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Will there be mountains/hillside terrain?

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One thing I've noticed when playing Xenonauts so far is the distinct lack of mountainside maps on the geoscape, after shooting a ufo down over the Himalaya's, I played a farmyard level, then on another, an industrial level.

As far as I am aware the Himalaya's arn't exactly world famous for agriculture and exports.

I know it's close to Beta and I don't mean to nit pick but will there be any Mountain/Hillsite crashsite levels in the final build?

If anyone knows any news it would be greatly appreciated if it was shared.

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The game engine doesn't cope well with slopes so they have not been implemented.

I know Chris had a bunch of hill sections as test items a few builds ago but I have not seen any of them make it into a live build so I am assuming they still don't work as intended.

If that is true then the best you could hope for would be a map where you wander a valley surrounded by steep cliffs.

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No worries, I could be completely wrong with this though, just what I have observed and some assumptions derived from those observations.

I think the problem is just the slopes.

Never know, there may be a crack team of map trouble shooters working on it as we speak.

Or maybe just Chris.

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Yeah, there won't be hills / slopes in the game. There's a number of problems with it - it's a bit awkward in game terms, but also we can't do hand-painted ground tiles if we have sloped ground unless they're a pre-set shape...and they also have to be destructible, so you can shoot a hole in it etc.

Basically, it's a LOT of hassle so we just threw the idea out.

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Don't need to be destructible, most ground can't be wiped out with a few bullets.

I see how the slopes could be awkward and require more artwork though.

It isn't like the mesas or small terrain features where you can just drop one or two in between other features and the map would be complete.

They really need to be different heights, cover different areas, or even stack on top of each other and so on.

Each of those would need different art I guess.

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Surprisingly, I didn't even notice the absence of hills until someone pointed it out. I don't think they were as big a part of EU94 as some people have made them out to be. It was pretty much just the desert, mountain, and forest tileset that had them, right?

Also known as the "pain in the arse" tilesets.

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I loved those maps. Probably because I'd blow the hills to pieces as that is how I roll. Forest is my all time favourite. Now the TFTD maps are ALL a pain in the arse if you don't regularly blow massive holes in maps.

You forgot Mountain which is also hilly (and very sadly rare, since its pretty cool).

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