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Couple Questions about the Game and the Dev's Attitudes/Plans

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I'm relatively curious about a few things. First off I will state that I am very impressed with what you have so far, especially for an ALPHA version. Seriously, the foundations are laid and the scaffold is down, and what's coming up just looks great. But here's some questions:

1. Will there be hats for TF2 in the Steam version? (Top priority question)

2. How afraid are you of piracy? Is DRM even something you are considering? Or do you view it as more free advertising?

3. Is there a wiki up and if not,do you plan on making one in the near future?

4. Will missions feature armed civilians/militia/police at any point in time? And if so, would these be hostile to both sides (depending on relation with the nation)?

5. About how many varieties of aliens are you shooting for?

6. Will you be adding additional varieties of human/earth weapons to the final version? (like say, AK-47s and FALs for other assault rifle choices, or new categories of weapon like grenade launchers and sub-machine guns)

7. How many types of vehicles can we expect? I found the Hunter to be of limited use, will things like helicopters/MBTs be deployable at some point?

Finally: 8. What kind of press exposure has this game received so far and how much would you like to receive?

Also one more suggestion I randomly thought of: Why don't you put Balaclavas and combat gloves on your soldier sprites so the whole "Everyone is a white guy" thing isn't very noticeable? Bonus is that they now look like faceless spec ops guys which is what you would expect to see.

Edited by Buttsexicus
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1. lol

3. Yes there is but it's still pretty bare bones: http://xenowiki.goldhawkinteractive.com/index.php?title=Main_Page

4. Civilians will be unarmed but there will be npc soldiers present on some maps, they will only be hostile to the aliens.

6. There was talk about adding USSR versions of existing earth-tech weapons like AKs and such but only as an alternative option to the current NATO inspired weaponry (purely a cosmetic difference). However this will probably tie into a Kickstarter-type of funding, see here: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php?469-What-features-would-you-like-in-the-Funding-Thermometer

Additional weapon categories like you said are not planned. Chris is against indirect-fire weapons (except hand thrown grenades) and the existing weapons cover any possible situation so there's little incentive to add variety for variety's sake. Something like an smg could easily be modded in though. It's also possible that the pistol is going to have a burst mode (is shown as such in screenshots) which would essentially make it into an smg.

7. Not exactly sure. The same as X-Com or more is what I expect but not much has been revealed yet. Lab background art shows a mech-like contraption but it hasn't been confirmed nor denied. There will be no flying units (at least I'm pretty sure there won't, maybe something that hovers and can go a few camera levels up but not truly fly?).

Balancing will probably be considered more when the game hits beta so if you think the Hunter needs to be stronger make a suggestion of (prolly better to wait a bit though).

8. TB did a WTF on Xenonauts and it was featured on RPS, Kotaku, Eurogamer and quite a few other outlets (can't possibly know them all of the top of my head). Of course, the more exposure the better. There's no limit on how much one would want to receive when it comes to advertising.

If you just google "Xenonauts" you'll get loads of sites will articles on the game.

Edited by Jean-Luc
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1. Ironically this is a critical point because I know of quite a few people who will buy it if it gets TF2 hats, but otherwise won't care.

3. Well neato I suppose. Hope it gets more content as wikis are much easier to use when looking for new content in a game.

6. Awesome, hopefully that comes through. Would be nice to see that as one of the premium bonuses. I love Soviet stuff. I understand the other decisions as well, was just curious if it was something to be added.

7. My problem with the Hunter was that it was equally as durable as soldiers wearing combat armor...which doesn't make too much sense considering even a light vehicle has at least .5 inches of armor plating. It also was much easier for the Xenos to hit.

Edited by Buttsexicus
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1: Isn't that up to the developers of TF2? OR how would one go about makeing sure there are hats in TF2?

5: I Think there's about 7 regular aliens + an additional 5 or something support aliens. I found theese quotes: (first one I found AD quoteing so credit to him "finding it")

AD, you can have a look at the AIprops.xml It has a list of the parameters for 7 alien races; Caesan, Praetor, Reaper, Wraith, Harridan, Andron, Sebillian. I know that these have probably just been put in as placeholders, but none have outrageous stats though they appear to have been demarcated to a degree.
Yeah the cerberus, chimera, juggernaut, manticore, and scuttler are probably the vehicle types.

Those names are also listed in certain places.

6: You can probably mod those in after the game is released. I'm sure someone that really wants some other set of weapons will do it.

PS. What's an MBT? DS.

Edited by Gorlom
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It might have been the definition of interceptor that confused him.

If they meant pure fighter craft it would be a different number to if you include armed transports for example.

New craft will definitely be in the game but it is unlikely that new fuel types etc (except for using alien fuel) will be added for existing aircraft.

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Nah there's 6 interceptors. I just couldn't remember off the top of my head when I was typing and couldn't be bothered to count them. There's no armed transports - given the way the UFOs escalate, if your transport gets jumped by a UFO then it is toast anyway.

There are five vehicles in the game, and an undetermined number of walkers which may range from 0 to 3 depending on how well they work in the game. The later ones will be more like mini-tanks than scout cars....but future tanks, of course...

TF2 hats, none planned. I don't think we're big enough for Valve to care about doing a hats promotion for us. Everything else, Jean-Luc has answered.

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Thank god for no armed transports :P

I like to have two separate craft for those roles.

One ship that does everything is boring and reduces the panic of trying to decide if you can afford a better transport or need to bulk up your interceptors first.

There's other ways to upgrade a transport vehicle then armor or weapons. What about a faster transport?

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Chris didn't say there were no advanced transports in the game, he just said there were no armed ones.

Faster and longer range transports are almost certainly in and I definitely recall Chris mentioning ones with larger squad and vehicle bays.

Yeah sorry I was just providing more ideas to Gorlom, not doubting on the idea of advanced transports =]

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