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Everything posted by Gauddlike

  1. You could do it if you didn't mind that face coming up randomly every now and then for other soldiers. You would just need to replace the current face image file with the one you wanted to see.
  2. You would need to be able to change images for specific soldiers. Maybe if you had a mod root folder you could have the game search inside it for folders matching the modified name of a soldier? If its there and there are compatible image files then use those instead of its own random image? It wouldn't look great unless you happened to have an image that was just the right size and facing in the precise direction to match the pre generated ones though. The ground battle portrait would be easier but the equip screen image would have to be pretty much exactly right.
  3. Just had a look at the AP reserve slider and decided I don't really like it. My reasons are: The names snap, normal, and aimed aren't used anywhere else in the game. They take up a lot of space and don't really mean much. The icons are a little vague to me. The lowest reserve is a single solid crosshair while the higher reserve appear to be moving or blurred. That looks more like worse accuracy for higher AP's. It may also represent more shots for higher reserve but that is not how the system works. I am pretty sure it is supposed to mean more crosshairs = more accuracy but that isn't what springs straight to mind without that prior knowledge. The AP slider also works differently to the way AP is represented everywhere else. Through all of the other screens AP is shown left (lowest) to right (highest). The AP reserve works top (lowest) to bottom (highest), well discounting burst which is tagged on afterwards. My suggestion to resolve these would be to remove the soldier stats and put the AP reserve underneath the AP bar. It would follow the direction of the AP bar and line up with how many AP are actually reserved as a visual cue. The names and icons could be replaced with the aiming reticle used when aiming shots. Reserving more AP's would give the same indication as using more AP's to aim. Pretty sure I suggested something similar before but might have been on the old forum so figured it was worth mentioning again.
  4. The portraits are a little small to be adding anything much on to them. There are also limited faces available at this time so it would be obvious when they start to repeat. All of the armour looks identical once it is equipped as well. Generally this could lead to banks of almost identical images which wouldn't help much with identifying specific troopers. My weapon/armour icon suggestion would at least help you identify different roles. Adding little boxes for aliens spotted would be a nice bonus though. It would be better if you could then order the list by armour type, weapon type, aliens spotted, AP's remaining, and custom order for example but Chris may shoot me for suggesting making the little troop box that complicated
  5. To show them on the map you need to add the city name and country name to your strings.xml For example to get Oslo to show on your geoscape add: <Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0"> <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Oslo</Data></Cell> <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Oslo</Data></Cell> </Row> And: <Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0"> <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Norway</Data></Cell> <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Norway</Data></Cell> </Row> Any more cities you add with the country Norway will now display that part fine, it only needs to be in once no matter how many times it is used.
  6. I stick with the original names unless one of them really grates on me. I have occasionally named them after friends but the character of the little pixel pile is gone when you alter its name. It is an immersion thing for me though, I am not thinking about trying to keep a game character alive just so my friends name doesn't get killed off.
  7. I also prefer to keep all of the buttons and controls together in some way. I feel the portraits are a little pointless though. It is nice to have something to check status at a glance but they don't really achieve anything else. If they don't show the current armour they are misleading but if they do then they are probably going to be very repetitive. Maybe this could be somewhere to add in some kind of insignia? I am thinking along the lines of a weapon type icon over a background that reflects the armour type. Examples off the top of my head are a crosshair for sniper weapons, a row of 5 bullets for machine gun etc. The background could be a simple shield that is transparent for no armour, silver for basic or scout armour and gold for heavy armour. I would only take into account the main hand for this icon, the background could have another layer added if a combat shield was equipped though. *edit* Oh and I would also prefer to toggle a semi transparent map window over the play area to help with navigation. Single keypress to turn the map on if you are looking for some specific area then either click on it to centre or scroll using the normal methods.
  8. Yes but I think the query is more about if you can target the floor tile from the room below it, or if that would technically be out of view. For example if the targeting system drew line of sight to the top of the tile rather than any part of it.
  9. No thats just where the Tracey Mansion style hanger exits are.
  10. I have to go with the 93-04 consensus as well. Modern games are too similar. It isn't because people lack ideas for games it's because the people controlling the money aren't interested in the games, just the amount of money they make. If they can sell 20 million generic fps games or risk selling 150 abstract games they will always go for the big seller. If you accept game making as a business then you have to accept that few people will take risks with their business.
  11. I played Eve for a couple of years, mainly high sec stuff as I didn't have the time to dedicate to low or nullsec survival. The majority of players I met were reasonable people, even the ones with bad reputations for killing everything in sight. I think you need to put yourself in the other players shoes as well Cyllan. You see a blob hanging around a gate victimising you for enjoyment? They see themselves defending their territory and livelihood from those who are trying to take it away. One of the beauties of the eve universe is that if you want to avoid people who might kill you there is high sec, if you want to dabble a bit you can risk some low sec runs, or you can take the plunge into 0.0 space if you want to fight tooth and claw for the things you want. Personally I spent a happy year doing missions and running scan sites in high and low sec systems which more than paid for my subs and kept the game free for me. Once I decided I really didn't have the time I left. Oh and I agree that DAOC is still my best ever mmo.
  12. They should hide it in a cave in Afghanistan, no one will ever find it there.
  13. It does seem like a lot of work making all of the new weapon skins and animations if you are only going to see one or the other of them.
  14. --Xenopedia entry 112-- --Classified-- --Over The Top Secret-- Fyraxian Race. First encounter with this race took the Xenonauts completely by surprise. They came out of nowhere to threaten the human race as we know it. They appear familiar but are somehow able to move in some kind of extra dimension. This "Third Dimension" gives them several advantages including the ability to slip under Xenonauts radar. Their preferred method of warfare is to wait until battle has already been joined by two mismatched opponents and try to wrest victory from them both. They do this by inducing nostalgia in the populace in an attempt to remove support from their opponents while they are too distracted to notice. This nostalgia is false as they soon begin introducing subtle changes to the society they have infiltrated until it is potentially changed out of all recognition. For some reason the number four is of great spiritual significance to this race and its troops prefer to move in groups of this size whenever possible. This could give the Xenonauts a huge advantage when facing them with massed troops and vehicular support. In summation the Fyraxians are devious masters of intrigue who should be watched carefully, preferably through a precision rifle scope.
  15. The way I read it was that the keyframe was the first frame in the animation. If it only has one state then changing the number wouldn't have an effect. That was why I was hoping Chris would post up the spectres for the animated projectile to get a better idea of how it works. I prefer to take something apart to see how it works, or at least see a working version of something I have already broken...
  16. Maybe it would be useful to see how the animated projectiles work? Chris did mention he had a plasma projectile so animation is possible at least. If the position of new frames can be set you may be able to set new frames to appear behind the original. If you could balance the speed of the projectile with the frame speed it would look like a beam at least. Of course that may not be close to possible! An alternative is if the engine can scale the projectile sprite on the fly perhaps? Keep stretching it out until it registers as hitting something or passes its maximum range.
  17. DAOC! Best MMO ever. I played for years on the EU servers.
  18. I think (going with the forum title) Chris needs to add a Firaxian race that can be eliminated by the Xenonauts.
  19. Would like to see a chav in charge of the aliens. We would soon see abducted cows, mutilated crops and circles of rednecks everywhere.
  20. If you look at the craft equip screen you will be able to tell the roles at a glance anyway because of the equipment. It will be down to the balancing and playtesting to decide if those roles actually work. Once you get past the two almost identical starting fighters it probably wont matter anyway as you will be outside of the normal frame of reference. You can make them look like anything you want and make up a reason for it. This one looks like a flying Evil BarnĀ® but drives like a mini metro because it is made of Ultra-light-alloyium and has twenty Big engines-of-pushiness etc.
  21. They are aliens. Anything I can't explain in human terms just goes under"Oooo weird".
  22. True enough. I was thinking about placing facilities and connecting tunnels in a 3D map and how difficult it could be to make that simple for the majority of players.
  23. No real redneck equivalent I can think of from my part of the UK but everyone has so many nicknames for people from practically every other town/city that it may have just got lost in the general mess. All I know for sure is that no alien would kidnap a geordie, it would be too scared.
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