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  1. I'm absolutely baffled, I must be the biggest retard or something else is wrong. I've been trying to add chinese soldiers to the game, and I have tried several different ways to accomplish this, but i can't seem to get them to show up even after hiring/firing dozens of soldiers http://pastebin.com/MUsQfUvT this is what i have been trying to use. I put the male list at the top of soldiernames.xml (beneath the database tag) above the nation below it, and the female list at the top of soldiernamesfemale.xml. I add the regiment and experience strings to strings.xml this doesn't seem to worth whether i use the vanilla game's files or if i place the nation itself into a mod (names of the world for example) i've tried modmerge deleteall and modmerge insert (like I saw in the files for "Names of the World" but that does not seem to work either https://i.gyazo.com/653c2fa5ea1cf674c0ec9c665a7d981b.png I'm still convinced that i'm missing something important and I would be grateful to anyone who can help me out.
  2. I'm trying to re-write the AM_* files from scratch and need advice on how to get alien missions to carry an escort. Thanks in advance.
  3. I've been trying to mod the music files and been having some issues with normalizing and balancing the audio files in relation to the game. I've normalized the music files themselves to a standardized -3dB and they sound all pretty even, but I've noticed that in-game the volume levels seem to be all over the place. In the sounds_gc.xml the code is listed as such: <General> <Sound name="GC Music" volume="0.7" group="2" comment="Music played during the GC missions"> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Day 1.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Day 2.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Day 3.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <Sound name="GC Music Night" volume="0.7" group="2" comment="Music played during the GC night missions"> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Night 1.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Night 2.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Night 3.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <!-- It is possible to have per-tileset music by apending " - <tilesetname>" to name, e.g. "GC Music Night - town" --> In sounds.xml (not sure why it's separated like this, but it is what it is, I guess): <Sound name="MainMenumusic" volume="0.7" repeattime="0" group="2" comment="BGM for the main menu."> <Wave>audio/music/Main Menu.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <Sound name="Geomusic" volume="0.7" repeattime="0-1" group="2" comment="BGM for the geoscape."> <Wave>audio/music/Geoscape 1.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Geoscape 2.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Geoscape 3.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <Sound name="AirCombatMusic" volume="1.0" repeattime="0-1" group="2" comment="Played while the air combat lasts."> <Wave>audio/music/Air Combat 1.ogg</Wave> </Sound> I've been adjusting the volume levels in these files, with my in-progress mod as the highest priority, but the volume controls doesn't seem to have any effect. The air combat music sounds too soft and the night combat music in particular sounds so loud that it's been causing clipping issues in-game. When I looked at the original music files, it seems like whoever did the music for it went around the problem by normalizing each sound file differently (compressed like hell for Air Combat, really soft for Ground Combat Night), which isn't really a good solution. Not sure if there's a fix for this -- if it's an issue with the modding process or the game itself. Can anyone confirm that this is in fact a bug? I've set the volume to 0 for some of them with no effect. Not sure if it's the game, or an issue on my end that I need to fix.
  4. I've been trying to mod the music files and been having some issues with normalizing and balancing the audio files in relation to the game. I've normalized the music files themselves to a standardized -3dB and they sound all pretty even, but I've noticed that in-game the volume levels seem to be all over the place. In the sounds_gc.xml the code is listed as such: <General> <Sound name="GC Music" volume="0.7" group="2" comment="Music played during the GC missions"> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Day 1.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Day 2.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Day 3.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <Sound name="GC Music Night" volume="0.7" group="2" comment="Music played during the GC night missions"> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Night 1.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Night 2.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Ground Combat Night 3.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <!-- It is possible to have per-tileset music by apending " - <tilesetname>" to name, e.g. "GC Music Night - town" --> In sounds.xml (not sure why it's separated like this, but it is what it is, I guess): <Sound name="MainMenumusic" volume="0.7" repeattime="0" group="2" comment="BGM for the main menu."> <Wave>audio/music/Main Menu.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <Sound name="Geomusic" volume="0.7" repeattime="0-1" group="2" comment="BGM for the geoscape."> <Wave>audio/music/Geoscape 1.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Geoscape 2.ogg</Wave> <Wave>audio/music/Geoscape 3.ogg</Wave> </Sound> <Sound name="AirCombatMusic" volume="1.0" repeattime="0-1" group="2" comment="Played while the air combat lasts."> <Wave>audio/music/Air Combat 1.ogg</Wave> </Sound> I've been adjusting the volume levels in these files, with my in-progress mod as the highest priority, but the volume controls doesn't seem to have any effect. The air combat music sounds too soft and the night combat music in particular sounds so loud that it's been causing clipping issues in-game. When I looked at the original music files, it seems like whoever did the music for it went around the problem by normalizing each sound file differently (compressed like hell for Air Combat, really soft for Ground Combat Night), which isn't really a good solution. Not sure if there's a fix for this -- if it's an issue with the modding process or the game itself. Can anyone confirm that this is in fact a bug? I've set the volume to 0 for some of them with no effect.
  5. Download the file here and activate the mod contained within: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=104 Step 0: Make a new game/save Step 1: Research "Project: Ascent" and start building a Mirage Battlesuit Step 2: Wait til a blank xenopedia entry pops up Step 3: Equip any soldier with the Mirage Battlesuit and make them wield/hold the "DFFG DEVICE"--a message will pop up saying that the soldier can't use such equipment despite the fact it is considered a "Big Gun". Oh, BTW: "StrengthBoost" only seems to work going up rather than down--might wanna fix that too.
  6. I can't scroll to reach the bottom-most options in the Sub-map Editor, It cuts off at the options for "Command Room" and "Target Point" I find this irritating because I'm trying to make new props for some new buildings in my Building and Salaries Overhaul Mod (and maybe improve the Command Center to be a more accurate depiction. Additional Information: I'm using the smallest resolution size for the Sub-Map Editor.
  7. Hi guys and gals i have some difficulty implementing back saracen interceptor in to the game with some of my changes, i've edited aircraft, manufactures, research and xenopedia files, but still for some reason when i load game it crashes same when i start new game once i click to set up base. If there is someone experienced in modding xenonauts i attach link to the archive with all loose files from the assets folder that i have. I would apriciate help and some sort of explanation and information how did you fixed it. Build on the 1.56 version of game. Thanks in advance ppl. Here is the link I uploaded it to the google drive ps. I have also edited weapons file not much just the clip sizes and changed gameconfig file to be able to add items and fast production/research for the test purpose, any way you will see changes when you start looking through the files.
  8. The beta 0.2 has been unleashed onto the world! get it HERE Beta 0.2 changelog: - changed rocket launch sounds, removed spring trigger effect to allow faster ignition sound (was doing shenanigans ingame on short range rocket fires) - gave frag grenades some added ambience making the explosion sound with much more..errm...presence. -finished with the machinegun. 10 bullets burst. each bullet has 5 parts. that was 50 audio parts in total + 1 echo part at the end. This would not be possible without coffee for sure~ progress update 12/1/2015: - new air combat canon and missile launch sounds. - new reloading sounds for all vanila balistic weapons. - new firing sounds for all except the machinegun (it needs the most work since its bursts only and those are the hardest to make the way i do them...an no I didn't shoot up the neighboorhood to make those >_>; ). - new rocket launcher fire + explosions and new grenade exposions. - updated preview files to showcase new changes. Progress update 10/1/2015: - 1 new vehicle death explosion sound. - 1 new aircombat explosion sound. - 1 new aircombat crash sound. - 1 new flames sound. - changes in sounds and sounds_GC , renaming some sounds and assigning new ones. ( aimed to preserve the number of sounds and their use ingame rather than adding a bigger number of files, reason:not sure how much new stuff I can add so will be changing exsisting files for now .) work preview, switched to .ogg files since .WMA downgrades sound quality for some reason ( preview style: original sound followed by mod sound after some silence ) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rsljewrbay49t4x/AACDw8br9CXXXHkR53h5wEMJa?dl=0 next on the todo list: - finishing machinegun - more grenades - start work on wounded and dead sounds of humans
  9. So ,Phantra what is this mod about then? Well, this mod aims at Improving the sound effects and adding voiceovers to some of the actions/events happening in the game by replacing exsisting .ogg files or incorporating entirely new ones. All of the sounds currently in the mod have been extracted,compiled and build in the model of their xenonauts vanilla counterparts from bits and pieces by me. (current version original bits and pieces were taken from bf3 and bf4's massive arsenal of sounds. ) keep in mind: although I did my best to preserve the style of sounds of the original in the new files, some turned out utterly different. Beta 0.2 Release: - new balistic vanila weapon sounds . - new aircombat sounds for missiles and canons aswell as new a crash sound. - new vehicle death sound ~ - new flames sound. - new rocket launcher and frag grenade sounds. Plans for the future: - making new sounds for injury/death sounds of humans and maybe some of the aliens if i can manage to make them sound as they should. - changing footsteps/impacts/door stuff/etc. - new sounds for the rest of the vanilla weapons/items. - adding voiceovers to ground combat actions/events. How does one Install this mod? - step one, make backups of your sounds.xml and sounds_GC.xml aswell as sounds and sfx folders ... after that: - If you are getting this mod for a clean instalation of 1.06 you just need to extract the zip file into your xenonauts install folder. - if you have mods that modify the sounds.xml and/or sounds_gc.xml or have a newer version of those files (CE/patch etc) then: you would need to Install the sound files manualy + make changes to sounds and sounds_GC, the files that would need assingment in there would be: AirCrash.ogg -> in sounds.xml assigned to the sound played when a unit crashes in aircombat AirCombat_explosion.ogg -> in sounds.xml assigned to aircombat explosions VehicleDestroyed_1.ogg -> in sounds_GC.xml assigned to vehicle explosion *Currently it has been tested on version 1.06 of the game and in need of testing on other versions. Download Link here Discuss the mod + Idea's/requests here: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/12627-W-I-P-Sound-mod-%28non-music-sound-replecement-additions%29
  10. Okay, so I'm a modder and I recently started playing around with the Aircraft Weapons and suddenly realized that a weapon that a dealing 10,000+ Damage per hit should have caused a scout UFO to explode rather than crash, or so the "Overkill Percent" variable in the "GameConfig.xml" file told me... I have tried this both with and without XCE and have encountered the same results--the UFO that should definitely have exploded simply crash lands. If someone can explain to me why this is happening it'd be greatly appreciated!
  11. I have been looking for the xml files in which to make my own changes to the game. However, when I look in the computer: program files x86: steam: steam apps: common: xenonauts: assets: I find that there are no files with ".XML" at the end of them. Instead, I get internet links to view the files, but can't actually change any of them since they are just internet links. I don't know why this is, and any advice on how to get past this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks~
  12. Hey, I'd be really interested in developing better modding tools. Is the source code for the level editor is available anywhere? If Not, is there documentation on the format of game content file? If Not still, is there a 3rd-party MediaWiki where moders are actively hacking to derive said documentation? If Not Still, then exit(withdissapointment=True);
  13. At least for adding in a future update or patch after release. 1) Damage falloff for weapons. It should be a simple enough adition - distance to target is already taken into acout for accuracy formulas. Basicly a weapon has an aditional entry in the weapons_gc called pctdamgefallof='-1' that tells the damage reduction per square (as percentage. In this case, 1% damage reduction per square)). Default 0, but it can be made a positive value to make a wepon that become more damage at long range. This would basicly jsut calculate the new damage value (rounded up) and hand that value over to the other calculations (armor penetration, etc...) I'd really lik this, as it would give modders the abiltiy to give more varriance to weapon and create interesting tactical situations 2) Multiple AI Props profiles for allies. Alines have miultiple types and profiles with different stats and equiapment. Meanwhile, allied soldiers all use the same non-combatant profile as the civilians. Just having 2-3 profiles for allied soldiers would help. Roookies, Veterans and the rare Elites (with % chance of appearing). Natually, they'd have better stats, with elites having better armor (like jackal or better...statisticly, not visually). Would be even cooler if we could have a text/name displayed. I would love to make a John Rambo or Chuck Norris characters with 1% chance of appearing, but having monstrous stats.
  14. I expect that the ability to shoot down missiles in air combat was removed for the best of reasons, but if the facility to shoot down missiles still exists and is simply unused code, as opposed to completely removed, could the functionality be restored? I'm working on a mod that increases the variety of alien vessels and adding point defence weaponry to the aliens' arsenal (beyond the original use for it) would help improve that variety.
  15. Hi guys, I've had a look and can't locate anything. But is there a way to get more than 3 fights in combat at once?
  16. Is it that deep, i could create my own soldier looks, armors, weapons, research and alien types/behavior? Simple can i create an "xcom apocalypse" remake? Of course only tech and alientypes "look a like", not a 1:1 copy because of copyright issues.
  17. Hello everyone, I was wondering if the possibility of a DLC has ever been mentioned and what the position of the team is on the matter. I get that modding is an important thing on such a game, and it is really great that it is facilitated as much as it is already, but a DLC would allow new mechanics on a different scale... Just to make sure I am understood: I really like the game, and there are a lot of features that I know can't be added at this stage of the development. I wonder if the team would consider taking some "rest" from the game once its done before having another "go" at it. Maybe I am underestimating the modding possibilities or maybe I have a bad representation of what the developer's state of mind is, but I guess there could be a lot to be done after a few months not thinking about Xenonauts. Really, the game, once done, will be great... I just want more (an unhealthy habit of mine).
  18. I tweaked a bit with armor values for the ingame armors [and no else values, just the <Resistance ... > line ] and somehow my Jackal-equipped troops have 0 view range... Any tips what might have caused this..?
  19. is it currently possible to add in custom Alien Missions? what i'm looking to accomplish: i like the current Missions but they aren't customizable enough for my liking so i will be adding some in to make up for it. heavy Air Superiority [table=width: 500, class: grid, align: center] [tr] [td]Ticker [/td] [td]200[/td] [td]Begin in 2 months[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Chance[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Escort chance[/td] [td]1000[/td] [td]100%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Once per wave[/td] [td]True[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]m:airplane.alien.corvette[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]Main Default[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]m:airplane.alien.cruiser[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]Main 1 month after[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]m:airplane.alien.strikecruiser[/td] [td]250[/td] [td]Main 2.5 months after[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]e:airplane.alien.scout[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]Default Escort[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]e:airplane.alien.corvette[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]escort after month[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]e:airplane.alien.cruiser[/td] [td]200[/td] [td]escort after 2 months[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]e:airplane.alien.strikecruiser[/td] [td]400[/td] [td]escort after 4 months[/td] [/tr] [/table] are we able to just Add this kind of stuff in without changing Default ones?
  20. “…if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together." – Ronald Reagan Purpose The Alien invasion arrives at an Earth in the grip of a cold war. The threat of nuclear annihilation casts a shadow over mankind. This proposal shows the progression of cold war relationships in the face of the invasion. It provides an alternative research tree, focused on Geoscape based aspects of the game, in addition to providing an additional layer of simple immersion. Goals - A geopolitical research tree dovetailing from main tech tree, that impacts the funding nations - Funding nation variables, linked to Xenonaut scoring. - Expansion of funding nation actions - Use of certain missions/maps to have increased impact on scoring - Enhanced Geoscape events - Enhanced funding details Why? The EU Geoscape was a fairly static affair that, beyond increasing or decreasing funding, didn’t really adapt to a change in the alien threat levels. The developers took pains to rectify this in Apocalypse. In Xenonauts, the invasion fleet is there for everyone to see. It would be nice to see a world in the depths of a cold war adapt to something that will either forge them together or doom them all. Other threads Heating Up the Cold War – Looks at the world of 1979 and makes some game suggestions Potential GeoPol Mod – Jimbobfury is looking at similar territory. The only reason this lot isn’t in that thread is that there’s a focus on weapon mods there, and I didn’t want this lot to derail it. Base Spread –ideas on why the player should expand out into the Geoscape, and what can be doe not promote it. The posts here will be updated based on comments and further reading. A wiki has been set up from Jimbobfury’s post and hopefully this can also feed into that.
  21. Greetings! I tend to like mods from more than one source. And in the interest in that, I'd like to learn more about how the various files work. Could anyone give me a quick rundown on how the files where you actually add items to them work? Do they have an ID number or something that needs to be unique? If one were to unify two mods and say the items.xml and strings.xml files both had modifications, how would you unify the two? Thanks!
  22. So....none of the code is documented? Not even variable descriptions? EDIT: Nevermind, haha, open it in LibreOffice Calc instead of a text editor, lol Feel free to delete this post.
  23. Is is possible to put a delay on grenade detonation, through modding? I was wondering if it would be possible to have grenades explode at the end of the player's turn, or possibly the end of the alien's. I'd also like to ask if modding the throwing arc and range of grenades is feasible. I and a friend are attempting to mod some features, and we're wondering if there's much hope in editing the grenades.
  24. So I've been trying to give the Foxtrot back some of its teeth by readding some hardpoints to the craft. Trouble is that every way I've tried to do it results in a CTD in the ship loadout screen when I click on the new hardpoints. I'd like to enable the 2 forward hardpoints as normal slots. So I went into the .xml and changed the Normal column to 2 and then further down the row added ;AV.SIDEWINDER;AV.SIDEWINDER to the Loadout column. I figured these 2 changes would do the trick. Once in the game my Foxtrot displays the 2 forward hardpoints, but they're blank and clicking on them causes a CTD. So I figured maybe it had something to do with mixing slots, no other craft does it. So I went in and gave it 0 Normal and 4 Heavy slots. Then changed the loadout for only AV.AVALANCHE. Start the game and the same thing happens, 2 forward hardpoints are blank and clicking on them causes a CTD. The Slots and WeaponPositions columns seem to still be set up for 4 hardpoints, and they show up in the loadout screen so I'm not sure what the issue is. The Foxtrot still works fine as long as you don't click on the 2 blank hardpoints. You can launch it and fight with it, it rearms, refuels, and repairs properly. The extra 2 hardpoint slots appear in the air combat window, they're just blank. So clearly I'm missing something. Anyone got any ideas on how to make this change work properly?
  25. If possible, please consider making it so that we can mod the weapon and ammo types, and be able to make our own. I'm helping someone with a mod, currently, which could benefit quite a lot if we could edit or add our own weapon types (we were discussing making it so that alien plasma rifles could set things on fire, but we don't want to make the ammo into rockets, since it would mess up their interaction with cover). Thank you for reading this suggestion.
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