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  1. imowf4ces


    What kinda if game is it, is it worth it. Kinda looks cool from vids i seen looks like a space version rts. P.s i know there's a post on ftl, i dont have time to read it im at work phones about to die. So im sorry if makes someone mad just wanna see what people say. Before i take the leap. All my spending money running out with all these games just bought. BL2, TL2 xcom, xcom; UK, xenonauts, nhl 13 was thinking dishonored but that might have to wait lol.
  2. If you miss turn-based strategy, like MoO2.. we would like to present You our project: an old school turn-based space stretegy - "M.O.R.E." The game is based on "Master of Orion 2" and will have: 3D turn-based spacebattles, 3D galaxy map, 20 races, technology tree with dedicated tech branch to every race spaceships created from predefined blocks by player over 10h of epic music, cutscenes and many many more of unique features! (like Dyson Spheres) For more information, I invite you to visit our project website on kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1447560584/more-oldschool-turn-based-4x-space-strategy-game We have over 75% now and we have still 28 more days to go, but we need your support! And our community needs Your support! If You can help us - we will appreciate this. Thank You Marcin - IdeaLcenter Team
  3. Guest

    Nexus 2 On Kickstarter

    If you like 3D space combat and more, make a pledge. Nexus 2 The Gods Awaken
  4. So I figured there needed to be a Borderlands 2 thread here so here is one! Who else is looking forward to it? I also have to vent a little because of frustrations, Borderlands 2 isn't getting released until the 21:th here (Sweden) so that's a whole 3 days later then the US. I thought we were past this bs with very different release times? I won't be picking the game up close to release because I find this practice just unacceptable and I can wait a little bit longer since I got plenty of games to play right now anway. I still am excited for it however! Also saw some bs about some countries getting forced into buying a limited russian version even if they don't even speak russian, that's just pure evil right there.
  5. Bought this and have to say its one great little game. Nothing like it since Sundog made by FTL. http://store.steampowered.com/app/212680/ You gorra love it man.
  6. Have watched this sporadically for awhile, then it slid from under my radar. http://www.fray-game.com/en/weblog/ Basically a turn based PvP squad-level tactical competition, closest analogy I'm aware of is the XCOM: EU MP mode and Frozen Synapse, but solely online (I think?). Summary here http://www.examiner.com/article/fray-preview-meet-xcom-s-inspired-cousin?CID=examiner_alerts_article The achilles heal, in this case, was the last part: solely online MP. Released early June, I think reading between the lines, that they had massive server/connection issues (don't quote me here, I've just briefly skimmed), which effectively broke the game and alienated the customers fast. http://www.fray-game.com/en/forum/topic/346/ The Forums (and the general lack of posts in the last couple of months) is a little frightening. Obviously a very / completely different game and 'infrastructure' to XCOM. Anyway, an interesting case study for those interested.
  7. Background: the Greek Island of Limnos is the setting for the next ARMA 3 release. http://www.dsogaming.com/news/two-czech-men-were-arrested-at-limnos-island-by-the-greek-police-claim-to-be-members-of-bohemia-interactive/ Confirmed by the CEO of BI: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?139877-Two-BI-employees-arrested-in-Lemnos&p=2221846&viewfull=1#post2221846 This is true. We prefer this topic not to be discussed on our forums atm, at least until we know more specific details about the case so I am going to close this topic and our moderators are going to close any related dicussion here, thank you for understanding.
  8. As fans of tactical turn-based combat, I figure many would be interested in this: www.chaos-chronicles.com Hopefully they can succeed where Troika failed.
  9. Hi all, Just a heads up that a free BSG space sim launched today. The game will be released in episodes, and is set to run concrrent to the BSG storyline, on another Battlestar that survived the Cylon invasion. Check it out: http://diaspora.hard-light.net/index.html Here's the page with some vids. http://diaspora.hard-light.net/videos.html Usng the Freespace 2 engine, this is looking epic!!
  10. Black Mesa, the HD remake of Half Life 1, will be launching in 11 days!!!! http://forums.blackmesasource.com/showthread.php?p=480683#post480683 http://www.blackmesasource.com/ It doens't include Xen, but that will come "soon".
  11. I don't know how many of you are interested in tabletop roleplaying, but as it's often a common basis for gamers I'd like to present this game here: http://www.playconclave.com Basically, it's about making it possible to partake in tabletop roleplaying (within certain limits, of course) even if you're not that young nerd with loads of time on your handy anymore, but have grown up to be a working adult. It offers asynchronous play to tackle that issue. I came across it today in RPS' Kickstarter Katchup column, and I think it looks really promising. If it takes up wind, it would offer pretty much unlimited possibilities (think user-created content, one player taking the role of Dungeon Master and the like). I'm normally not one to promote stuff on forums, but I believe this really has some potential. They're doing a Kickstarter at the moment, and while their goal is not ridiculously high, they will still need some pushing. In their favour, they have a pretty nice working Beta in place which you can join for free to see what you're getting yourselves into. Kickstarter is here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/10x10room/conclave Plus, you just gotta love them for their studio's name
  12. Paying a minimum of $ 1,00 you can get 4 games: 1) Dangerous Waters 2) Battle Mages: Sign of Darkness 3) Sentinel 3 : Homeworld 4) Superstars V8 Racing PAY MORE THAN $7.18 AND GET THESE TOO ! : 5) Ghost Master 6) Dark Fall: Lost souls 7) Achtung Panzer: Operation Star 8) Space Empires V 9) Sacred Gold ( includes Sacred, Sacred PLUS & Sacred Underworld ) http://www.indiegala.com - extract from a email I got today. --O--
  13. Hay I found a cool turn based game. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2128128298/expeditions-conquistador/posts/297114?ref=activity FUND IT PLOX
  14. Found this through Total biscuits WTF is... The MMO PvP in WoW never really appealed to me because of the advantages gear got you.. you had to farm PvP all the time, not just when it was fun to be able to compete. And you needed to be in a group of players that farmed together, if you took a break they replaced you. This game doesn't have progression. Anything you can change or buy are sidegrades so the playing is rather level in that sense. The maps and targeting system seems to allow for a lot more vertical combat then the MMO pvp allowed for. The game seems interesting, at least conceptually. http://www.playforgewar.com/ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/166522941/forge?ref=live
  15. Just wondering if anyone else was watching this one and waiting for a bit of mech on mech action?
  16. Does it seem to you with video games the journey is often more interesting than the destination? I've just finished playing Bastion for the first time. The Tazal Terminals were an awesome level. Some really shocking things revealed nearing the end. But when it came to the end... I expected.. I expected.. well, I didn't know quite what to expect, but I expected far more than what I got. For me, it was a real anti-climax. I felt dissapointed and more than a little let down. And I got to thinking, well hey, this is true for quite a lot of the games that I have played. It was true for Mass Effect 3 (haven't seen the extended cut yet - still playing through on insane difficulty). It was true for Fallout 3. I didn't care much for the ending to SPAZ, or King's Bounty. None of the Civ endings have ever made me feel "well, that was well worth 40+ hours of blood, sweat and tears". But going back to Bastion, the Narrator throughout the game helps to create a real sense of immersion in the game. Heck, I could happily play more of Bastion and never need a big finish, because the game in of itself is enough for me. With Fallout 3, if they had worked out a procedural sidequest system, ye gods, I don't think I would have ever touched the main quest unless I felt bored and out of sorts. Do games really need the big finish? Is the act of playing an engaging and immersive game sufficent to the needs of the player, or does it need the "pop" at the end to reward the player for everything they have done to get there? Should the destination be more interesting than the journey?
  17. Folks, it seems that Kickstarter (and IndieGoGo) are here to stay... to that end, and to keep Off-Topic from becoming a Dead State of Double Fine Wastelands, where our SpaceVenture is Skyjacked from the Kinetic Void... I thought it would be good to consolidate all crowd-funded game projects to a single thread that can grow forever, rather than dozens upon dozens. It would also help prevent it from feeling like our community is being spammed by well-meaning but overzealous fans (much as we were when we were out promoting Xenonauts during the tougher early days of the campaign). The threads that have already been made can probably be left alone. Moderators could choose to merge future threads into this one before they grow too large. If a project is so captivating that it threatens to take over this generic thread, a mod can split it off (i.e., it earned the right to stand alone). Also, this opens the doors to non-game projects, such as films, gadgets, etc. See something interesting? Want to share with the rest of the squad? Here's the place to do it.
  18. Hey Anyone else been playing this? I think its been quite a good addition to civ5 and certainly got me playing it alot again. certainly fixes up alot of the hole it used to have. Just wondering what anyone else thought of it?
  19. "Achtung Panzer Operation Star" "Achtung Panzer Operation Star - Sokolovo 1943 DLC" and "Achtung Panzer Operation Star - Volokonovka 1942 DLC" is aviable for $20 at Strategy First http://www.strategyfirst.com/games/2671-achtung-panzer-complete-pack.html Use cupon code PANZER -> http://secure.campaigner.com/Campaigner/Public/t.show?SrFG--E29W-bfCMp1
  20. Hi, I just came accross this game on kickstarter and it looks really interesting. I loved this "infinite" concept. Infinite world, infinite quests, infinite items... There's 21 hours left for the kickstarter to end now, I just placed a US$20 pledge to get a digital copy on release, wich will be december this year. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/malevolence/malevolence-the-infinite-rpg?ref=category
  21. Just saw that Dead State, the zombie surivival RPG, hit Kickstarter today. It was up there with Xenonauts as the most interesting indie games I read about awhile back in PC Gamer, so I'm glad to see they're still alive and, err, kicking. I have to admit, the December 2013 release date puts me off a little bit since that seems like a long time for a game that's already been in development a long time and also the reward tiers seem a bit pricey - $15 for the game is good but then to even get a t-shirt (and some digital stuff), it's a jump to $100. Their "get your face in the game" tiers make Xenonauts' look like a steal, too - I think it's $750 or $800 to show up as an NPC or a zombie. That said, the game looks fun, managing a base and a team of characters trying to survive after the Zom-pocalypse. Take a look at the Kickstarter and let's discuss what you think... -Kilrathi
  22. I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but a search of the forums didn't turn up anything, so here goes: Kinetic void is a sandbox space simulator currently on Kickstarter. It's a game I'm quite excited about, but funding's not doing too well. It's got two key features that really attract me to it: firstly, it has a procedurally generated galaxy (with many factions, all with their own philosophies and politics) which means you can play a different game every time. Secondly, it allows you to design your own ships. The cool thing about the ship-building is that it's limited only by your resources, so as you do well in the game you can expand your fighter to a mighty capital ship. Get some allies, and where you were once limited to simple trade missions you now have the power to bring countries to their knees. You can give the game your own spin, and the progressive gameplay means the gameplay options expand with your character. The game is currently in a pre-alpha state, but the shipbuilder demo is availablehere; the Kickstarter is here. An interesting thing to note is that they're running a referral program. If someone who pledges at least $10 (which gets you the full game upon release) lists you as a referrer, your own pledge is bumped up by $10. So say you list me as the referrer upon pledging, the tier reward I'd get is my own pledge + $10 for each of you. So if the game looks good to you, spread the word. Naturally, this post is made entirely without any financial interest on my part.
  23. Gorzahg


    Chivalry is a first person slasher that only looks awesome. [video=youtube;-Y0las3-e1M] Its set in some fantasy made up place but who cares when you can chop up and mash people with a pretty badass weaponry. And there's objectives like village raids (burn down the village, kill peasants etc) castle/fort assaults. But, most importantly, is the extremely deep close combat. I do not believe there will be single player campaign, since its designed to be a multiplayer game but you can have battle against and with bots. And its still in alpha too. And they won't let me give them money because theres no pre ordering yet
  24. Here's a game that was linked in the comments of the RPS Kickstarter article. There's an Indiegogo in progress for that one. http://www.lofigames.com/index.php
  25. Has anyone else tried this one? I bought it soon after it was released, and now the updated version is out on Steam as well. So, you play as this strange guy wearing a surgical mask, apparently the only survivor of some kind of a disease that has left the city in ruin and full of zombies (or something similar). I'm not much of a zombie survival fan (Shaun of the Dead is the only zombie movie I really like), and never really played the Silent Hill games which are an obvious influence, but this game has an amazing creepy atmosphere, greatly enhanced by the well done sounds and music. The pixelated 2D graphics style is rather charming as well. I'm especially impressed with the psychological side of the game, as half the time I'm not sure what I saw is real or just the main character going insane. You can check out the browser-based demo here: http://www.kongregate.com/games/superflat/lone-survivor-demo
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