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Everything posted by crusherven

  1. 1. I could have sworn that's a feature in the new UI, but I can't prove it. I agree it should be a feature. 2. Sure. 3. I doubt that's possible with the way the sprite animations work, but I could be wrong. 4. But I thought base defense missions being a total chaotic mess was part of the XCOM experience?
  2. An interesting point. But by extension, shouldn't the heavy weapons have much less ammo per magazine?
  3. The patch does fix the performance issues. I'll have to see if I can find a way to get it to run full screen and not be awfully pixelated. I find windowed mode distracting. The graphics are weird to me because I've pretty much always played the windows version, and that's what I have installed--so installing a "patch" and having the resolution drop by 75% was an unpleasant surprise. You gotta love this, though: Dead tank on the ramp and at least one more alien in sight just off the screen. Maybe I'll just get back on the plane
  4. The version of XCOM (the windows disk) I have looks fine even on max resolution, though. The Steam version looks good, too.
  5. I've heard a number of people talking about it. I tried it out today, and found it barely playable. The resolution is incredibly low (even with the GFX filter) and the game runs poorly in general--doesn't like to scroll in battlescape, geoscape looks choppy. I'm not sure if this was OpenXcom's fault, but I did a terror mission with 6 cyberdisks. I'm honestly not sure if it's possible to carry enough ballistic ammunition to kill that many. I'm not too concerned about the last part, but for the graphics and performance, is there a setting I'm missing?
  6. Ah. Yeah, they could be scarce early on. Even if you only fired one round, the magazine was considered used. Solution was to eject the magazine before the end of combat.
  7. I seem to remember having 35 rounds per magazine for heavy plasmas (that's 11 bursts, or over 5 rounds of two bursts per round). Reloading was not really an issue, with Cydonia being the only possible exception.
  8. Air cover: if you're struggling with that many planes, you might take a look at your tactics for these encounters. To take down a Corvette with escorts, I send two waves--first has condors that take out the fighters, then bug out. The second wave has foxtrots with torpedos to take out the corvette (if necessary, take two trips). If you're frequently taking a lot of aircraft damage, you're probably doing something wrong. I like using hunters as scouts. It's much safer sending them ahead than your troops, especially once you are up against enemies with rifles. Dead troops gain 0 exp.
  9. Sebilians might could use melee. They seem pretty easy to me atm due to their poor vision. Dangerous in breaching operations but that's it.
  10. On the topic of cheese, but not sci fi, Lucky Luke:
  11. Yeah, part of the problem back then was definitely that funding was tight. A second base was a massive sacrifice. I liked #4 as well, at least for early sites so that new players would get a chance to see what a terror mission meant before being forced to skip them.
  12. I did not like terror missions showing up out of range--at least not early ones. It wasn't unusual to have two or three unreachable terror sites before you ever got one you could reach, and IMO that was crap. Even if you built a second base, you would still have parts of the globe you couldn't reach.
  13. I thought it was stated that this will be a feature in the new UI?
  14. Good lord... one hopes that, unlike the MTV, the Sentinel armor comes with an AC unit. I think the armors look great.
  15. The first armor will keep you somewhat safe from pistol fire. Rifles will still probably kill you.
  16. But much worse in others. Still, some way to carry extra ammo that isn't gamey would be nice. I like having to consider ammo tactically (rounds in the magazine) and to a certain extent strategically (how much can I carry) but if I *can* bring as much as I want to a mission, it shouldn't be gamey to actually do it. Maybe on easier difficulties. That doesn't sound that different from the OG when you put it that way. Also, I think most missions feel about right for enemy numbers.
  17. I'd only like it in specific circumstances (Cydonia comes to mind, which basically had the nastiest combo possible: ethereals, sectopods, chryssalids).
  18. Melee weapons were one of my favorite features of TFTD. Be nice to see that as a feature in Xeno, on both sides.
  19. Matthew, I've seen the same thing here: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/7187-V19-SC1-alien-walked-through-wall
  20. My ironman game ended when I accidentally spawned a two more packs while trying to finish off a cyberdisk. I was at the beginning of the map, in a corner, in a gas station. That ended poorly. As others have said, you can do something similar. One nice thing about xenonauts is that you aren't committed to take a whole "action" at once, so you can move a soldier for 2/3 his TUs, move some other troops, and come back later and do whatever.
  21. Maybe the game could be a little more obvious about this. The new UI might make this easier?
  22. Aliens *walking* through walls is what annoys me. I don't know if you could call FF a bug, but it feels close sometimes.
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