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Xenonauts configuration files


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I think so. The images for the bits of earth are in assets/earth. In terms of making them places where UFOs can crash/land, I presume that you'd need to add to the appropriate areas some terrain types on the continent masks. But I've never tried this so might well be wrong.

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You'd just need to replace Australia with Oceania, and throw Hawaii into North America I think? Of course, I don't know how assigning landscapes to "bloc" works nor adding "add to the appropriate areas some terrain types on the continent masks"...? Still trying to look where I can do so.

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You'd just need to replace Australia with Oceania, and throw Hawaii into North America I think? Of course, I don't know how assigning landscapes to "bloc" works nor adding "add to the appropriate areas some terrain types on the continent masks"...? Still trying to look where I can do so.

The continent masks are in assets/earth/continentmasks

To add the tilesets which can be used for missions, you want the multi-coloured images at the bottom. I don't know if you need to do anything else than this with the other images as well, though.

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Ah, I can't say about game balance. As for modding, if you've got Excel just load up the file I mentioned above in that and it should be pretty clear from there (there's a column somewhere in the middle labelled "soldiers" - that's where you'll find the relevant values.

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Hello everyone. I spend whole day, and can't find how to change HP penalty, when soldier wounded. the only thing i hate in xenonauts, is that options. I just want use Medipack in groundbattle and restore all unit health, without any penalty and loosing days in medical room...

P.S. Sorry for my English, not my native language...

Edited by Vruir
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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the significance of the word "Excel" in brackets beside the names of a lot of those xml files??

Hi all - here is a list I put together a little while ago which summarises the purpose of each of the various configuration files in the Xenonauts "assets" folder which control most of the game. The list is organised so that the files that are relevant to the 3 main areas of the game (Ground Combat, Geoscape and Air Combat) are collected together.

It is purposefully just a short summary, and though most you probably know this all already it will be helpful to new modders. Let me know if you spot any mistakes or important files I've missed.

- Ground Combat -


Defines the basic stats and equipment of all AI controlled units - including alien drones and unarmed civilians


Defines the stats of various human armour types for the Ground Combat, such as resistances and sight range. Includes human vehicle armour too


Selection of general GRound Combat related definitions - things like movement AP cost, LOS rules and character movement stats. Also includes some debug commands to force GC to always occur at night.


Defines the appearence, shape and size of the corpse props when viewed in the players inventory screen during GC


Defines the types of gas (smoke, nerve gas etc...) in GC and how they behave




These various define the type of mission the player will receive in certain situations - the most useful being levelsetup_quickbattle as it defines the mission the player will get when they launch the game with the quick battle options, and this is really required for testing changes easily. Note that changes in these files will usually override the default values the game would otherwise generate - so you can force the squad makeup you will enter the final mission with by setting it up there.


Tells the game how to assign the player a score at the end of various GC mission types


Sets which civilian AI units the game will populate into GC missions


Variables to control how morale is handled during GC missions, controls for things like regeneration rate and how certain events affect morale


Short file which defines a couple of variables that control the sound/appearance of psionic powers (also Zombification)


Variables that control the AP cost and other stats of psionic power use


Defines the items dropped when a human soldier is killed while wearing the various armour types


Defines the sounds that are used during Ground Combat, also includes the GC music


Defines some basic properties of tile rendering in GC, including wall transparency


Sets the armour type and engine sound of each human vehicle type


Defines the stats of weapons for human vehicles, similar to weapons_gc


Defines the stats of all the weapons used by soldiers (either human or alien)


Seems to define a squad of human soldiers, vehicles and alien opponents - no idea where it is used

- Air Combat -

aircraftweapons.xml (Excel)

Defines stats for human and alien aircraft weapons in Air Combat


Defines important Air Combat variables.

aircrafts.xml (Excel)

Defines stats for human and alien aircraft on the Geoscape

- Geoscape -











Variously define the different mission types UFOs can undertake, with various stats for each type


Defines the properties of human ammunition types as they relate to the Geoscape (i.e. image, inventory size and weight)


Defines the properties of human armour types as they relate to the Geoscape (i.e. image, inventory size, weight and strength boost)

buidlings.xml (Excel)

Defines the appearence and basic stats of Xenonauts base buildings


Defines the stats of Geoscape cities


Defines the colours used in the Xenonauts map editor to identify different types of tiles (e.g. if a tile name contains a string listed here, such as "grass", it will be displayed with the colour defined for "grass")


Defines most of the important gameplay aspects of the Geoscape, such as variables to control rate of time passage, initial player conditions, difficulty level multipliers and alien invasion AI settings. Also defines important Air Combat variables


Tells the game how the names of items in the Geoscape match up to the names of items in the Ground Combat

items.xml (Excel)

Defines the types of items that are recoverable after a mission, along with text to display when they are recovered

manufactures.xml (Excel)

Defines the items that can be produced using the base workshop, along with how much they cost and how long they take

researches.xml (Excel)

Defines all the research projects the player can undertake during the game, along with how long they take and what they unlock


Engine info, not relevant



Defines the names and backgrounds of the soldiers in the game.


Defines sounds to be used in the Geoscape, including background music

strings.xml (Excel)

This file contains the language specific strings that are displayed in various parts of the game, which would need to be changed for translations into different languages

vehicles.xml (Excel)

Defines the information displayed about various human vehicle types (some of this info is also used by the GC, i.e. AP values and health!)

vehicleweapons.xml (Excel)

Defines some information about the weapons for human vehicles, but I believe these are just for display and don't affect GC

weapons.xml (Excel)

Defines some information about the various weapons, but I believe these are just for show in the squad management screen and don't affect GC


Contains the titles and descriptions of research projects and a few other entries, to be displayed in the Xenopedia. Would need to be changed for translations into different languages

ufocontents/ (folder)

This folder contains a number of Excel files that defines which aliens the different types of UFOs and alien bases will have in their associated GC mission.

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