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Everything posted by thothkins

  1. Really? A terror mission. at night. with snakemen. and chryssalids? best press your funeral suits guys... Good news: I'm not out of the Skyranger in the first wave. Bad News: This could mean I'm called out if it all goes horribly wrong. Skyranger could use more windows. Good News: Black Budget for Project Snowbird has provided us with a DVD inside the Skyranger. The Thing is on! Yay! Bad News: Annoying screams from dying comrades getting in the way of enjoying a movie. Good News: Screams are generally short in plasma combat. Bad News: The captain opened sweetie wrappers while dying just to annoy my movie watching. Oh, and the captain is dead :-( Good News: Pretty quiet now, which could be that everyone is either dead or scouting or that Chrysalids are approaching. Bad News: Called out of Skyranger to investigate due to lack of windows. :-( Good News: All seems quiet as long as I stay away from that top corner. It's Zombieville over there. Bad News: Immediately called over to Zombieville. Bah! Good News: Arioch bravely keeps stepping a couple fo squares in front of me each turn, meaning he'll be zombie fodder first. Bad News: and that I'll be zombie fodder seconds later. Good News: Zombies dispatched, although I think we got a little lucky there with one of them. Bad News: The chief thinks I can stun one of them. I have to get in close and my coveralls will never be clean again :-( Good news: the action has shifted to the bottom of the map Bad News: the video ends leaving me with uncertain tension of my fate. Will I see the rest of the Thing on the trip home? Hey what about little roman numerals on the names, so we can keep track of the body count?
  2. I had just been on the EU thread where some thoughts seem to be "change is bad. We shun change" More satire than sarcasm :-)
  3. yay! almost a compliment :-) No doubt Kickstarter will attract it's fair share of chancers.But the work completed in Xenonauts removes it from any possible comparison. The only issue would be if there were so many fake kickstarter scams that the whole thing folded or adversely affected funding for the genuine games. Considering the success of kickstarter, something would fill the void in a few heartbeats.
  4. 9.1 was the peak guys. It's been all downhill from there :-)
  5. The popularity of this thread is simply displaced excitement and anxiety over the launch of Xenonauts, Chris. We all want the X-Com experience so badly, and Xenonauts looks very likely to delivering it. So, everyone just comes here to let that tension out :-) what else could it be? that seems... harsh? has there been news of Fireaxis facing folding? is civ ruined? do Sid Meier's medical records prove he is not only delusional but has turned into human flatulance?
  6. Hi Whelan, What if the items you sell to the countries actually increases the chance of decreased funding? If the Xnauts are unsuccessful generally, funding decreases as countries are out for themselves/ infiltrated/ prome to signing pacts. Countries that you have just given plasma rifles to, are just as likely to put more cash into their own projects/ defence as give it to Xnauts.
  7. gah! clearly extraordinary alien rendition!
  8. >checks trouser pockets< well, I don't have it. No, wait what's this? Oh, it's a ferrero rocher. Hmmm chocolate....
  9. no faint praise from the baked goods department, whose avatar and sig give me a smile with every post. right, next week's mutual appreciation society will meet at the usual place and it's Bob's turn to buy the Scampi Fries and the first round of ale....
  10. My fake Roger Moore eyebrow raised at this one too. In 9.5 I had a few problems with it being unresponsive. But only to the degree that I ctr+alt+del to the task manager and then closed it down. No issues with the non Deusra one,so I used that.
  11. Because they arrived in the 1940s and had already signed their accords by the early 1950s of course :-) I'd love to see female troops in the game. It's only a matter of time before a mod is going to change the setting and backstory, so such a resource would be of huge benefit. You could always put a Purist Cold Warrior on the options menu. There are no women. There are no aliens. But there are russians with little alien masks on to fight.
  12. I don;t think you have to look further than the orginal game as an example. For all everyone rightly proases the team for the resource management and the tactical battlescape, they did an excellent job of distilling decades UFOlogy into a small number of paragraphs. It's an alternate history that already coexists with our real one (sorry UFO buffs) and continues to be ripe for picking.
  13. Having been a bit dubious about this, the range of weapons available gives each of them a solid role in the suqd. There's no single weapon I seem to be favouring over the others (at least since the accuracy was tweaked) Therefore there's no urge to hog a particular (and usually expensive weapon type. So have an unlimited supply is winning me over.
  14. "But they were so cute in close encounters." "Hey! are you guys trying to ruin the tourist industry here? Put them guns down!" "Oh, I suppose you need to phone home. Here, I'll come over and give you mine." "That's not an alien! That my lost hybrid son! Didn't you see us on Maury?"
  15. did you not get a reply because they are busy or did you not get a reply because the lights you saw attacked their base as part of an invasion?
  16. I don't exist? well sure, everyone feels a little out of things sometimes. I just thought it was a phase :-) Tut. A figment of someone's imagination... better than being a pigment of someone's imagination I suppose...
  17. I was happy seeing my guy cheat death in 1) Believe me, I was making plenty of my own dialogue up about that :-)
  18. I have some sort of mental block over FPS games. I just can't get into them at all. So, I was pretty disapointed to be missing out on XCom. I may require some PC upgrading, but I'll be buying Enemy Unknown at some point. There's a link between them and the guys back in the Microprose days. Which in itself isn't the best of reasons. But I haven't seen anything yet that I've objected to strongly.
  19. I really, really hope that a combination of Beta and Kickstarter pennies allows for the modification of funding nations, with knock on effects to resources. It would add such a level of depth to the, as you say, faceless status of the funding nations. It's celarly somehting that the original developers thought needed reworking. the thread linked here picks up on this as well http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/1365-Base-spread-and-the-reasons-for.?p=15663#post15663 I,m all in favour of adding more flavour into the storyline as well, as long as it's kept streamlined. While having MIBs may be beyond the scope of the game, do what the original game did. Have them hinted at in the text for Alien Infiltration. Tie it up with real cold war fears that the game is set in. Comparatively small, but with a big impact.
  20. have it your way... >dodgy Austrian accent< I vill just geht ze KY, zen I vill be baaahhkk
  21. evil sods aren't they? It certainly adds a new twist onto the game, though. Not jsut about protecting your Chinook (quite tough at times even with an escort), but protecting everything else in the radar zone at the same time as the chinook's off on a mission. Interesting. Speaking of which, is the escort a better approach to having the interceptors flying independantly around it? From my brief experience of this scenario, a chinook by iteself will be hunted down; a chinook with an escort is less likely but once it's detected will be hunted; my chinook on it's own but with an escort buziing aorund with waypoints got left completely alone. Reading far too much into nothing here, probably...
  22. on the plus side, a number of pirates will be picking up false positives from their downloads. Hopefully that will push a few more of them to actually buy the thing. :-)
  23. yeah, looking forward to it not getting in the way. Having said that, I was veeeeerrry slow in using the buttons in the first place, and I was grateful for the information that they contained.
  24. yeah, it didn;t seem to be any specific thing, which is why I thought I'd ask before jumping the plasma pistol and posting a bug. It could have been the scatter laser with jackal armour. I'll have a go again later and report back.
  25. Yes your are Desura's special favourite and it has a weird cyber-crush on you that will end up being an odd '80s movie like Short Circuit or if you're unlucky Dust Devil :-)
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