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Everything posted by qdlat

  1. Terrific maps, both Middle East and Desert! You made me play scouts missions many more times than I intended. Such sets are a great example on why having hand-made maps is much better idea than some flavourless, generated ones. Of course, that assumes that there are such skilled and willing community members - and thankfully there are! Grab the maps people, real deal .
  2. Any word on when we can expect the next Stable version? In at least one thread Chris mentioned that *likely* we will have something this week (perhaps today?).
  3. Loved the Terry Pratchett's quote and argument of @Max_Caine: space lizards realistic, low-ammo weapons not :-). Games are supposed to be fun, not realistic (utmost original statement, I know - you can quote me). In some other thread we had a discussion on how unrealistic it is to have a Chinook flying half of the world. Well yes, but would putting effort into this rather than e.g. balancing & bug hunting really make the game better? Let's be honest: if a specie has ability to travel the stars, then we are as good match for them as ants are for us. You should face "GAME OVER" screen an hour after destroying first UFO because of a death ray from the orbit :-). Besides, these are already low-level details that can be easily modded. Over last year there were couple of decisions I disliked, but honestly enjoyed that Chris was sticking to some vision he had in mind. Overall it turned great, but to make it happen designer needs to say at some point "because I said so". I prefer more time spent on bug fixing, which usually cannot be done by editing XML files.
  4. Sorry for breaking the line people, but one vote for no. I do not see neither sniper rifle nor heavy weapons as guns capable of reaction fire. Machine gun is already a one turn - one kill weapon and I don't think it requires further boosting. Besides, I imagine more than once that sort of ability would turn against us because of low ammo. Reaction fire empties the clip and there is nothing left for blowing enemy to pieces in your turn. If we really going to have it, then please also add an option to disable reaction fire for a given soldier.
  5. Very impressive! I will try them immediately after Stable version arrives.
  6. How about Wasteland? UFO: Enemy Unknown feels like a modern game in comparison. Wasteland featured one of the first in computer history persistent worlds. Guess what, you shut down computer, restart the game and things are like you left them. Cool concept . And because programming space was scarce, most of the story was written in the manual - and game was just referring to a specific page. There is a second part coming, 26 years after its predecessor - and also a Kickstarter! This time we are even going to actively participate in combat, not only watch text about how glorious fight we are having .
  7. There is always Application Log in System Event Viewer (edit: on Windows), that should keep logs of all crashes. On most of systems you can enable automatic memory dump collection on application's crash, so that the final moment before the death is preserved. Not easiest beast to analyse, though ...
  8. Tell me about it . As a software developer I would like to state in our defence that we would love to deliver stuff with much love and quality. It is humane thing to take proud from ones work. However, guys holding the money have very different view of the world with a food chain that looks more or less like this: From personal experience the budget discussion looks like this: - How long will it take? - 4 years. - Unacceptable!!! - Ehmm, 2 years? - That's the spirit! I am utmost happy that GH philosophy is different .
  9. Seems some of us think of MG as overpowered, while other would like to see them boosted. Maybe then they are just about right? Laser MG (called scatter laser, if I recall correctly) costs 120K, making it more expensive than a basic fighter. For this reason alone I would not like to see them as equal to a 40K laser rifle. On the other hand, even with basic MG and a decent setup, I can usually kill an alien with one burst. Same is (almost) impossible with an assault rifle. No more boosting needed as far as I am concern. If more ammo is added I can just play my way and reload after two bursts . Whole point is that this weapon requires a setup, making the game more interesting. On an unrelated topic: does "Stable" version mean that there should be no save-breaking changes?
  10. I second the question . Every time I start a new game, a few days after comes a new version that kills my saves. That is perfectly fine, although now I will not start afresh unless devs state it is unlikely that the future will bring save-breaking changes. Anyway, at this point of development it would be nice to try to freeze saves' format or build in some sort of recovery / conversion. Experience shows one never gets it completely right before the release, no matter the effort.
  11. Personally I love the new machine gun system. With 10 shots now I have good incentive to use it, while at the same quick ammo drain does not make the weapon overpowered. It has its own distinctive niche rather then being yet another flavour in the arsenal. Generally the last balancing changes made the game even better. Much appreciated!
  12. Methinks I will not be the first one to explain that the reason is to make TU-invariant shots. I can press a trigger almost as fast as a professional soldier, the difference shall be in accuracy - and fact that possibly I will shoot myself in the process . Game-wise I find %-based approach better, both in terms of player's experience and lore-wise. Let's remember that our employees are already best-of-best. They can still develop, but there should not be such huge difference as it is now. Currently a rookie feels useless in a comparison to a veteran.
  13. Ja zawsze wrzucam na Google Drive, ale to dlatego, że mam konto na GMail. Jakaś forma rejestracji jest zwykle potrzebna ze względów legislacyjnych - operator musi mieć podkładkę, że Iksiński zaakceptował regulamin.
  14. Nie grałem (nie mam też konta na chomiku), jednak tylko jeden powód przychodzi mi do głowy: błąd podczas parsowania XML. Być może gdzieś przypadkowo wrzuciłeś znak specjalny? Sprawdź plik pod kątem poprawności, np. tym narzędziem: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_validator.asp. Powodzenia!
  15. Is there any quick-fix / workaround that those impatient of us can apply to have the base upgrade working? Thanks!
  16. Methinks holding command center for 5 turns should do the trick. What's good about aggressive aliens if they can't find their way out? As a "newer player" I had no clue about these ventilation shafts and could not succeed at base assault mission. By the way - can anyone point me to a thread explaining how to find these alien hideouts? [EDIT] One more related question: if one of threads I read that loading during the base mission can make some assets to go missing and turn the mission unplayable. Does it still hold in V21/2?
  17. I have the same issue on V21 Experimental 2. Let me know if you need my save. Methinks it is related to my configuration, since otherwise all people would complain about this one (it's perfectly reproducible - just throw C4 and watch game crash ).
  18. The game is already in a better state than most of AAA productions nowadays, not to mention how much love it received. From where I am standing you are quite close to release; it's high time for Xenonauts to pay the bills . I sincerely hope the game will get media attention it deserves!
  19. My thoughts exactly! Thanks for saving me a lot of typing . Especially the last paragraph is something worth keeping in mind. Too many variables and balance tweaking turns into re-balancing of the whole game - which is not needed. Current state of affairs is very good IMO, challenge on veteran level is just right in general. Take #1 for instance: I am not entirely sure if this sort of change will not make me run to the alien and shot it in a face. Also I would like to stress that I LIKE current cover system. It makes me using some tactics instead of just turning the play into a shooting range. Make them far less effective and flanking is no longer needed.
  20. Zupełnie realistyczne doświadczenie. Od świadków tych zdarzeń wiem, że część strajków przeradzała się w wielki szaber i niszczenie mienia. Ujmując to wprost: robotnicy zachowywali się jak najgorsze bydło. Historia tych zdarzeń nie jest tak czarno-biała, jak niektórzy ją kreaują. Uważam, że dobrą robotę z zrobiono z ekspertyzą żołnierzy. Doświadczenie w kontroli tłumów w przypadku gdy Obcy terroryzują miasto wydaje się być atutem w CV .
  21. Then it will be on your consciousness when rioting crowds of vengeful particle physicists come knocking on Goldhawk Interactive doors!
  22. Just a minor thing about "alien plasma technology" in Xenopedia. The article at the end invokes "graviton" that would prevent plasma from dispersing - and that makes little sense. Graviton, if exists, by itself is a virtual particle that mediates a pull, but does not create one. It is the same way in which photon mediates electromagnetic force, but does not create any. Besides, why would you use it anyway? Particles leaving accelerator will maintain their momentum (direction and speed). Unless they collide with something, but then not even described graviton would help them. Of course there will be collisions with air and under normal circumstances range of such weapon would be limited to roughly 1 meter (my guesstimate). My proposal is to replace it with with high-energy laser (since this technology is already available and fits the lore) that in a very short burst ionizes a path to a target, creating sort of tunnel in which plasma bolt can be sent over a large distance. If there is a demand I could write this part of the article. If not, maybe rename it to gravitatium (or something like this) and therefore remove relation to any known physics .
  23. Ok, I have found sort of solution in another thread - thanks Aaron! *** Load up the "xenonauts_gc_editor.exe" executable from the Xenonauts directory (which is a debug build of the game with special cheat keys in it) Load the saved game from the mission you are stuck on Press V to immediately kill aliens and win the mission (this works in any mission) ***
  24. Same thing here, but a sebillian base. There is no one in the neighbourbood, yet mission does not end. I tried locating aliens that might be possibly stuck behind walls, but to no avail. Any ideas? Maybe there is some console command "mission successful"?
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