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Everything posted by Khall

  1. From gameconfig: <braveryProgress pointsToProgress="1" maxPointsInSingleBattle="2" globalMaxProgress="100" comment="A progress point is earned whenever a soldier panics in battle" /> Right now bravery is earned by panicking in battle which I think is not the best system. It's counter-intuitive, rewards bad gameplay, doesn't come into play until later, more difficult missions (the only time my soldiers have panicked is when a terror mission goes terribly wrong) and when you get high morale it becomes increasingly hard to get your soldier to gain more. I would change it to a system where every time a soldier sees an alien, they gain a progress point, and when they get say 10 points (numbers just an approximation) they gain +1 bravery. It would make more sense, a soldier who is a veteran and has seen many aliens would be less likely to panic, rather than a guy who panicked so much he stopped panicking. Also it would give it a better risk/reward mechanic, your soldier can't just sit in the chinook and panic to gain bravery, he has to go out there and see some aliens. The only problem I can see is that people could exploit it by simply turning around and looking at the alien again. The obvious solutions would be to set the limit they can earn in a single battle low (but I would like soldiers who survived a particularly hard mission to get a good boost to bravery) or make it so you only get 1 point from each individual alien (if that's possible) What do you think?
  2. Got the template from here http://imageshack.us/f/213/wwii16wser6.png/ then just a bit of mucking around in paint
  3. You can't heal fully, you can only heal 50% (I think) of the damage taken. For example if you had 60hp and took 20 damage, you would only be able to heal back up to 50hp
  4. I've had this problem too, all loaded to just over max and played 10 missions with no strength boost
  5. In gameconfig the captain and lieutenant ranks seem to be switched around <soldierRanks> <!-- Soldiers increase their ranking when they have a certain number of rank points. A rank point is gained each time an AP, strenght, accuracy, reflexes or bravery progress is done. --> <Private rankPoints="0" /> <Corporal rankPoints="3" /> <Sergeant rankPoints="10" /> <Captain rankPoints="20" /> <Lieutenant rankPoints="40" /> <Major rankPoints="60" /> <Commander rankPoints="80" /> <Colonel rankPoints="110" /> </soldierRanks> So changing them back around would fix it
  6. I noticed that I can suppress a sebillian guard with 1 flashbang if the thrower is close (about 4 squares away) but it takes a lot more if he is further away, even if they land at its feet. Wondering if anyone else can confirm if the distance from the thrower affects it?
  7. In the level editor you can designate several different landing sites for the UFO (and the chinook) and the game will choose one randomly when the map loads up.
  8. I'm not really sure what role it is supposed to be. Right now it just seems like a grenade with a timer, but should it not be more like a breaching charge, with high damage, low radius and low thowing accuracy (encouraging you to set up by dropping it beside a wall).
  9. I noticed the industrial maps are missing from the "maps" folder and "levelsetup" refers to them. I don't know if this could be causing it. Also if you try to load up a map in the level editor, an error occurs saying it cannot get the spawnmaps and targetmaps.
  10. Looking over the V13 change log, something caught my eye. The new accuracy calculation disregarding adjacent cover. So I thought what if you could shoot over adjacent, crouched friendlies (the shooter would have to be standing). Obviously gameplay > realism , but it does seem odd that trained troops don't have the self-control to shoot over someone, without firing a burst into the back of the head (or it could just be classic X-COM accuracy). This mechanic would really come into play when fighting in tight, inclosed spaces, allowing you have more firepower without a lot of repositioning. The downsides is positions and lines of fire would be slightly less important (but the decision to crouch would compensate that, and it would only be for adjacent squares, anything outside of it would act just like now).I understand developement time is precious but I think it could add another layer of tactics. So what do you guys think?
  11. I find the best strategy for 3 F-17 vs 3 Fighters is: - Taget each fighter with a different plane (so it is 1 vs 1) - Fire 1 missile at each fighter and when they start to roll, fire another, which should hit ( use pause to time it precisely) - As you close in they will fire a missile at you, use roll to avoid (again, use pause) - Finish them off with guns and evade their missiles which will probably still be flying around until they time out (they have a massive turning radius so it should be easy) You should sustain only light damage doing this. You could also do this with a mig and 2 F-17s, follow the same steps but when your mig fires its second volley, fire 1 missile at each fighter and use afterburner to get away.
  12. The shield (or an upgraded varient) would probably be made from alien alloys, so it would be plausible that it could resist plasma or high amounts of damage.
  13. There's unfinished maps in the folder. If you go to Xenonauts>assets>maps>town>UFOmaps>Corvette and delete the two test maps, then copy and paste "towntest2" (shares the same name as one of the test maps from Corvette, but is different ingame) from Xenonauts>assets>maps>town>UFOmaps>Scout into Corvette, it should generate the finished map from previous builds.
  14. Save your game, start up a new game, and reload your save. This should refresh the list.
  15. Look who I got randomly : "Cpl. John Thothkins. Scottish, previously from Royal Highland Fusiliers, he was one of the starting members of the Xenonaut forces. A rather mediocre soldier, he was equipped with an M16 and Medipack. In his first mission he played a supporting role, suppressing the enemy from long range and guarding the flanks. He got his first kill in his second mission. While the rest of the team moved up to assault the UFO, Thothkins was lagging behind due to his poor fitness. He had stopped for a breather outside a workshop, when a Ceasan noncom burst out of the door. Thinking quickly, he fired 3 rounds from close range. The alien dropped, not knowing what had hit him. After that close encounter, Cpl. Thothkins began to improve. Over the next few missions, he began to play a bigger part in assaults. He flanked often and breached UFOs. As a result he became faster and more resilient, and was the 2nd most accurate soldier in the Xenonauts, although he was one of the weakest in the squad. He even got another kill. Cpl. John Thothkins had a bright future ahead of him. His 7th mission was to be his last. Interceptors had disabled a new type of scout craft. The squad was sent in. When they arrived they quickly spread out. At first encountering no resistance, they began taking fire from a Ceasan guard armed with a plasma rifle. Thothkins went around a barn to ambush the alien from behind. Suddenly disaster struck. His commanding officer, Sgt. Xavier Lee, fired an AP rocket at the alien. Missing spectacularly, the rocket went past the Ceasan, through the barn and through Thothkins, eventually exploding against a fence. And like that, his promising life was cut short." In memory of Cpl. John Thothkins - first Xenonaut Casualty
  16. I also have 0 or missing % chance. It doesn't CTD when you shoot them, which is a vast improvement, but it's still annoying.
  17. That would probably be easiest. Either right-click and list of commands appear or a right-click cycle like the firing modes.
  18. Maybe a base cost of 10 AP and +2 AP for each square moved (so it would be cheap to get them to stop blocking doors, and more expensive to round them up) Also maybe a stay command as well (so theoretically you could round up all the civilians and keep a xenonaut to guard them)
  19. If you go to Xenonauts -> Assets -> GUI -> weapons You'll find some very interesting pictures
  20. My results from testing: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/2277-V12-Ground-Combat-Soldier-shoots-self-dies-causes-CTD
  21. Open it in Notepad to change it. I'm not 100% sure based on other comments, but I assumed changing the numbers in <Nation name="Canadian" chance="5"> for example would change the nationality ratios. I'm not sure there is a way to change the male to female ratio.
  22. They're not supposed to have guns. They're the xenonaut equivalent of chryssalids, aliens that would run up to a soldier and zombify him, and when the zombie is killed, another Chryssalid would hatch from the corpse. Right now, they're probably using the same AI as the rest of the aliens, which is why they're not really doing anything. BTW I didn't think alien bases or reapers were implemented in this build, but I haven't gotten that far because of the CTDs and save corrupts. How did you get it?
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