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Kamehamehayes last won the day on June 12 2023

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    Dragon ball (obvs), Tactical and Strategy games, and sitting around in front of my computer.
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    Sitting in front of a computer.

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  1. I tried reproducing the bug, and the bug happened again when I clicked on the MARS. I managed to get a screenshot of the red error text this time though.
  2. I was setting up my soldiers in the deployment phase, and I clicked on the MARS and then the game closed. I don't have a save of the combat itself, but I do have a save right before the tactical battle. I also can't find any output.log files in the prototype version. I have been able to find them when I played milestone 1, but I can't find them right now. The only log file I could find was the resolve_layers file. auto_strategy_before_combat-12.json resolve_layers.log
  3. Have you considered adding missions with more defend objectives within them? If you are worried that most missions will feel like they have some sort of timer in them, then would it be a decent idea to have mission objectives that intentionally slow the mission down? The problem with terror missions and base defense missions and the like for me is that they still become rout the enemy maps when the missions should feel like defending civilians or your head quarters against the alien forces. Defend objectives in those two maps might be a decent fit and add some variety to those maps. Maybe a story mission or two can also have some kind of defend objective as well. Have you seen the Fire Emblem Fates Conquest Chapter 10 map? The story mission I am thinking of could be similar to that where the objective is to defend the starting area, but the map would actually get easier if the player would go out of their way to play aggressive.
  4. I don't think playtest is supported anymore because the game is now released into early access. So if you want to play future builds, you have to purchase the game probably.
  5. @Solver Can you help this guy by restoring the Italian translation patch? Speriamo che google translate non rovini tutto. L'ho appena contattato qui sul forum per te. Puoi andare su Xenonauts 2 Discord e inviargli un ping nella sezione "#support" di discord. Link discordia qui: https://discord.gg/vNJfbGqr
  6. Mi dispiace, sto usando google translate per tradurre dall'inglese all'italiano. I forum sono stati hackerati un anno fa e molti file nei forum sono andati perduti. Se vuoi avere una copia della patch di traduzione italiana, allora farei un ping a @Solver qui o su Discord.
  7. I cannot find the log files anywhere on my pc. I only have one ssd on this pc and the only logs for Xenonauts 2 I can find are from my playthrough on June 21 and 22. Is this an intentional thing to prepare for early access or is this a bug (or it only a me problem)?
  8. Pretty much exactly what the title says. user_computer_start_being_highlighted_again_after_save-3.json
  9. This is not a tremendous deal or anything, but it just feels very weird that the ammo count for the smg is a full tile to the left of the smg. I thought it was a completely separate item initially.
  10. That's a little funny because I considered Observers a big step up in difficulty when I inititally played v25. But since then, the aliens in that mission have been nerfed, bugs (like servitors being able to heal themselves) have been fixed, and the mission seems to take place farther in progression, so I am not shocked that Observers now seem easy compared to the difficult earlygame missions in this version. Honestly, I don't really agree with this. The boost most modules seem to give are pretty tiny stat wise (only 3 armor and 5 accuracy last I remember). I often think that the 12 weight can be better distributed on utility grenades or a stun weapon than on a small increase in stats. It just feels like a single flashbang, smoke grenade, or stun weapon adds so much utility that a meager 3 armor or 5 accuracy cannot give. Although, I assume this will drop off with time as soldiers don't really need more than 2 of each utility grenade and there is now more weight to be allocated to modules.
  11. I see, that makes sense. Having the first mission be against cleaners would not inherently give more options for the player to research. Thinking about it now, the reason the initial mission was just against basic cleaners in v25 and v26 was because there were 3 initial starting projects right? Combat vehicles, defender armor, and air combat if I remember correctly. Although, I think that mission can be tweaked a little bit in order to yield more research projects. For example, this mission could have a mentarch and/or a couple of sectons (with ballistic weapons) near the end of it that would yield Xenobiology at mission completion. So the player will have researched combat vehicles and most of Xenobiology by the time the next mission appears and they are able to get research for magnetic weapons and warden armor. Although if that mission is an abduction mission, the player would get access to alienium too right? I think that would be too much research to throw at the player so early in the game. I can't remember if a scout ufo gives alienium or not, but if it doesn't, then I think the order of Cleaner Deathmatch > Scout Ufo > Cleaner Intel Hub > Alien Abduction sounds like the cleanest solution imo.
  12. I think that the earlygame needs to be slowed down and smoothed up a bit in general. Like I said previously, I feel like this is the kind of thing that earlier beta versions (like v25 and v26) did better than in the current version. In those versions, mission progression felt a lot more smooth. You have the initial cleaner mission while they only have ballistic weapons, then scout ufo, then destroyer ufo, an abduction mission, and then probably the Cleaner Intelligence Hub followed soon by the Cleaner Hq afterwards. It felt more gradual and allowed the player to grow more accustomed to the game's mechanics and difficult before ramping it up as the player approaches the midgame. In this version, you get throw into the alien research mission immediately and then the Cleaner Intelligence Hub probably before the player does their first crash site. Then you get to go through various Cleaner Cell Missions and the progression seems to get out of hand quite quickly compared to previous versions and I feel like it needs to be slowed down slightly imo. I felt like there were too many research projects in the earlygame all at once in previous versions of the game, and I think the problem got worse as more missions and projects were added. If the earlygame was slowed down slightly, I feel like this would somewhat make the research situation more manageable. As for accelerated weapons vs laser weapons, I feel like the small buff to accelerated weapons and a small alloy cost nerf to laser weapons sounds reasonable to me. I also feel like forcing magnetic weapons to be a requirement for laser weapons would also curb the problem slightly as now the player will always have access to accelerated weapons while laser weapons will now be the "optional" and "unnecessary" upgrade.
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