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  1. 1.) As soon as I begin to manufacture equipment item "####" within 12 hours I get CTD. Screenshot of equiptment "####" IMAGE: http://windpower4homes.net/images/CTD-Manufacturing-bug.bmp I know the item does not fully exist in the game yet, so I'm just posting an observation. 2.) Possible Research Bug - For some reason, this time I have not been able to research Alienium. I got alien alloys, and I already have stun grenades, currently researching Toxic Grenades and Heavy Alien Plasma Rifle. I've captured live aliens with stun grenades but still not available to research any live ones. Should I have come across Alienium by now? The only thing I did different this playthrough, I did not research Alien Invasion until I had already researched a few other beginning items. Cannot remember exactly which ones I did before Alien Invasion though. What is required to be able to research Alienium?
  2. The beginning of the game allows the following research:- Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Alien Alloys Alien Power Core Additionally, Laser pistol is available for manufacture.
  3. Even though I had Plasma researched and alloys and power source, and the text stated Stun, Toxic grenades and Lasers were available for research I was never given an option to select them.
  4. I am really digging this game. Going to go pre-order now! But one quick question I have about this game: Does it contain futuristic weapon, armor and vehicle upgrades? I remember in original X-Com you started out with modern tech stuff but then you got these balls out crazy weapons and research that pimped you out in alien gear. From the looks of the screen shots...I only see SWAT armor. No offense to SWAT teams and modern military's around the world, if aliens did come we gonna need more than MIGs and Raptors to fight these bastards off. Not to mention a riot shield would do shit against these baddies. So I am hoping that there are "better" weapons. Is this true or false? Thanks!
  5. I know we mentioned this in 15 or 16.. could not find it. But, Research results are getting snipped again
  6. I know its most likely never gonna happen but I figured I'd still throw the idea around anyways as I know that's an addition I'd enjoy. I was thinking of a feature to give us the ability, or rather the need to send scientist/technicians crews after a successful mission to harness/study some of the biggest alien stuff. Just like you send soldiers to missions only the space on the dropship would be divided between either scientists/technicians and soldiers for their protections. There isn't really a harnessing/studying mission so to speak, just a geomap marker and countdown that starts when the team arrives and start working. You do use real crews and a dropship though like for a regular mission. The more scientists/technicians on site the quicker Harnessing/Studying would go while the more soldiers are affected to the mission the less chances of Aliens to try and secure back what is theirs. So you got to make choices. Required time on site would of course vary, just like risks. If the team is successful then either you just discovered something (research is over) or they bring back whatever the harnessed for further study (new research unlock). If despite the soldiers the aliens attacks (could be a % chance every hour for example) an event windows popup offering the player with various choices which could be: 1-Fight the aliens, in which case the map loads and everything goes on kinda like a normal mission, win by killing all aliens (and keep on working afterwards) or loose if all soldiers drop dead, in which case you also loose the whole crew, the dropship and the chance to study/harness in that particular site. 2-Retreat, you'd just retreat all your crew thinking it's not worth the risk and come home empty handed and with a slim chance for crew casualties. The site then disappear and can't be studied/harnessed again.
  7. I think that in a realistic point of view, alien bodies and artefacts retrieved from the crash sites should become available for research AFTER the dropship returns to base. It makes more sense this way.
  8. I've been playing the V14 alpha for 6 hours today and here are some of my requests/notes/wishful thinkings: * During tactical battle, to have the ability to cycle through soldiers via a hotkey (i.e like Tab cycles through options in Windows apps) * If cycling through soldiers is implemented, then a "Lock Soldier" option would also be helpful, in order to make sure the soldier won't move by misclicking. I think the original X-com had this option. *Arrangement of soldiers/vehicles in the dropship to actually stay the same on site. I have arranged the setting so that the vehicle is always first to the exit ramp, but in some missions it gets at the back, so I have to move the soldiers first. I think it has to do with the orientation of the dropship's landing. * Names of alien artefacts and corpses to be available AFTER research (I know that this might be hard to do!). That's all for now....next feedback in a couple of hours!!! :D:D:D:D:D
  9. Hi, just found out about this game, as I used to play UFO: Enemy unknown and was hooked way back in the 90s. As far as I'm concerned there hasn't been a single game that has matched the atmosphere or depth of UFO, and the sequels I found very disappointing. I fully support this remake, if you can call it that. I have a few suggestions though: With research results you might want to trim the text down a bit. I noticed that, within research pages, things are repeated a few times. For example with the Greys (can't remember the name in this game but you know what i mean) it says in the same autopsy report that they are frail compared to humans, at least twice. I'm not opposed to text, infact I love the research reports, it's just the repetition with details is unnecessary. More maps, or maybe even randomized maps with different tile sets. I have gone to alot of crash sites and all but one of them, which was in a farm, looked exactly the same (a few buildings in a street). I realise that it's alpha though, maybe you haven't gotten around to making more maps, which is understandable. Thought I'd raise that point anyway. Eventually different maps being added which spawn depending on the biome in which the UFO crash lands, would be awesome. I haven't played this for alot of time as of yet but so far it seems like alien ships tend to evolve very rapidly into larger ones, much quicker than I can keep up with my research. As a player of UFO, one of my main gripes was that the game puts pressure on you to hurry. While I understand that it's important to keep the pace going, one of the best things about UFO was always to investiage and unravel the mystery piece by piece. The research seems a bit slow and I haven't been able to capture an alien alive yet. I seem to remember in UFO (though I might be mistaken as it's been a long time since I played it) that you start off with cattle prods or something? Something like that early on would be great. Anyway I'm just a fan of the UFO franchise putting my 2 cents in. This has great potential and I will be pre-ordering soon as I can't wait to see this project unravels and wish to support you. I will add more to this thread as I play more. Well done so far and good luck!
  10. I may be remembering this wrong, but in the original XCom didn't researching particular aliens then give your troops a slight advantage on the battlefield? You knew some of their weak spots and could take advantage of them, and that was reflected in better stats? Is that planned to happen in Xenonauts too? Even if it wasn't in the original XCom, does it seem like a good idea - a way of showing you are making some progress in fighting the alien menace better?
  11. One of the biggest problems with the game at the moment is the air combat - while it is a good addition to the game, it's not particularly intuitive. While we've got a new GUI on the way that will involve tooltips and should make things clearer, there's a more fundamental issue than that. The difference between the F-17 and the MiG aircraft is important, but not immediately obvious. Sure, you can check the Xenopedia, but realistically almost nobody is going to do that. So there needs to be a better way to explain it. This fits into a wider issue about the pacing of the early game. We've just finished the art for a new UFO type, the Light Scout. The intention is this will be a small 2-alien UFO that is slower than the F-17 and relatively easy meat for interception. This will appear for the first few weeks of the war, and then the Heavy Scout, Corvette and the Fighters will all start appearing at around the end of the third week. As the MiG is basically designed to do two things, either picking off lone Heavy Scouts using Sidewinders or picking off Corvettes using Avalanches, this means it is basically pointless for the first three weeks. In fact, it's actually counterproductive - if you hit the early ships with an Avalanche missile it'd just destroy them outright rather than make them crash. Therefore, making the MiG a research project that is available from the start of the game seems the most sensible suggestion. It achieves several things: 1) The air combat starts off more simple, with only one interceptor to get the hang of (and only two weapons). 2) The player has to look at a research report when they get the MiG-31. This will explain the role of the aircraft, making it more likely to be used correctly. 3) It's a research project that can be available from the start of the game. This lets people use the research screen without having to capture alien technology. The more I think about this idea, the better it sounds. Anyone got any thoughts?
  12. Does anyone know where the research and completion text descriptions for technologies are stored? I was able to find the popup images in Desura\Common\xenonauts\assets\xenopediaimages under 'new' and 'popup' but when I look elsewhere in 'Research', I see nothing in the folder. I had expected the text to be there. I even checked to make sure I have "Show hidden files and folders" turned on, but no luck.
  13. Having just paid some attention to the full art for the research screen, I have to say that I like it a lot more than the screen with the scientist in it. By optimising the menus around the art and making them more opaque, it would have looked really good. It also fits in very well with the stores and barracks pics I saw, and that I also like. To me, the research screen is bleaker, and hints of dark R&D projects, where the scientist one seems brighter (even if he is scowling). There's a quiet desperation about the above pics that the new UI just doesn't have for me. I also think they fit in with the misery shown by all of the soldiers. Way too late, but I thought I'd share.
  14. has anyone else got an intact power core from a scout on this latest build? I've shot down 10+ scout and they all have damaged cores on crashlanding..
  15. I posted this in the v10 thread, then realized it would probably get answered here, >> Ok having issues with the game 1) played for 2 weeks real life and I have not been able to research lasers or wolf armour in any game. 14days playing. I have tried not saving or loading to no avail. 2) Just played game with v10 and 1st light scout did not appear over Europe until the end of July. 1st scout appeared 14th August. There are too many fighters and not enough actual missions. 1st corvette arrived 30th August and immediately turned into a terror site in Lagos. My last research was alien grenades 16 days previous. 3) Terror site was all grass, no buildings very exposed. This meant entire team was wiped out by reaction fire within about 8 turns. No wolf armour or lasers meant I was 1 hit killed -11 points, but took 3shots 2 kill aliens. 4) If you make a mistake or lose an aircraft the game is now very unforgiving. I lost 2 migs by silly mistakes and ended up broke rebuilding them. That took me selling 100 alloys, alien weapons and 30 flares. My main concern is the research problem as it is killing me. thanks
  16. One idea i had while playing the Quick battle. When i saw the two soldiers standing near the destroyed tank in the middle of the map, i ended my turn. One Alien shot one shot at one of my soldiers and he was nearly dead, but then one of the two AI Soldiers shot at the alien and killed it, saving my own soldier. The Moment was very athmospheric and i though that you could make the AI soldiers take a little bigger part in the game. My idea was, that you could research alien communication systems and figure out a really quick way of two peole communicating with one another, with some special device, that only one of the two people needed. Then you could use that device by a soldier. When he uses the device he has the option to check on the AI Soldiers and you would be able to see what they see, for that one turn. Another option would be that he could even give them some orders, like "Go north/South/East/West and Attack/Avoid any aliens you see" They would just be send in one direction and would either shoot at aliens or shoot not at aliens.
  17. The research complete screen and the Engage ground combat windows came up at the same time. I clicked engage, then the research was in the background: When I got back to the geoscape, it was still there: And in base management too: Then I started an air combat: I noticed in this screen I could see the close button at the bottom right corner, so I clicked it. All I got was a blank screen, with a windows desktop style pointer. No sounds or anything, so I guess I would call it a freeze. Or maybe a crash.
  18. Just a small thing here, but the very first thing that people can research should definitely have a text in the research screen that tells you what you are going to research. People new to the game may not be used to the #### placeholder and think there is something wrong.
  19. When I researched alien invasion, and the MiG, they did not show the xenopedia picture, just a big blank area. The picture is still there in the xenopedia entry though.
  20. I don't know how mutch work it will involve, but I would like that when something is finished researched that the game goes to Research menu, not to Geoscope. Just to save a few mouse-click's. --O--
  21. How do I capture an alien? How do I do more research? I did Plasma pistols and thats it how do I research Alien ship technology? how do I get long range radar? I researched a MIG and then manufactured it, but it never showed up in my base. did i miss something, i had a spare a hanger for it.
  22. I tried starting three games of Xenonauts, and AFAICT it seems that in 9.0 starting plasma rifle research is impossible. Seems to me that every time I complete a mission the game decides that I already have a plasma rifle, sells them all. Also the game claims in the "end mission" screen that plasma pistol has been sent to research even after the research for it has been completed. Am I missing something? It occured to me that there might be some prerequisites I need to meet before being able to get plasma rifle research and the game might be just selling them before they are met. Edit: I realized my wording might be confusing. Clarification: I don't get a plasma rifle, even not from the first mission ever to have one in it.
  23. I was wondering, will there be cow mutilation, crop circles and/or discovering (drunk) rednecks that are beeing anally probed inside larger UFOs in the game? Maybe you could have research projects that take hardly any ingame time at all that explains why the aliens in Xenonautsare doing theese things in the UFOpedia. Could be used to add a bit of humor or atmosphere into the game if wanted. I do realize this is polishing and not anything to prioritize deciding on. Just wanted to throw the idea out there =) PS. is the title bad? should i change it? DS.
  24. After researching the two alien plasma weapons, Alien Plasma Technology does not appear for research. Hadn't even realised it was supposed to until flagged by Sathra on another thread, but does mean that laser weapons and wolf armour aren't researchable either. New game here I come... 2011-12-21_20.20.29.zip 2011-12-21_20.20.29.zip
  25. As you can see from my Personnel Screen, I only had 29 scientists but I was allowed to assign up to 190 of them! It sure did speed up research. I also only had 1 lab but got credit for 190 lab space. Not really sure where the error came in but i believe that i loaded during combat a few times and when I exited combat, I noticed the increased capacity
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