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Everything posted by GizmoGomez

  1. I see it as three tiers of armor, with a light and heavy armor in each tier. Basic and Jackal Buzzard and Wolf Sentinel and Predator
  2. 20kg, are you serious? The shield isn't meant to replace armor, it's designed to replace half of a two handed weapon, trading range and damage for a bit more protection. At 20 kilos it was way to heavy to be used with anything but the strongest soldiers (starting out), and even then they could only carry a pistol (nothing else, maybe one pistol mag) if they wanted to have any decent TUs left.
  3. They can't stop in mid air, as they are not true flying suits. They are jump jet suits, meaning you are in essence jumping in style. You have to land on something solid.
  4. I second this. However, do we have the sprites for it? The 3D model is there, obviously, so maybe we can get them if we don't have them already. Hunter: ...Primary: Double .50 Cal Machine guns (or cannon) ...Secondary: Rockets (4 of them, because we wouldn't need the buffed 8) Scimitar: ...Primary: Cannon ...Secondary: Machine Gun? (anti-personell weapon?) Hyperion: ...Primary: Cannon ...Secondary: Rockets Alternate Secondary Weapons: ...Smoke Screen (puts thick smoke up all around the vehicle, protecting it from enemy fire) ......This would use the existing rocket-less Ferret cannon sprites. For the scimitar it wouldn't be a problem, and for the hyperion I suppose that the rockets could be replaced by smoke canisters mounted in the same place if we couldn't get a decent sprite for it.
  5. I suggest adding a "Grounded" toggle that forces you to not use the jump jets.
  6. Wait, they got zombified and they recovered? Daaaaaang. There's a slight chance after getting killed that the soldier will be revived after the mission, based on the number of negative HP. So, if you're at 0 to I think it's -10 or -20 you have a chance to revive, getting smaller as you get lower and lower until it's 0% after -10 (or -20).
  7. Alrighty, fair enough. I just downloaded your armors, if it means anything.
  8. Did/will you make a replacement for the tier 1 armors? Like, the basic armor and the jackal armor? Also, there's the basic armor you have for the soldier portraits, that'd have to be altered as well to make the most of it.
  9. I like that they're becoming less powerful. I prefer the baton to be the most effective.
  10. ...Do you have enough disk space? I'd recommend contacting Steam.
  11. Oy vey, burst fire shotguns. I'm excited. Also, 3kg for the combat shield is a very good idea; I support it very much. Thanks! It makes it so that it's no longer an armor replacement, and thus it not being as effective as armor isn't an issue anymore. The one handed bit is good enough.
  12. I second the short-long shots proposal. I also agree with E4D.
  13. Exactly; can we have separate repair and refuel times for each aircraft? Or is it a global value? (I think it's the latter.)
  14. Like I said; strapped for cash, perfectly understandable. It just sounded as if you wanted to use wolf over sentinel just for kicks, which I was confused about.
  15. My solution would be to hire people from the start and cycle them out, so you train them all more evenly. That's what I've been doing.
  16. With so many people asking questions without researching them, I've simply grown accustomed to giving details about the things I talk about. I'm sorry if my giving details seemed to insult your intelligence; it wasn't intentional.
  17. Why would you use wolf over sentinel? It gives you a rebreather, meaning that you don't take damage from stun clouds, smoke, or toxin grenades (coming soon... be afraid...). It also boosts your sight range. Also, you have the option to use the jump jets should you so wish, though you're not required to. There really are no pros to using the wolf over the sentinel (unless you're strapped for cash, in which case it's perfectly understandable).
  18. Leaning isn't going to make it in the game, Chris has said so. If I remember correctly it was because it allows you to fire without taking as much risk. Also, if we got that, the aliens would need to get it as well for it to be fair. Do you want aliens firing from behind walls at you? You can shoot over a crouched soldier as long as he/she is crouched in a directly adjacent tile. Also, the shooter has to be standing up, otherwise you'll just shoot your buddy in the face.
  19. Can the flat re-launch delay only be an hour, or even less? Anything longer would be really annoying. Also, what is the reasoning behind a percentage based refuel and repair time? I was thinking about how Condors often get hit by enemy fire but Foxtrots are much less likely to be hit. Thus, you have Condors repairing and not refueling while Foxtrots refuel. Also, when a mixed condor/foxtrot squadron arrives at base the foxtrot basically always has more fuel remaining than the condor simply because of it's larger tanks. This means that if a condor took any damage (like they often do, considering how up close they need to get) then you have a rather long wait for the condor to be returned to combat ready and your foxtrot is ready after a much shorter time. It means that foxtrots are going to be reusable much more often than condors. Foxtrots would rarely get damaged (provided you're using condors to escort it and defend it) because they have to hang back behind their escorts. That's just how they're designed to be used. They take no damage by design, basically. They would also be fully refueled more quickly than the condors because of their larger fuel tanks. That's just how they are designed too; they expend less %fuel than condors and thus have more left over. They become fully fueled up faster by design, basically. Condors, on the other hand, are supposed to fly in close to enemy fighters and dodge and maneuver around them to blow them to pieces with their guns. Thus, they're going to expend more fuel doing maneuvers and be much more likely to take damage due to their close proximity to alien fighters. By design they take damage more often, and on average they lose more fuel in the air combat than foxtrots do through use of maneuvers necessary to stay alive. They also have smaller fuel tanks and so that lost fuel is even more of a big deal. Condors get damaged and lose fuel more easily than foxtrots, thus leading to condors having a much longer wait time to get out in the game. Even if they weren't damaged at all, they still have a much longer refuel time than foxtrots. It just seems off balanced, that's all, especially since we now need condors to protect the foxtrots because torpedoes aren't overpowered. Does anyone agree? Thoughts?
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