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Everything posted by ViniJones

  1. Id still say its much more insightful than most of my posts are.
  2. I could throw a nade over a hedgerow and so could you. (if its close to a line of trees, you could throw it between them). As for the UFO nade range, how about rollin them instead?
  3. This aint a corvette, this is a scout. Just sayin. I still experience some aiming issues shooting from outside the UFO into it. Although its mostly missing 90% of the shots fired, not the no-LOS youre describing. I encountered what your screen shows aswell(graphically), happened when i alt-tabed once. Couldnt ever reproduce it though.
  4. 19.7 stable candidate brought quite a number of changes, I dont think its safe to state how balanced it is right now. The game rules are balanced pretty good, when the aliens follow them that is.
  5. The final hit chance percentage is inaccurate through cover, clear shots seem to show fine. I also had 3 hits in a row on 5% hit chance, that was a 19.6 carbine, not the shotgun bs we gotta use now.
  6. Not exactly, but I am getting shot through/around corners by aliens, taking shots my soldiers cant(no croshair appears) in angles much like this one. edit: Definitely not a map problem, happened on multiple occasions on different maps.
  7. Im not far along enough to write my own rant on 19.7 yet, but heres a few quotes from my fellows. From our mumble seances that take place late at night. Some of them didnt want their nicks mentioned, so I used my imagination. Most of us are X-com veterans and the genre maniacs. on the Torpedo nerf and barrel roll buff: "Foxtrots nerfed AGAIN?! Vini will have to go back to Skyrim, or even worse start using Corsairs." -Kennedy from Canada "Until they lower their top speed, and they will, we can still load them up with the heavy missiles and ram them into the enemy aircraft. I am not serious, but you will try it anyway." -Tony(he claims to be a man now, but we still call him Susan) "You can load them with light missiles too, BUT, and this is not a cute little butt... it is a big booty bitch, since you cannot change the loadouts until theyre 100% hp and fuel, you need build twice the number." -The Big G on the doubled research times: "You dont need to research weapons, just ice the guys outside and breach with the stolen plasma!" -The Big G on prioritizing armor research "Oh, so you HAVE TO interrogate the officers?" Kennedy after clearing the 130th crashsite. on the new stable build: "Im not complaining, its nice to play for the 5th time because of losing, instead of a savegame corruption." -Tony "I dont know, I kinda liked the corruptions, they really added to the... replayability" -Vini "When will they realize thats not where you put the radar?" -Tony on the first base layout i know its an old one but "The reapers are coming back! Where the hell is Commander Shepard?!" -Saltshaker
  8. Both actually... A Foxtrot(with alenium torpedoes) can 1v1 a light scout or 2v1 a scout/corvette. You have to approach the light scout approx the range of an alenium MISSILE, before shooting your first torpedo, if you shoot from a longer range, the UFO will dodge both torpedoes. (The barrel roll cooldown was reduced from 4s to 1s) A Foxtrot is no longer useful against enemy air superiority aircraft(fighter/heavy fighter/interceptor bomber or strike cruisers) So basicly, I use condors and later corsairs(yea I cant believe it myself) to fight enemy air superiority UFOs (you overpower the fighters, you barrel roll the bombers and strike cruisers) This really isnt the thread I meant to say this, but here goes: Migs(foxtrots) got nerfed too much, I agreed that 4 hardpoints is ridiculous, but they got slower torpedoes now AND the barrel roll is now only 1s cooldown. - Youre better off loading the Mig with explosives and RAMMING the damn UFO. (Im serious, it takes a few hrs to assemble a new foxtrot with 4 workshops, so I decommission the crashed one and make a new one.) I understand that what the devs will make from this(if anything at all mind you, after all its just my opinion). They will propably make the migs take more time to build lol. You have succeeded in making the crosair viable thats true, but you also made the mig MUCH less useful. Edit: More to the topic, to fight enemy craft with escorts, I found the oldschool 1foxtrot+2condors work best(even with only 2 torpedoes). You just need to make sure the mig gets targeted by the large UFO and not obliterated by the escorts, the ideal outcome is(based on time from top to bottom): Condors aggro and down the enemy escorts and slow down. Mig shoots torpedoes, aggros the big guy and disengages to one side. Condors bend to the other side and proceed to sex the alien craft from behind with their cannons. While condors are slow as fuck, this works much better than suiciding 3 migs, at least in the first few months. This actually makes the not long ago obsolete laser cannons useful. The more that I think of it, the game takes a turn unfortunate to my tastes, but a rather fruity one towards other strategies. Thats it Im done crying.
  9. Sep 22 crashsite 14 is a lot, but its for the best really. Yes you should go after every single one for the reasons you yourself stated. The amount of UFOs increases in the spawnpoints you already monitor and the more bases with radars you got, the more increase youre gonna see.
  10. Daaamn, why do I always miss the good stuff. Xenonauts is certainly enjoyable, especially the savegame corruptions add to the... replayability.
  11. I found that idea equally terrifying and pointless. I find this pointless but harmless.
  12. No. Theres nothing wrong with the animation itself. I dont know about you, but I tend to have many jets, Ive reached 20 in some of my playthroughs. I send those out a lot, like... well 20 such animations per alien UFO wave? I would kill myself. Edit: I am against implementing it into the game itself. No objections if you want to make a mod for it, it looks fine.
  13. The names sure make the game hell of alot tougher let me tell you... As for the research times, its a murder... seriously.
  14. Ill be trying this for my first 19.7. 2assaults (one shotgun one shield) 2 heavies (just lmg) 2 snipers (those come in very handy later, I decided to train 2 per team because of this) 2 riflemen All guys carry medkits nades(frag only) and stun batons depending on how much they can carry, except the heavies, who just have lmgs. I do splitting into 2 fireteam too sometimes, but not without armor, those aliens take a lot before they go down.
  15. I prefer to keep 2 heavies(predator+plasmacaster) out of the fighting and save their armor for the last room. It is hard, but I rarely lose people there. I dont think rockets are the answer, you still need to get the angle, if you do that and survive, might aswell use rapid firing guns with lots of ammo, rather than the few rockets you can carry.
  16. Gattling laser is an aircraft weapon, plasma caster is a heavy infantry weapon.
  17. Intercepting a downed cruiser with a valkyrie, GC loads and immediately CTDs. Savegame: http://www.sendspace.com/file/54m26r
  18. Right now, reapers only appear in sebillian bases. Also, they are very weak.
  19. Not necessarily, this drone is extremely fragile even on insane difficulty. It couldve easily been one shotted by flames on easy or normal.
  20. I found this most annoying in 18 stable, but then again, they only teleported between 2-4 spaces on a map. In 19.6, they usually attack me. Have yet to see one run on me.
  21. Ive never had a wraith TP in shoot and TP out and thats a lot of wraiths were talking here.
  22. This works, Ive just tried it, its fun, but 2 foxtrots would do the trick in 3 seconds. Im curious about the future though, because with one charlie, how do you cover the 3 continents youre sitting on? Do those lost UFOs not decrease your relations?
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