresh, the battles are fun etc.

There are some balancing issues I think: first of all normal difficulty is too easy and hard is too hard. I've got some suggestions that would make the mod more fun: on normal difficulty raise the damage of alien weapons/melee attacks. Too often do I watch my men just soak up damage, not only does it make little sense that the aliens would deal less damage than the humans but it also kills alot of the suspence and need for tactics. I can just carelessly move my guys up into firing positions without having to bother much because it doesn't matter if they take a few hits -they can always fire back the next turn. Eventually I got so careless with my sturdy soldiers that I just ran them up to the tile next to the aliens and fired away which made me lose men I wouldn't have if the game demanded that I played smart.

Also to not make it unfair and balance it somewhat give the aliens less TU points. Now they can run several tiles from behind a wall where I couldn't see them, lob a grenade and then run back into the fog of war. The reapers I encountered had lots of armor and healing capabilities that made them tough but not impossible to kill. However they could run across a third of the map in one turn making it impossible to catch them if they wanted to get a away and also futile to counter their initial charge on an industrial map because they could run out of the ship where I couldn't spot them, make it all the way to my lines and still hit my snipers several times. it wasn't dangerous because their damage is pathetic and they rarely attack anyway -mostly just annoying.

Too much movement also makes the battles feel random because you have little chance of predicting what's going to happen the next turn. that can be fun and exciting but not when I can't do anything to counter it. if an alien weilding a shotgun runs across the map from where I couldn't see it and blast my lmg captain in the face twice until he dies -that feelscheap and unrewarding. having aliens with higher damage, i.e more dangerous/scary, but less TU points, i.e less random/cheap/hard to find, would make the game more tense, strategic and challenging in a good way. -This is for the normal difficulty.

Didn't play on hard that much but it seemed to have the same problem. Some kind of black cat-like alien ran huge distances hit my soldiers twice and then ran away into fog of war without me being able to do anything. Their damage wasn't anything worrying so again just mostly annoying.

The xenonauts soldiers also have alot of TU points but since some of the maps are quite large and complex adn teh alien seem to spawn randomly wherever they feel like it this could be necessary (but I still would lwoer it slightly) however the TU points required to fire should be raised to make the battles more tactical. Now I can just run around and use my heavy weapons soldiers as shotguns because they can run far and then still fire twice. I also don't understand whythere are only two aim modes (snap and normal) the snipers at least should be able to aim especially since they only have enough TU points for one shot.

Finally the lore is still poor and the tutorials/explanations could be better. I would be happy to help already wrote a short xenopedia article on the "next generation ballistic weapons". You can tell me if you like it and if you'd like me to write some of the xenopedia articles.

-Next generation ballistic Weaponry-

Commander after sending two of the captured alien ballistical weapons to the workshop three of your engineers approached me with a plan to implement some of the alien craftmanship in our own weapon design. I can't say I wasn't surprised these ... manual labourers was showing such initiative in pushing the boundaries of applied science, however I quickly realized I had to take the project under my own wings should we hope too see any progress soon.

Indeed the alien design housed many hidden secrets: rather than a fundamentally different design the alien weapons are perfected and meticulously crafted to the nanomillimeter all to squeeze out as much stopping power as possible. Some of the improvements I were able to copy as soon as I learned of them like how to groove the barrel more effeciently or how to better direct the energy of the bullets thrust. Other changes proved more complex such as how to replicate the intricate nano-pattern that seemed to direct the bullet momentum with much greater force. Eventually my resourcefullness got the better of the alien design when i I managed to convert a laser designed to make the new CD format into replicating the pattern. Of course much of the new weapons improved ability comes from the alenium compound used in constructing the various parts. I can't take all the credit -only most of it.

To smoothen the transition I've designed them to use the standard ammunition for their respective weapon type. These new weapons should prove valuable in destroying alien armor plating after repeated hits, they will also increase the damage significantly. I would recommend that you make it a priority to equip your soldiers with these new armaments. I'm sure the soldiers will be fittingly impressed just make sure to explain the work that went into them.


Also think you should make research that unlock new weapons take longer because it would feel more rewarding and make more sense as it's a large project.

Edited by BlueBalls
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I tried installing the mod, everything seemed to be perfect and I can set XDivision097 in the mod options of the launcher and launch the game but is different. I understand that the launcher is supposed to be different. It's exactly the same. Anyone know what's happening?

U mean u don't have the new MainMenu image with huge ufo and 2 condors with it and with logo of x div?

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Chaos marine:

I understand what u tried to explain. The difficulties are controlling as %. I mean at normal the enemies stats are 0.7 and at veteran it's 1. I am not sure but alien damage should be so too. I can't be sure because I am at jop. But these differences create a big punch. At normal your basic armor allows u survive from 4 5 shots. But at veteran u go vital at 2 shot.

So normal is more forgiving and for fast casual players. If u want a challenge u need to play veteran. At veteran u can never run to enemy.

Thé ai I use is from XNT and it's mostly intelligent then me. As u say u never predict an alien will do. They will always seek the darkness u don't look. I surprises many times when I lost a melee alien and detect it just at the back of my support sniper who should be at safest place.

This is just the beginning and so the starting enemies are mostly non combatant and guards with lame weapons with lame armour. So u have lame weapons and lame armours too. This is your preparation stage. After medium ufos the real fight begin.

About the tu u need to fire will get higher after first weapons. Global burst idea is 2 burst per turn. För snipers it's 1 per turn. Aimed shot comes with nextgen sniper.

Don't stick with this weapons when u critic. They are still basic tech and u will see about 100 more weapon. Enemies will have much more powerful weapons too. If u read this topic u will see many ppl died from Harri dans one shot snipers with vain.

And now got xeno s. First xeno are just to bother u rather then vital attacks. U will see theirs dark versions and queens..

I liked your entry very much. Send them to me as a pm.

And as last words. The real game experience is for veteran difficulty. If u want to test critic and enjoy more tactical combat, please play on veteran. Normal and easy are for technical tests mostly.

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