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[X1.09 + X:CE 0.26HF] XENOPHOBIA- Ultimate Compilation Mod

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There is something terribly wrong here. I know I`m not supposed to get like half a million credits for completing a ground raid on shot down UFO, but getting something ~$2000 total (and only for corpses at that) for Medium UFO is a total joke. You are forcefully driven to constantly (like 50-70% of all available engineers) manufacture some junk just to stay on a positive balance. And I stress CONSTANTLY. With all the random pack of UFO flying here and there, you wont be able to keep all the countries happy. Thus taking a hit on your organization financing.

PS. This mod is not in any way difficult except for one- serious lack of balance (or logic in choosing some ingame parameters/stats)

The bulk of your income (at least mine) comes from selling the alien equipment you pick up. Check your warehouses and sell your excess. Try not to finish off aliens with explosives due to their tendency to destroy valuable stuff.

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The best course if action I`ve determined is to constantly manufacture a MIG-32 Foxtrot, then equip it with some cheap rockets like Sidewinder and then sell it via "dismiss an airplane". You`ll also have 2 Mammoth heavy rockets in our storage s a bonus, $188k each. :rolleyes:

But again you should be more or less rewarded for cleaning up all the survived aliens. Being able to sell (as opposed to use them) captured equipment and alien corpses is just a bonus.

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0.28 is very, very bad version freezes AI when your turn, freezes blasts fired from a grenade launcher, the Full destruction of houses with explosions, for all of these glitches, we should thank the Community Edition

0.25HF - 0.30 freezes AI when moving the Hidden Movement

The best performance is noticed work in the version 0.25 not 0.25HF. 0.25 crash when auto combat bomber protection 2 fighter

can download

1. Download Patch Xenophobia v 1.5.1


2. Install Patch Xenophobia v 1.5.1


Sorry for my English, it's not native for me.

Edited by AND_GREAT
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Hi all,

Any idea how to fix crash, what happens, when I click medkit on equipping page?

I installed Xenonauts, and then applied the mod on it. Crash, every time. :(

Add a string to the end of the file strings.xml

weapon.grenade.medipack1 medipack1

weapon.grenade.medipack1.desc medipack1

Crash when using Mar weapons

file weapons.xml








change for work







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Been playing the mod for two days and I enjoy it. Unfortunately I get an occasional game lock up it the tactical mode during the AI's turn...

As I wrote above when using CE 0.28 is frequent freezing with the AI.

Use the version CE 0.25

Unfortunately the entries are not visible on 0.28 version 0.25 is going to have to start a new game

can download CE 0.25


Sorry for my English, it's not native for me.

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Your download link says "Xenonauts.exe 1.07 - CE 0.30.rar"

Is CE0.25 in there with the other stuff?

Never mind I found it. How do I install CE 0.25 from your folder? Sorry for the questions. Have the STEAM version with the Beta turned off. I currently have Fire in the Hole mod installed.

Should I go back to vanilla and install CE 0.25 then install Into the Darkness and then your mod?

Sorry for all the questions.

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1. Download XNT-INTO DARKNESS v5.31


2. Download XENOPHOBIA - Ultimate Compilation Mod v1.5.0a


3. Download Patch Xenophobia v 1.5.1


description of changes available


4. Download K-Lite Codec Pack Full


5. Install game Xenonauts v1.08 or v1.09

6. Install XNT-INTO DARKNESS v5.31

Copy the replacement files from the archive into the folder \Xenonauts

7. Install XENOPHOBIA - Ultimate Compilation Mod v1.5.0a

Copy the replacement files from the archive into the folder \Xenonauts

8. Install Patch Xenophobia v 1.5.1


9. Install K-Lite Codec Pack Full

10. Run game. Necessarily new game

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Play 2 months, more than 113 ground operations, 3 total times freezes AI

1. Freezes games in a fight with an egg, try the small distance egg shoot to kill him for the first time in 90% of cases, the game freezes.

2.CE 0.25 crash when auto combat, against bomber protection 2 fighter. Use the manual mode and everything will be good.


CE 0.25






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tried the AND_GREAT patch but insta crash when entering sodlier loadout menu, any ideas? (fresh install and reapply didnt solve (followin great steps) version 1.09 here EDIT: ust fixed i think, at the 3 third time reinstalled it worked :)

Edited by asierus24
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