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CompoTheSmoggie last won the day on March 21 2022

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  • Biography
    I've been a gamer since acquiring a Sinclair Spectrum +2 128k as a child, and having the odd console such as a Sega Master System 2 (Rage-quitting Alex Kidd in Miracle World killed that console), Playstation, Sega Mega Drive, PS 2 and most lately, my Xbox One. but aside of that, I had the Speccy, the Commodore 64, Amiga 1200 and then a very basic PC that catapulted me into my PC Gamer hobby, where I now 'evolved' into having, what 6 years ago would have been called a Ultra-high spec gaming Desktop PC. It's still running well having paid enough to future-proof it for a few years.
  • Location
    Middlesbrough, UK.
  • Interests
    Cosplay, Gaming (PC / Xbox One), Travel, Airsofting, Swimming, Cycling, Walking / Hiking.
  • Occupation
    Shift Lab Chemist

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  1. Chris, I've recently played through a campaign on the Milestone 4.17.0 and I'm pleased to see the Colossus armour suit there (despite the fact managing resources between 6 bases meant I didn't have enough alerium and alien alloys to get them in time for the fight). Big up's for not having to manufacture every single aircraft cannon or missile/torpedo as well! Can I reinforce the fact (as I already have), to extend the games playability, the longevity of the game has to be addressed. If the alien attacks end during the space of the game, that said, I know there isn't any end game existing as such yet, I, like some others, in previous games held off playing the end game because the turn-based strategic battles were more appealing than completion. The game is essentially a turn-based isometric combat game which is it's appeal. I've got nearly 7000 hours play time on XCOM 2 and most of my games on XCOM 2 I hold off playing the end missions. Complete them the first once or twice on my first couple of tries and then just come back to the game when I fancy a go on the progress I've got. Isn't there a way to implement an infinite number of UFO attacks into the game? Even with the existing version and game development progress? I mean, if people are still playing at day 1000, 2000 or 3000 etc, the enjoyment is there. When it ends after about 500 or 600 days, I'll put down the game and play something else as there's nothing more to do on Xenonauts 2.
  2. Chris, Can we get an extension (pretty) please on the final alien spawns days counter please, or do away with it altogether? I noticed after about day 420 that there were no more spaceships appearing and I couldn't find any alien bases, as I was eventually catching up with budgeting money and manufacturing enough alien alloys and alerium to make the pegasus dropship, fusion weapons and ares platforms. I know the End Game part of the game isn't done yet, so is the plan to run the UFO's up until the player completes the End Game Mission? Many thanks, Compo.
  3. Can I suggest, to give the development milestones some longevity with playing, to extend the frequency of UFO's in the game to extend beyond the current limit of around 300 days? There's research and manufacture items out there in the game that, because of the drop-off at the back end of the game, all you're having to do is manufacture alien alloys and alenium to manufacture them, but there's no real UFO threat to test them afterwards. I'm at day 400 now and just skipping through the days on the fastest speed making alien alloys and alenium for the exosuit, I never previously had enough alien alloys and alenium for and for what? The aliens have vanished.
  4. @Kouki Thanks for coming back to me with a reply so promptly. It's a new campaign on milestone 2.06. I usually delete and wipe missions that have ran on a previous version and restart on a new version. I run the cheats, rather unashamedly, to progress the game faster and hence to get any bugs that are going to appear, early in the game. There's nothing worse than getting to say, completing all the research at day 170 and then the game CTD's. Best regards, Compo (Xenonauts-2 Username = Mykolas Kumpaitis)
  5. I've said it with XCOM-2 and Xenonauts-1 before (I think...) and it's the usage of the ground level in the tactical mission. Every turn-based game, with the exception of Julian Gollop's 'Laser Squad' back in the day, you could access the map sub-level. Now, technically, on XCOM-2, you get the sewer missions and town missions, I don't mean this. You could get elevations above ground that had voids underneath that you could access at ground level, but they weren't sub-level. On a tactical mission, if you get the jetpack and can elevate up 3 or 4 levels above the ground, why can't you say, throw a grenade and blow a hole/crater in the floor? Okay, forget demolitions, think more trenches, commencing a mission in a raised position on a hill or moving up a hill or moving underground through a sewer system to negate an invulnerable obstacle or wall? Bridges, caves, waterways... assaulting an alien base on ground level before going down lifts or stairwells into the actual base?
  6. Description: CTD after clicking on 'Armory' Tab or 'Launch Combat Team' to Crash Site-1 (Scout). What Happened: After downing the UFO, I tried to send Skyhawk-1 to the UFO crash site. The game temporarily freezes and then crashes to the desktop. On reloading the Day 36: After Interception (Auto) and trying to access the 'Armory' tab, it also freezes and crashes to the desktop as well. Mods: WeMod 'Xenonauts 2 - 01/08/2023 (Build 2) used previously for 'Infinitive Money' cheat, hence 'Funds Available $826,542,300'. Any Remedial Action: Clean install performed (manual deletion of files in 'My Documents/My Games/Xenonauts-2' as well as 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Xenonauts2') but issue is repeated with backup saves on a clean install. I have tried to 'Collect Bounty (+100,000) and access the 'Armory' tab, again freeze and crash. Additional Info: Couldn't find an 'output.log' in the 'Logs' folder, only a 'resolve_layers.log' so I've attached that. In the saves folder I had a 'steam_autocloud.vdf' file so I don't know if that's any use in fault diagnosis. I've also included the 6 json files from out of my 'Settings' folder in the 'My Documents/My Games/Xenonauts-2' folder. auto_strategy_after_intercept-20.json resolve_layers.log steam_autocloud.vdf audio.json display.json general.json input.json mods.json profile.json
  7. @Chris Has this new version release, milestone 1.25 in experimental mode, got the 180 days cut-off point in it still?
  8. @Chris Loving the update has I have had a kind of hiatus from the game with other things going on. Took the game up to 180 days and I was kinda disappointed it stopped and I couldn't advance any further with any research and the bombers and destroyers where the only last kind of UFO's I came up against as well as not getting the Pegasus transport and Gemini interceptors and the advanced weapons that go with it. Don't take the word 'disappointment' as a negative, the fact I wanted to play on. I assure you that's a huge positive sign. I've then read up on the development updates and all I can say... ROLL ON THE 18TH! Can you make the official release of the game 'open ended' though? You know, if you don't want to commit to the final mission and want to crack on with research, production and levelling up your soldiers? I think in one playthrough on version 22 or in the dim in distant past last year, I think I'd made it to day 480 something or another and had Colossus suits in production and the game ended whilst I was owning battleships with my Gemini interceptors. I saw you'd added orbital bombardment which irks the continents off and after losing 2 of them, the game ends. it's all well and good if you can get the missions or down UFO's to counter this, but when the supply of UFO's end, the end is inevitable and you're forced to end the game with the final mission. Also, will the game be rolled out so modders can change it? I know there was a huge Xenonauts community producing such as the likes of the X Division mod and various different gun models. I'd love to see some Warsaw Pact, US and UK weapon mods amongst the weaponry as well as a few wild cards like the French Famas, US M107/M82A1 anti-material rifle, German HK MP5, Croatian VHSD2 etc. It was suit me down to ground if I could arm my soldiers in Russia with the likes of MP443's, AK-24's, AK-47's, RPK's and Dragunovs as well as in the UK, Glock17's /Brownings, M4 Super 90 Shotgun, L86A3 Rifle, L22A2 Carbine, L86A2 LSW, L129A1 Sharpshooter, FN Minimi LMG and the M72 LAW (instead of a grenade launcher). I see you already have a M249 SAW and L115A3 Sniper Rifle. Mind, the L129A1 would be a sniper rifle with a shorter shooting distance for instance. The L86A2 being a kind of assault rifle with a longer shooting distance. Likewise, the L22A2 being a kind of SMG kind of weapon with a shorter distance than the L85A2. A single shot sniper rifle like a M82A1 anti-material rifle which as the power of a grenade launcher and same range of a sniper rifle would be good for taking out armooured targets. Other than that, maybe I've spawned an idea for a future modder to come up with an idea around that instead of further difficulty and getting the game out and Accelerated, Gauss and Plasma weapons kind of render basic start-of-the-game weapons redundant after a while, but those of us who are common-day weapon fanatics, madebe there's some code we could alter so we can get the perfomance of Plasma weapons with basic weapons? Just an idea. Anyway, crack on getting the completed game out to use and I look forway to playing the finished product that all of us Kickstarters have waiting eagerly for.
  9. @Chris This has happened again in another campaign of mine. I thought the 'end mission' was sorted out? (save gave attached) Regards, Compo. user_day_523_manual_save-9.json
  10. @Chris I'm finding when I have a shedload of save game files on my laptop (it's a bog basic laptop) it appears to be beneficial to clean up the past save game files from UFO encounters and that. I make Manual saves and bin the rest off until I know I'm not going to need them from then on. As for any prior cruiser mission, honestly, I can't remember sorry. I know I avoided a terror mission because the panic levels were so low. It had peaked to 50 and then slowly dropped back. As for the Eternal, yeah, it was from an alien base mission in Spain. Regards, Compo.
  11. @Chris I'm getting a crash to desktop on day 245 at time 01:04:00 for no apparent reason I can find. All is going well until that point. No manufacturing or research ends that day. Nothing jumps out at me as triggering the CTD. I've tried the same on all 3 time speeds and it CTD's at the exact time on the same day. Regards, Compo. P.S. That Stunned Live Eternal I always stun on a cruiser or observer UFO with the Wraiths never appears afterwards with the recovered items. You said I had to be further along in the game's storyline to do this? I haven't had any visiting battleships as of yet so it might be connected to the Battleship research? user_day_244_manual_save_before_ctd_at_d_245_t_0104-6.json
  12. @Chris Here's a manual save from during a cleaner intelligence hub mission where I have the required number of 10 data sticks and all of my soldiers are back on the Skyhawk awaiting dust-off. user_day_244_cleaner_intelligence_hub_manual_save-4.json
  13. @Chris I'm finding this as well on v23.5. I can return the soldiers to the ship and abort the mission but it deems it a mission failure. That said, the cleaner plot goes on to the infiltrator mission (where the abort mission upon the ship worked funnily enough) and then the headquarters mission but cleaner intelligence hub missions are still appearing. Regards, Compo.
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