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Well may be the theme of redneck abduction led me to this idea.

There are two types of ordinary mission in xcom:

- crashed ufo discovery

- non-crashed ufo discovery

In case ufo was not crashed operatives can catch cosmites with their pants down.

ie aliens can be cought in the process of conducting their eivil buisiness. The process of abduction istelf can be implemented!

Note, aliens behavoir can be completely different depending of what is their situation, plan and expectations! If they have crashed then some cosmites are fixing soucer and some are hanging around defending the perimeter. Or i more like an idea that they are hanging around with a reason human can not undarstand at all

Also the most important thing is what should be the behavoir of non-crashed abduction ship? Imagine you have killed 1-2 aliens when approaching to ufo at nigh and then it started to lift off. I would poo my pants if this have happened when i was 10 yo playing xcom. Completely new turn.

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i suggest:

1. differ cosmites behavouir depending on what is going on, and what is/was their mission

2. impement alien behavoir for the case they are not awere of xenonauts operatives presence or they are continuing with their initial mission. ie you can watch from the bushes how aliens are leading cow inside their ship

3. implement ufo takeof if it is not demaged (on rare ocasions)

cmon turn on your imagination

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If I read the opening post correctly, KOKON figured it'd be cool if Xenonaut forces were able to catch space invaders red-handed going about their nefarious activities, and even cooler if alien spacecraft could take off mid-mission.

Edited to add: My post was made redundant before I hit the submit button!

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LOL, that the whole point, if you take your time well, the ufo take off! Sucks to be you (me). It's the same loss/win dynamics when you lose a team member. Sucks but it happens. You could get around the whole animation thing by finding scenarion that are turn drivens but does not require animation.

You remember the Abduction ship from UFO? They had these stasis Tank, operating table. Let's say that you are sent to save these poor chaps as a secondary objective. They are already bound on the table, tazed in the tanks waiting to be lobotomized into bio-organic robot slave from mars! If you don't get there in 9 turns, the process is so far gone that you can't save them anymore. They are dead, or a brain in a jar! That's it, you were too carefull in your approach to keep from taking casulties and that did cost their life. It's like a terror mission without civilians running around getting shot at. Maybe both, it's a worthy idea! Lets say its a terror site, a abduction ship is in the middle of town and the aliens already killed or captured civilians, they can't take off before the assimilation precess is completed. Vibration, religious zeal or other obscure reason, they don't take off right away. If you are too slow, well captured civilians dies, the free ones get shot at by freezer guns. Ne need for them to actually drag them in. They are busy with you so they handle that later on.

Why not a mind control setup that make civilian enter the ship by themselves. They get into this Doctor Who style Cyberman transformation machine by their on will! Save them Xenonauts! Stun them if you can and destroy the nasty machine! or complete the mission in X number of turn. Whatever trigger you choose.

Like this idea. It might bring a fresh air to terror mission.

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Why not a mind control setup that make civilian enter the ship by themselves. They get into this Doctor Who style Cyberman transformation machine by their on will! Save them Xenonauts! Stun them if you can and destroy the nasty machine! or complete the mission in X number of turn. Whatever trigger you choose.

Actually, that does sound suitably creepy.

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There are a lot of ways to implement alien activities other then fighting xenonauts. It is almost blanc field and was not implemented in any other ufo game.

I like an idea of civilians go inside the alien ship on their own will. But this should not look funny. It should look horrible. If they just walk on their foots then their animation should change somehow. May be they should suffer or they should become very quiet.

May be some probe-cocoon can capture them. This is the most horrible way i imagine. Smth like brainsucker from apocalypse but this thing is gently slowly flying and takes the whole human corpse inside after paralysing it. Then it dissapears in the air teleportating to ufo. It brings corpse to human containment module or to the surgery room. Btw that would be fun if it could capture operative and after you eventually break in into ufo you find an alien perfoming a vivisection of your crew member. Alien surgery should not stop on any ocasion.

Aliens can paralyse civians and make some injections without killing them or without any kind of effect on this civilians during the mission. Human player would be curious wtf? what for this injections/activities are made? Some players would specially allow aliens to make more injections to see what would happen. But civilian would remain the same. Disguise infiltration?

Cattle can be brought inside ufo via levitation pistol turned upside down under convoy of four aliens.

Well this activities must not be funny and it is possible to do so. Also aliens should not act like humans. I mean they should not always perform logically as they have a superior intellect and you should have a feeling that you just can not understand what they do sometimes.

Let's say that you are sent to save these poor chaps as a secondary objective.

It should be horror. You can recieve a bonus in the end of the mission if you have saved civilian in the ufo corridor. But this is an ordianry bonus for saved civilian i guess. If they manage to bring him to surgery room or to containment module it is not a 100% human already. May be it is not a human even after it was just picked up by cocoon.

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I'm not sure we'd have a specific mission about this....but it is an interesting idea. If you attack a landed UFO you could find a bunch of civilians spawned inside one of the rooms with some weird machinery (or body parts) in it or something, as if you'd found an abduction in progress. I'll see if we have time for that but it would be a nice bit of atmosphere.

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I think if civilian already in the human containment or have been vivisected then it should change. May be it should stand without move like if it was brainwashed. Or it should produce sounds other then an ordinary civilian and move towards operaitves or try to runaway from ufo. It's human nature reminds that operatives should help but they are not they are. Player would think wtf? Should i shoot at them? But they should not be dangerous as for me.

I imgaine human containment as a room with civilians walking free and having several exits that are not locked. It should not be like an alien containment with every alien sitting in a different cell. Aliens have differen approach. They suppress human minds/implant smth. I would call it alien examination. After this it will never be a human again.

Alien surgery tables can be placed in the containment room itself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to agree, I'm loving where this is going. If push comes to shove, and there's no time to implement more interesting scenarios, layering on Atmosphere will be great.

Worst comes to worst, It would be awesome to have a splash screen (a la funding / research / etc.) that happens after completing your first abduction mission. Just a still picture of the horrified faces of your troops encountering alien study, with suitably nightmare provoking details alluded to (the ol' can't see what's on the slab angle).

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