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(Mod Update) XNT Into Darkness V3.7 - "BlackDragon version" (New Aliens and weapons)

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Chris said there will be a new build today, I would say make XNT compatible with it and add the new content that is ready.

Then only make compatible updates if they change something, and wait for the next release till the final release from xenonauts is there.

So you have some time for XNT 4.0 (and make it huge :) )

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Let them run near the Xenonauts once they see them
Lol, I always felt that making them run towards safety instead of randomly around would make much more sens. And in a civilian kind of sense running towards humans means kind of sth safe... though it would be a shame if I accidently used them as live shields would it? Of course not on purpose :rolleyes:. Is it even possible to give them a list of orderd behaviours? I mean i don't want them to follow my soldiers around when im going into that ufo :P
Did you want to wait until release to test the vanilla game?
Hmm.. I have some free time during the weekend so I could try it. But im willing to wait for the vanilla update if that is for the better.

Goddamit, how am I always attaching images in the wrong window ;_;

Anyway @TacticalDragon i've sent you a priv concerning it.

xeno navy v2.jpg

xeno navy v2.jpg


Edited by Theon Greyjoy
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Lol, I always felt that making them run towards safety instead of randomly around would make much more sens. And in a civilian kind of sense running towards humans means kind of sth safe... though it would be a shame if I accidently used them as live shields would it? Of course not on purpose :rolleyes:. Is it even possible to give them a list of orderd behaviours? I mean i don't want them to follow my soldiers around when im going into that ufo :P

Hmm.. I have some free time during the weekend so I could try it. But im willing to wait for the vanilla update if that is for the better.

Goddamit, how am I always attaching images in the wrong window ;_;

Anyway @TacticalDragon i've sent you a priv concerning it.


Spoiler alert!

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Hmm is that on those pictures what i think it is ?Though i think that green color is just too bright and doesn't cope with rest of the squad and environment (maybe darker green would be better ?).

I would wait until tomorrow before releasing new update.And no i don't won't to test vanilla,I can't play Xenonauts without XNT anymore ... It seems that i have lost interested in vanilla ... and who can blame when i have around 75 hours of playing unmodded game (that was during v19 and v20 build).

Edited by Sentelin
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Hmm is that on those pictures what i think it is ?Though i think that green color is just too bright and doesn't cope with rest of the squad and environment (maybe darker green would be better ?).

I would wait until tomorrow before releasing new update.And no i don't won't to test vanilla,I can't play Xenonauts without XNT anymore ... It seems that i have lost interested in vanilla ... and who can blame when i have around 75 hours of playing unmodded game (that was during v19 and v20 build).

It happend to me too, mostly because bullet speed drive me crazy.... is to slow... and its not chanelling at all. Its to easy reach Wolf Armor and this means "game over" for aliens.

I'm working on a new type of alien weapons called "Vortex Launcher".

I have some problems with animations but the weapon is working fine.

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Is it even possible to give them a list of orderd behaviours? I mean i don't want them to follow my soldiers around when im going into that ufo

I tried to do something about this but it's not possible.I don't think it's possible to do this without source code.

Don't mind the green fellow. He is sick. There are no green xenonauts planned :P


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You are welcome to try but along improved AI,TD also changed alien stats (HP,TU ....) making them a lot harder,so keep that in mind when alien start kicking your butt.File you need is aiprops.xml,also you must erase this part of script and replace it with vanilla,because this are new aliens which you really don't won't to carry over to vanilla since they are going to butcher you:

<!--                            --><!--  	  Reapers & Zombies		--><!--                            --> <AI race="Reaper">  <Behaviour>	<!-- General avoidance behaviour for zombies -->	<Pathing EnemyInfluence="0.5"				Cover = "0.0" 				Sight = "1.0" />	<Faction			Xenonauts = "1.0"			AlliedUnits = "0.9"			Civilians = "0.8"			Aliens = "1.0" /></Behaviour>   <Sounds death="ReaperDeath" injury="ReaperInjury" />   <Props sightRange="20" suppressionMultiplier="0.6" moveSpeed="300" stairsMoveSpeed="200" /><GibbedSpectre name="particles/gibbed_alien/gibbed_alien" />   <Rank type="Zombie.generic">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiemelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="Zombie.basic">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiemelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="Zombie.wolf">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiemelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="Zombie.buzzard">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiemelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="ZombieAlpha.generic">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiealphamelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="ZombieAlpha.basic">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiealphamelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="ZombieAlpha.wolf">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiealphamelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="ZombieAlpha.buzzard">     <Props APs="36" Resilience="60" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="0" Bravery="100" Abilities="SpawnReaper"  CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperNonCombatantCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperNonCombatant" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.zombiealphamelee" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="Reaper">	<Behaviour>		<Pathing 				Environment = "-10"				Sight="6" 				Sound="-0.1"				Cover="-3"				EnemyInfluence="-5"				AlliedInfluence="0"				NearestEnemy="2"				EnemyLOS="4.0"				AlliedLOS="0"				Goal="0" />	</Behaviour>     <Props APs="60" Resilience="80" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="60" Bravery="100" Abilities="Zombify" CrouchDisabled="1" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperCorpse" stunned="Items.Reaper" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.reaperclaws" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank>   <Rank type="ReaperAlpha">	<Behaviour>		<Pathing 				Environment = "-10"				Sight="6" 				Sound="-0.1"				Cover="-3"				EnemyInfluence="-5"				AlliedInfluence="0"				NearestEnemy="2"				EnemyLOS="4.0"				AlliedLOS="0"				Goal="0" />	</Behaviour>     <Props APs="66" Resilience="120" Strength="60" Accuracy="200" Reflexes="60" Bravery="100" Abilities="Zombify" CrouchDisabled="1" PsionicPower="60" PsionicAttacks="Paralyse" />     <Armour kinetic="0" energy="0" chemical="0" incendiary="0" />     <Items killed="Items.ReaperAlphaCorpse" stunned="Items.ReaperAlpha" />  <BloodHitSprite name="particles/hit_alienblood/hit_alienblood" />     <Equipments>       <Equipment>         <PrimaryWeapon name="weapon.reaperalphaclaws" />       </Equipment>     </Equipments>   </Rank> </AI>

Edit:I would wait for new update because TD mention few other improvements and addition to the AI but if you can't wait as I said your welcome try this one.

Scratch what i said above,I forgot that TD is going to add more alien weapons which means you would have to import them vanilla in order to play new AI script which is not recommended at all.So download current one and try it.Also note that i write this without testing and there so many variables here which can go wrong if you play this script in vanilla since TD made it to be exclusive for his mod.

Edited by Sentelin
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Hello and welcome hawk,

Thanks for the interest, I recommend you test vanilla first and then try XNT Into Darkness.

The improved AI is exclusive for this mod and its not applicable to vanilla, as my friend Sentelin says, if you put this mod aiprops.xml on vanilla game aliens will kick more than your ^$$^.

In other hand, please wait until i reviee all the changes and make compatible this mod with Release 1.0.

Right now Im recoding animations for Vipers and deltas...(Yes... again -.-), cuz the vanilla version change animations reading format to improve alien turns.

Theon is working hard to implement all new Coyote armor pack in Blue Navy.

Sorry for been late, but I must face lot of obstacles to repack the content.

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