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[V22.7] Night time Fow STILL doesn't update correctly

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Quick thought: It might not actually be that you can still see the tiles behind the soldier, but simply that the FoW effect hasn't been reapplied to the area (i.e. it could just be a graphical glitch). This would be easy to test by dropping an item near the flare.

It's also seems like this is only applying to the tiles immediately around the flare. If you look due south from the soldier who has turned around in image 2, and then look due south from the same soldier on image 3, you can see that the FoW has updated at least partially right at the bottom of the picture (there's some darker tiles at the bottom). The same is true on the very right hand of the screen. So it looks like only area immediately around the flare is affected.

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Mmm. Technically, the light areas represent light rather than LOS, so the system is working as intended - it's basically like OriginalMode rather than PersistentLOS mode. It's not super-intuitive though, I'll admit. I'll have a think about how it should display.

Yes, the units only project light in their vision cone now.

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Mmm. Technically, the light areas represent light rather than LOS, so the system is working as intended - it's basically like OriginalMode rather than PersistentLOS mode. It's not super-intuitive though, I'll admit. I'll have a think about how it should display.

Even if the light areas represent light rather than LOS, the illuminated areas shouldn't be seen if nobody is watching there. There should be 2 layers: first a light map layer and on top of that the persistentLOS layer, so you see the light only if it's in your LOS.

ATM it's unintuitive and confusing as the game mixes light levels and vision without cohesive logic.

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Mmm. Technically, the light areas represent light rather than LOS, so the system is working as intended - it's basically like OriginalMode rather than PersistentLOS mode. It's not super-intuitive though, I'll admit. I'll have a think about how it should display.

Yes, the units only project light in their vision cone now.

Just change the color of the illuminated areas to green to represent a chem light?
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It'd be better to just fix the logic so only areas that the units can see is shown. It's odd that the areas you wouldn't otherwise see, are visible if there's a light source.

If you turn your back to an enemy, you immediately stop seeing it (the new persistentLOS), but if the enemy happens to stand under a street lamp when you turn away, you'll continue seeing it until the beginning of the next turn (the old LOS system). It's just wrong.

Edited by Skitso
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After a bit of testing, it's definitely a bug as if you turn your back to enemies that are near a light source (a street lamp for example), you'll continue seeing them and also see them "teleporting" around as the game thinks you shouldn't see them.

Here's a save where you can see the unwanted behaviour.


-Select Unit #2

-Turn her away from the sebillian

-Notice how you can still see it (shouldn't be seen in persistentLOS)

-End turn and see everything the sebillian does behind your back

vision bug.sav

vision bug.sav

vision bug.sav

Edited by Skitso
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