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[18.4 ground combat] various graphics missing

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1) When going into the equipment window for soldiers in ground combat, their picture is missing (replaced by large white rectangle)

2) A night mission in a city map had no roofs for buildings (rather, weird rectangle things)

3) no aim cursor for throwing grenades/flares etc or for the medkit (previously medkits cost time units and didn't work if you aimed them at the body of the soldier, but only if you aimed them at his feet.... now there is no aim cursor for the feet, but only for the body)... the aim cursor is replaced by just highlighting the tile green.

4) no 'cover' indicating graphics

Also, the game crashed on exit, requiring a forced shutdown

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Anyone got any screenshots? Does it affect only specific tiles?

This is really annoying because it means there are issues with the file archiving system, and I was really hoping there wouldn't be any :(

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I've had it affect the base ground tiles, UFO floor tiles, UFO doors (internal and external), the entire UFO (luckily nothing was inside), the inventory image of the troopers during GC, the background image for the post mission screen, Aircraft in their equip screen (either white block or no aircraft image, only weapons) and stun grenade explosions (again either white block or no animation).

When it affects ground tiles it seems to only affect a specific type. So no concrete or none of one of the grass, etc.

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Where can I find my Xenonauts screenshots ?

As far as I know currently windows can't do screenshots with the "print" key. But you can

a) add the xenonauts exe in steam and make screenshots through steam

b) play in window mode and use the snipping tool in win7 (maybe "print" also works in window mode)

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As far as I know currently windows can't do screenshots with the "print" key

Windows Vista can. Windows7 can.

1) Shift-Print to capture screenshot into clipboard

2) Launch MS Paint or another picture editor, create new image

3) Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert image from clipboard into empty image you editing.

4) Save image.

I'm not sure if it works when game is in fullscren mode, but in windowed mode it works just fine - tested in both OSes.

Don't know if it works in Win8 too - I did not tried it yet.

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This also happened to me, and I tried to continue the mission anyway (it was the basic farm with the barn in the back of the Chinook), but it crashed after I moved a soldier to heal a injured companion. It was "groundless" as Sathra's image though.

Also, on the soldier screen I was met with this faceless man:




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