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Everything posted by Alienkiller

  1. Yeah, strange. There are still some Map-Parts which have Problems with Grenade-Explosions / Smoke Explosions and similar. Hope too that the Devs can manage that before the Early Access start in one of the bigger Full-Version Numbers (V.28.0 / V.29.0 etc.). There are still some Maps which have to be finished and adjusted. In that Part that Problem can be looked into too.
  2. Yeah, that´s nothing new. We have that Problem since several Beta-Versions. Seems an Minor-Bug and will be done shortly before or during the Early-Access. Otherwise the Devs would have fixed it already. You can play fully normal without limitation.
  3. Game is running again. Tested it yesterday Evening with the 2nd Cleaner-Base-Save. Thanks Chris & Dev-Team. Keep up that good Work.
  4. I had an Cleaner-Agent in my Backback and there the Aliens didn´t shoot at the Comrade in the Backback. They tried to stop the Xenonaut-Soldier transporting the stunned Cleaner-Agent. The same seem to be happen here. The shoot seems to come from the Rear of the Xenonaut-Soldier, which hits the Backback and killes the stunned Cleaner-Cell-Leader instead. That´s the only logical explenation.
  5. Thanks Chris. Let´s hope that this Problem get solved completely in the upcomming Versions.
  6. @CaptainSPrice You got the Problem some days later then myself. I canceld the Attack on the 2nd Cell and tried it later after the Cleaner Base showed up. There I did 3 different trys: 1. an attack on the Cleaner Cells (same CTD) 2. an attack on an Alien Crash-Site (same CTD) 3. not doing Missions of that or Terror etc. (game runs fully normal) And I tried 2 different Things before the Cleaner-Base show up: 1. an Attack on the Cleaner Cell or an Alien Crash-Site before the Cleaner Base show up (same CTD) 2. not doing Missions of that or Terror etc. (game runs fully normal) With that Tests I done several times yesterday, the only best outcome wasn´t to make tactical Missions anymore to avoid that CTD. The Devs are working on it and let´s hope that this CTD is gone with the new Hotfix, which should come today or the next days. We are not the only ones, which have that strange CTD.
  7. The existing Stun HPs are great enough. Have you tried to Stun an Alien with 80+ HPs directly at the Beginning. You need minimum 2 Stun-Baton-Soldiers. If you don´t Stun him / her very fast, the 2 Stun-Soldiers are Dead. The Upgrades for Stun-Boost you get later on with Tech-Advances, but I agree that they comes in the Middle of the Game. Therefore you should have catched the lighter to catch Aliens and Enemys (Cleaners, Secton, Reptilian, Crabby and evtl. an Mentarch) already. With the Smoke I understand your Thinking. You can´t see good inside / outside it. The Game is showing that very good so far (best tested with an Sniper or an Shotgunner). The most Aliens which get affected from that don´t hit you and you have if you don´t have an lucky Shooter the same. So I personaly don´t see why that should get an another Refit / Rework again to scare of the Early Access Buyers.
  8. I hadn´t had that Problem in my small Playthrough with V.23.2 / V.23.3. There I used normal Smoke Hand-Grenades and the MARS / ARES-Smoke Grenades. But the Grenade-Launcher I haven´t used yet, until the Soldiers get more Strengh from Training and Missions to use them.
  9. Yeah, exactly that I have reported too. Good to have an 2nd Report in that. It´s not only Cleaner Cells, the same happens if you make Crash-Sites. And it make no Difference if the Cleaner-Base show up then or is there already. In both you get the same CTD. Have tested it out yesterday after I reported the same CTD-Bug.
  10. The Cleaner-Data’s get reduced, exactly why you were unable to beat them with beginning Techs (Defender / Standard-Guns). That was a whish from the most Beta-Testers and it´s cool to get it in. Esp. not to overstrain the Ocassion-Gamers which will buy the Game in Early Access / Full Release. You buy your Organisation time to get advanced Tech (Acceleration Guns [esp. Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns and Fighter-Cannon] / the upgraded Defender-Armor [Warden]) or more something better later on (Laser-Weapons [esp. LMG, Sniper, Pistols]) to hold your existing Troopers alive. That little better Winning-Advancement with the Warden-Armor and Accelerated Weapons you will see in the first [Sentry-Guns] / second [advanced Armor] easier to manage Cleaner-Cells then, where you get more Data-Discs too if you want and the living Cell-Commander if you can catch them alive. The 3rd Cell [Advanced Guns] I personaly wouldn´t attack with normal Weapons / Armor. There the Advanced Upgrade for all Soldiers is a must have. Evtl. something better after the 2nd UFO (Destroyer) and minimum 2 Assistance-Vehicles with Alloy Armor.
  11. The 2nd Cleaner-Cell get done with that Mission and shortly after the Cleaner-HQ shows up. That was meant with the 2nd Cleaner-Outpost. Yep, I have. That´s the Helicopter-Landing-Auto-Save before the Mission beginns (Retreat or Beginn). That´s the Picture to it and how much the Intel-Network-Information was before the 2nd Cleaner-Cell-Mission. Strange is following: If you don´t attack the 2nd Cell in that Status and let grow the Game to 100% Cleaner-Intel-Network, the Cleaner-Base show up fully normal. That I tested out some Moments ago. But if you make an Crashsite-Mission or an Cleaner-Cell-Mission in the Meantime the CTD will come. auto_strategy_before_combat-16.json auto_strategy_after_intercept-25.json
  12. Hi all, I have got the Cleaner-Network Intel to 100% and done the 2nd Cleaner-Outpost. While flying back to Base after the Mission the Game CTD´s. Save is last Turn to get back in Transport. That´s the last Save and the Log-Data. Here the Pictures. The first is the Mission-End-Picture which works well, the second is after the Cleaner-Intel get to 100% and their Main-Base show up shortly after. After that an more looking in what the Game give more isn´t possible. auto_groundcombat_turn_12_start-137.json output.log
  13. Chris, don´t forgett with your Team to look at this for the Hotfix. I will check it up today evening again too. An Bugfix-Report I have done for that incl. done Process. Sadly I´m not on my Home-PC to Add Pictures and relevant Logs for that. "2. After the Research from the X-3 Dropship (the Advanced Helicopter) you can build it in the Workshop, but the Outcome is something complete differnt (you get the Pegasus instead)"
  14. Hi Dev-Team, hi other Beta-Testers, I have yesterday evening found out that the X-3 Dropship (the advanced Helicopter Dragonfly) can get researched and build, but the outcome is complete differnt. My way was getting the Alien Alloys and Alenium with the automatic Research. Then I reasearched the Warden Armour and the Energy-Usage from both. After the Energy-Usage you get the Research for the X-3 Dropship and X-55 Interceptor. OK get to the Research for the X-3 Dropship and after a few Days I get the correct Xenopedia-Entry. Then I sold the X-2 Dropship (Standard-Dropship) and produced the advanced Helicopter (Dragonfly). The Production is correct shown in the Workshop (Picture, Ressources etc.), but the Production in the Hangar and the Outcome shows you the Gemini-Transport. I begunn an prevoius save to get the Process again. If I get the same outcome again like the first time, I will add Pictures, Saves and the Logs today evening. I´m not sitting on my Home PC atm., so I can´t give any more Informations what happend and what Steps I did.
  15. Yeah, that are the new cool Advantages from such Alien-Skills. That makes the Game much more interessting. I personaly like them. I understand why the Popup get reduced, but the Problem is then to oversee such an Autopsy and getting in such an Situation. Sadly the Gamers which normaly read the Xenopedia incl. additional Informations get surprissed with such an new Situation then (like Solver, Emely, myself) about oversee such an new Entry. Other Gamers, which get addle in reading this Xenopedias incl. additional Informations are self fault to run in such Situations, until they learn to read the Xenopedia and additional Informations we give them (like Rushers or young Generation-Gamers).
  16. Interesting Points Solver and CaptianSPrice. I will beginn form Top to Bottom: 1. That Maps I haven´t played yet, because I begunn the new Version with V.27.2 first yesterday evening. I will check both Feedbacks as an Beta-Tester from Day 1 on. 2. Aliens have differnt Weapons, Shields and Armors. The normal Aliens (Secton, Psyon, Mantid) have very often Pistols & Rifles, which get realy fast upgraded to Plasma-Versions and the other Aliens get Alien-MGs later on (Reptilian) or have already integrated and strong Plasma Weapon (Tentacle-Brain, Robots), while you work still with an Combination of Laser-Weapons Type I (LMG, Sniper) and Accelerated Weapons (Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Accelerated Cannon) for your Infantry / Fighters and Warden Combat Armor / Steel Plates (Infantery). 3. You have Alien Alloys and Alenium in the Research. They are automatic Researches now, but the Elemtens thereafter are normal Researches (like the Warden Combat Armor and new Power-Reactors) 4. The Game is not 08/15 anymore like X1. You have to make a Mix of Weapons, esp. for the Infantry / MARS & ARES-Vehicles. The accelerated Weapons avoid Armor and make Armor Destruction, while Lasers have an better Arming, a little more Damage and are lighter. Therefore you can´t bypass Armor and destory Armor (the last one I´m not sure anymore) 5. Yeah, that was announced to from other Beta-Testers which are further then I was in the Game. That is from the Devs and Freelancers in WIP. There more Maps will come, but first it´s important to fill all the Gaps (Researach, Geoscape, Airbattles etc.) and fixing remaing and new Bugs from Gamestart to Gamefinal before Early Access beginns. 6. Haven´t noticed that Problem for the UFO Hull. If there were an Problem the other Betatesters from beginning on would have reported already. Only with C4 you can make new UFO Hull Entrys if the normal Entry is heayly defended. 7. Same as Point 6. Tryed it with LMGs and Laser LMGs (UFO Hull). There is so much Spreading, that the Walls can´t get destroyed. Only the Equipment in the UFO and the lighter Alloys (Doors, internal Walls) get damaged or destroyed, there I give you right. But that´s an Feature, which you had in old X-COM-Series and have the UFO-ET-Series too. 8. Androns get atm. out of the Game as Alien Foes. That Robots get an big Refit for the tactical Maps before Early Access starts (the Research from them is very cool and important to get more Alien-Resources later on). OK, now what I have noticed in the little Beta-Test from yesterday (im at Day 35 or so now): 1. The existing Defender Armor are sadly not upgradeable to Warden Combat Armor for the in Storage and used Defender Armors from your Troopers [7 or 8] at the Beginning (that´s an must have Feature to reduce Upgrade-Time, esp. in the beginning) 2. After the Research from the X-3 Dropship (the Advanced Helicopter) you can build it in the Workshop, but the Outcome is something complete differnt (you get the Pegasus instead) 3. An Mix from both Weapon-Types (accelerated and Lasers) for the Infantry / Vehicles get needed, which is very good. I like that, because it´s not the 08/15-Playstile anymore. 4. To get more Materials (Magnets, Alloys etc.) it would be cool to dismantle Alien-Weapons etc. again. That would outweight the appeal from your Command Officer, Chief Scientist and Chief Engineer. 5. The new Options to set the Difficulty are great. More you don´t need to make longtime Individual Games possible. 6. The Integration from your Chief Personal (Chief Scientist, Chief Engineer, Command Officer and Commander) in the Geoscape and Missions are great. Keep up that integration. 7. Sadly you still have the Square Waste with 3 Radars. Radar-Upgrades with new Techs would be the solution to use the 2 remaining Squares much better. You can do that already with Defensive-Upgrades, Power-Generator-Upgrades, Lab- and Workshop-Upgrades etc. 8. The much better Special-Mission-Integrations on the Geoscape (like the 3 integrated Cleaner-Cell-Missions, Abduction-Missions etc.) are great. More of that (like Rescue ecjeted Pilots etc.) would make the Game more fascinating. 9. An very nice Feature is now, that the UFOs on the Geoscape get nuch lesser, therfore later harder to beat. Keep up that ballancing between Fighters and UFOs. 10. That more advancements to the existing Stuff is comming sounds great. Keep up the good work. 11. Yeah, Solver is right. After the Intel Hub Mission more time should pass, until the Cells show up at 50% from the Analysis-Informations about the Network, Cells and what belongs to that. That would outweight the appeal from your Command Officer. After the 50% are reached you only get more Analys-Informations with the seperate Cells. 12. Integrated to Point 11 you get some more R & D (like MPs etc.) from the Cleaners and more Background-Information from them (linked Storyline).
  17. Why the Devs should change Missions which can done from 99% of the Gamers? The Player have to adjust to a Mission, not the Mission to the Player. And if such an Mission is Time-Limited before you get overruned from the Enemys, it makes much more fun. I haven´t played such an Cleaner-Cell Mission yet, but every other Cleaner Mission we had in Betatests and they worked very good. 20 Rounds for such an Mission should be OK. But the Catching Life-Bug don´t read good.
  18. Yeah, that´s correct. The Devs mentioned it in the V.27-Comeout-Entry, that the Research & Development-Tree get an new Refit. I don´t know how much Refits in the Research & Development-Tree we Beta-Testers had in the last 3 or 4 Years. But it get adjusted to the Game-Progress from all other Parts (Storyline, Aliens, other Enemys, Geoscape, Countrys, integrateable Ideas, done Gameplay-Tests etc.).
  19. It´s an Feature which didn´t get implemented with good Cause. The most Gamers get to addle and Strategy-Gamer-Devs wanna give them the famous learning effect back. Many interessting new Games (f. e. XCOM / Phoenix Point / Jagged Alliance 3 / Xenonauts 2) and refited / reworked older Games (f. e. Jagged Alliance: Back in Action incl. DLCs) have such an Feature in other Ways. The Gamers hear it by the Empty Click or the Soldier mention it, And in all Games you can see it on the Ammo-Numbers or the Ammo-Energy-Level, belongs what Game you play / Techlevel you have with R & D.
  20. That with the Civilians reflect an bulk panic, an wrong instinct Decission and an Secure-Duty. You never know what Civilians will do. You still have minimum 4 Options what can happen in Games (like X-Com, Xenonauts, Battletech etc.): 1. moving instinctly in Safety (programming that only makes the Game boring) 2. moving instinctly in Danger (programming that only makes the Game unwinable) 3. being paralised in the open Areal (Street etc.) or in an Building (programming that only gives you an 50 / 50 Chance to kill them with friendly Fire) 4. taking a Weapon an try to help (that´s implemented with the Policemen, Military, Securty or Freelancer-Civilian which have the duty to secure the others) You see that the Problem is complex. Between the first 3 Points you need an balance, then it´s perfect. Without them such Games would be totaly boring.
  21. This Issue I have noticed too. Melee has absolutely right and was faster in Reporting that Issue. As Info for the Devs: The Tutorial worked fully normal in V.26+ in the Beta-Versions and Final-Version.
  22. Hi Devs, thanks for the new Update. The new Cleaner Cells Missions sound great and I´m excited to test them out, with all the other new Stuff the Game gets in and get Reworked / Refited / Upgraded. The Translation Progress need time, that we know, about 2 Products in parallel Translation from the Publisher (Terra Invicta and now Xenonatus 2). So we all know that we have to Play Xenonauts 2 a lot longer in English, then in other Languages. But 2 translated Languages for the existing Contend are already there: Brasilian and Polish (the one CaptianSPrice announced). That the Combat Shields get changed Back is a false Step. If it´s what I think (05/15-Scrap with only HP like in X1), then I know what I´m not using anymore. The seperate Armor- and Health-System is like it have to work.
  23. Yeah, the Market Idea is very good, but at the Moment to ill-conceived. It´s not so easy to integrate an Market-System for such an Game without unbalancing. That we have seen in the first Game "Xenonauts 1" and an similar unbalance "the UFO ET-Row" have too atm. Personaly I don´t know how to make it better, esp. with new Armours, Weapons, Parts etc. So let´s see what the Devs have done for the next Beta-Test-Version (v.27 or V.28) in that Part, which is still in WIP.
  24. Yevgeniy welcome to the Forum. 1. That´s strange. Shouldn´t happen during the Download. Either the Steam-Server or the I-Net-Line is overpowerd. An ohter Reason is mostly the usage of only 1 Harddisk, where the Operating System and Games are on the same Harddisk. 2. / 3. That´s Normal in unstable Beta-Versions. That are Features from Diagnosis-Tools in the Background which are set on from the Developers for Reasons. With that the Devs can monitor better when we report Gameplay-Bugs (f. e. Crashes during Missions, on the Worldmap, in Equipment-Screen, Base-Screen and similar). If you play the Standard-Beta-Version [the latest tested official Beta-Version] the Diagnosis-Tools are off and the Game is running much faster. Similar it´s in older stable Game-Versions.
  25. Yeah, that´s very strange with the Grenades-Explenation and I can´t remember that we Beta-Testers had such an Bug that you describe with the Reapers / Chryssalids in the previous Beta-Versions.
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