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Everything posted by Alienkiller

  1. Komandos, you have in old X-COM an similar Timer too. You only don´t see him and get the Game Over without to know why. In the new Games you see the Timer (in new XCOM 1 EU and Xenonauts 2 the Panic-Levels from the Founding States; in UFO ET-Row and XCOM 2 the slow Enslavement from the Humans; and in the UFO-Afterrow / Phoenix-Point the special Nebula-Fluid which make live on Earth earlyer or later impossible)
  2. Therfore you have the Difficulty-Settings. In all of this Games you have such an Special. In UFO ET you get not normal seeable UFO-Swarms, in new XCOM the Panic-Level / Alien-Project, in old X-Com as well as Xenonauts 1 it´s not definitable and in Phoenix Point the misterius Nebula. Here you have the orbital Bombardement which comes after 4 or 5 Month the first time and you have Countermeasures to reduce the effect incl. buying Time for Humanity. The same you have in XCOM 2 with the Alien-Project and in Phoenix Point with the Nebula earlyer or later. In Xenonauts 1 and old X-Com you have for the undefined Specials no Countermesures to buy time. So be happy to have such Countermesures to reduce Panic and similar in Xenonauts 2.
  3. Yes that´s looking so. If my Researches are correct, we can make an fully Playthrough as Beta-Testers in September or Oktober with many cool new Stuff and the missing Parts implementet. For an Playthrough in Early Access with last fine Tunings it will be next Year (like I thought) first in February or March at latest.
  4. Chris, thanks for the new Diray. It´s good that the exisiting Parts get Bugfixed, Reworked or Refited and Stabilised as well as the Gaps get filled to make the first 3/4 of the Game fully playable / testable as well as the first Parts of the Endgame. If you need more time for V24 then it´s fully OK and give me time too to finish some other important Projects, which get done between the Xenonauts 2 Beta-Testing.
  5. That´s the Info I have and see in the Game while Testing the new Versions. Some Infantry-Things / Fighter-Things are still for all combined other Parts not more.
  6. We will see, maybe like in new / old X-Com with special Trainings.
  7. That´s no Bug, every Base have to fend for oneself for Soldiers and Groundcombat-Things as well as later for more. It´s like in good old X-Com (EU / TftD / Apocalypse). That was announced in an DevDiray longer ago and set in one of the last Versions (V.21, V.22 or V.23). If you wanna give Advanced Things to Soldiers in Secondary-Bases, you have 2 Possibilitys: a) use the Workshop in the Mainbase and Transfer the produced Things then to the Secondary-Base b) or build up an Storage and Workshop in the Secondary-Base with producing the Things you need there too
  8. I testet it too in all existing big Base-Versions and some Upgrades (Fixes) from them after the Beta-Tests begunn several Years ago. In the Night Missions the big Range from the Sniper-Rifle don´t have an big effect about the reduced sight. There only helps the SHIV and / or other Troops which coordinate the Shoot / Shoots with the Sniper. In Day Missions the big Range from the Sniper-Rifle is much better, but mostly you fight too in Villages, Jungles or similar, where the longer Range can´t be outplayed. In both Cases it dosen´t matter if you set the Sniper on a Roof or the highest Point you can find. If the Aliens know the Sniper Position they go in Cover or sent the big Robots to eliminate your Sniper / Snipers. You have to change often Position with your Sniper (like in Real) to get her / him allive. Short said: It dosen´t make sense to upgrade the Range, but it make sense to give the Sniper different Ammunitions and better night Abilitys (Laserpointer, Infrared or something like that) to make her / him the Specialist an Sniper is.
  9. I suggest we test it first as good as we can and if it works well an Upgrade of several of the Ideas can be done for one of the next Test-Versions.
  10. Great Job Dev-Team. That´s the Things we are speaking about since 2 Years or so. After waiting with patient these Features come in now. We will see how good they and all new secret Features work after V.24 can be Betatestet from us Backers. And how stable is the Game with the integral Features, done Bugfixes, Refits, Reworks from the prevouis Versions the Game work now. @ Kamehamehayes: The Tooltips would blow up the Research-Text if they set seperately. But evtl. they can be integrated in the Research Text, so that the People have to read it whether or not they want.
  11. That I call "Panic-Reaction". There Humans (esp. Civilians) do things, they wouldn´t do normaly. I personaly call it an Natural Feature in such Situations. There is an 50 / 50 Chance what the Civs are doing.
  12. Hi, you can´t do anything to get the Beta. The Beta is only for Kickstarter-Founders. The only thing you can do is waiting for the Early Access.
  13. Sounds very good. If I remember me correctly, other Alternative-Endings were announced brought in to distance it from the 08/15-Standard-Endings [Win / Loose Military]. There Phoenix Point / XCOM 2 with the XCOM: Chimera-Continuation shows how such an Alternative can be. Or the UFO-ET-Series / UFO-After-Series with the Settlement to an new Planet for Humanity which give us similar Conditions like Earth or with Terraforming. But the Deviding in 2 Parts of the Final Mission is interessting. I have never seen that since if I have it correctly in Mind the first 2 old X-Com-Games [Enemy Unknown / Terror from the Deep].
  14. The Gaps get filled and the final Things come in, what is very good. So the Beta-Testers can make an first full run, if all goes well. The big but is, that more work is needed to finish the Basegame. We will see what more have to be done, fixed, reworked, refited etc. before it can go to the next Step, the finalising of the full game [Fixings, missing Integrations] in Early Access. Evtl. that can be at the End of this Year or somewehre next Year.
  15. Exactly Ruggerman. We all have to wait for more advanced Versions of the Game to see if that Point in Research get reworked / refited / changed.
  16. That´s no Bug. It´s an atm fix Feature for the Labs. It get discussed here in the Forum already and several Ideas to chance that get announced. The Game is not finalized in many Points, incl. Research. So there will be Reworks / Refits comming. In what Shape we don´t know yet. But I hope that the Outposts will come back, where the R & D-Part can dismantle and Research f. e. UFOs.
  17. I have read all the new Threats here. There are some new Things come in we hadn´t in Mind. The Torpedo / LMG-Discussion is for me unintelligible. First Torpedo: The Torpedo for Planes have changed and I play the Game on an high level (the 3rd one). The All the Air-Weapons have their Differences and you have to bring in different Weapons in an Air-Combat. That´s cool and I personaly love it. The best example is the Alien DD / Observer, which are both similar in Strengh and Armor. 2 Torpedos (Normal / Alenium) are not enough to bring them down. So you have an 2nd Plane with Sidwinders (Normal / Alenium). Mostly in Both Situations you need an short Close-Combat-Fight with the Guns to make an End. Second LMG: The LMG with the Belts are fully realistic. The Military Guys of us have used the stationary HMG and don´t know what an portable LMG with Ammo is. It´s with the Ammo heavy too, that´s true. But its faster useable and can be used like an HMG too. Short said: It´s Multirole. Air Combat: Yeah, a litte more Pep would be cool, like Clouds or similar, what get announced in Mind. The existing one is much cooler now, but it get more exiting. We will see what the Devs can do to improve it more until it have reached the limit for the Players / Testers and the Game itself. Autopsy of Aliens: If we wanna make the discussed change, then it have to be done like in the Predecessors (old and new XCOM / Phoenix Point / UFO ET-Series). There you can decide what Aliens you wanna introduce first with easyer handling and Integration. UFO-Research: The same with UFOs. The Dismantling and Research have to be the Option from the Player. From that 2 Parts (Autopsys / UFO-Research) I don´t like the Auto-Research. There the Kick is missing from everything. What were interessting as Auto is an first look and the Reports from the Soldiers / Pilots about the Aliens / UFOs. What the Testing belongs, we all Test. We all are there and give Feedback / Bugreports etc., but test different. Some every Version, some make Breakes between like Solver explained to have the Energy to test an more advanced Version with fully Energy. I personaly have found the Middleway to make my other Projects too and bring in some Ideas from the direct competitor.
  18. Guys, I haven´t seen the End Game yet, so I can´t say anything about it personaly. But I have read one of the last Dev Dirays (V.23-Part) correctly, you can play through fully the first time, belongs how fast you Research the Storyline-Parts without the other for me important other Researches to give the Best of the Best to your Troops and make your Bases much better.
  19. More Info are needed. With only the Save and no more Data / Report the Devs can’t work with. Read the Bug-Report threat, then you know what is more needed. From your Main-Line I remember back, that we had such Date-Problems in the Past too.
  20. Yes it was reported, but I think it will be fixed with V.24 first. That new Mission Report have some new Features. There the Devs have only forgotten the Soldiertype from the handheld Weapons.
  21. Nice Feedback from you all. Where I agree is that the Riflemen / Riflewomen and Infantry look the same. But what´s the Alternative? I personaly don´t have one with the Equipment we have at the beginning availible. Evtl. later on when the Tutorial get fully implemented. Atm. I change 2 Riflemens in Grenadiers and 2 in Shield-Protectors. Where I agree too is the Combat Ballance. There are very much missing Bonuses (Crunch, Lay-Down, Closed Combat for Shotgunners and Pistols). I have played X1 too, but I personaly confer it with the direct Rival the UFO-ET-Row, which is the only Game on the same Leveldesign in our Timeline. The Devs there have integrated that Bonuses direct in the beginning or End Alpha-Phase. Where I aggree too is that for Missions with Alternate Rules are missing some Info-Upgrades. Where I agree too is that some Features should come first after Autopsys and / or Interrogations. Like better Weapons-Research (Gauss, Plasma, Fussion), advanced Armors, Fighters etc. as Equipment and Helping for the Ground Combat. The Base-Missions are fully OK for me. I don´t like to much Terror-Missions and Base-Defence / Base-Attack-Missions or to much Loot-Missions, where the Team don´t have Time for R & D. That was the Problem in X1 and UFO 1 ET Standard / Gold and is one big with new Phoenix Point. That new XCOM soluted much better, where you have to time for R & D, Upgrading your Troops etc. The better soluted Way from XCOM is getting in for X2. The Airfight is nice too. It´s an upgraded Variant from X1 and atm the best we have testet with more cool Features. But that´s only the beginning to make it more interresting and more Features like Clouds or such are planed and evtl. come in for the next Versions. Otherwise the Airfight can be done like in the UFO ET-Row, directly on the Geoscape. The Day-Feature with the 24 Hour-Clock is an Ballance-Thing. We had to much Problems with the normal Date-Screen. Evtl. it get changed back later after the big Problem there get solved. With the Day-Feature the Game runs fully normal. What the R & D- etc. Points belongs, there are most which are in Rework / Refit / Finialising and in WIP. There are coming more Content / Bugfixes etc. Step by Step. I have many on my List, which get checked with every new Version if I get to the farest Point I have reached in an Prevouis Version. Short said: Not fully done!
  22. I find it not unrealistic, if you try to make your Weapons better (Rockets, Guns, Grenades etc.) for your Soldiers / Vehicles / Fighter-Aircrafts. Why not with the Ammo too. Like said, there are new possibilitys since the last Decade (2010+), which get XCOM 2 with the Extra-Ammo an big Upgrade as well as UFO 2 ET an immense success. And that´s only the beginning, so why not here too to give the Players more cool easy to implement Chooses.
  23. That´s true Emily_F. You and some others are real Bughunters in that Part and others in differnt Parts of the Game.
  24. Yes it is and can´t be paniced. That Problem we had in prevoius Versions too in the Betas after upgrading etc. some important Gameparts. It´s something more complex to finaly getting it fully bugfree, but with an Hotfix it was gone.
  25. Yeah Chris, I can understand what you mean. That´s not easy to ballance and to bring in. But more advanced Ammonation for the Standard- / Gauss-Weapons were good. If I have that correct in Mind in the competitive Product the Upgrade is atm in 2 Steps. An similar Rework it´s doable for the Standard-Rounds. For Example the following Thinking: 1. Step: AP-Breaking-Head or other Upgrade for an better Standard-Ammo as Prototype or so (to advance it with the Weapons-Upgrade); you can still use the normal Standard-Ammo if you wish 2. Step: advanced Standard-Ammo with Poison- / or similar Refit to give normal equiped Soldiers an Chance (that one which can´t equiped with more Advanced Weapons yet [Laser]) On that Research for the Standard-Weapons the Gauss-Weapons get more important, because the Lasers incl. their more advanced Versions have some Disadvangages (like the Engery Cell, not so good AP-Breaking or whatever), that the Gauss-Weapons get the next Step until that Problems get solved. Combined with Interrogations, Basic-Researches, Plans from the MIB-Agents and so on that Research-Part could be very interessting. Not only there in other Parts too (like UFOs, Scanners / Radars, Base-Upgrades, Fighter- / Transport-Refits in the Ground-Structrue to advance them and whatever I have forgotten). Then the Aliens use Plasma / Fussion-Weapons and you have to upgrade yourself again Step by Step in the Weapon-Tech / Defense- etc. Tech.
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