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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hmm. That one is because the sign wall tiles are taller than normal tile height. Hmm. Let me think about that one.
  2. Well, you already can. You just click on the grenade picture and then pick which tile to throw at. It's just right now the green square isn't shown if you go off the revealed tiles, and you're also able to throw grenades at walls (which sit in-between tiles).
  3. The plasma cell is set correctly now - if it wasn't, you couldn't open the inventory without a crash. The actual problem is because the /units/ folders contain folders like weapons.AlienPlasmaRifle which contain spectre files but no images, so the game crashes when trying to read them. If you delete those this is fine (and the game just displays an unarmed soldier when you have an alien weapon equipped).
  4. I think it'd be a lot of effort so it's something we might consider after release maybe, but not before
  5. Yes, please post up the spelling errors in this thread. I guess I probably should update to torpedoes now, thinking about it. That is the more commonly accepted spelling now you mention it. It doesn't take long to update the Xenopedia text so I'm happy to do so. Gorlom, I've never seen spell it "Brittish", so you should probably avoid doing that.
  6. Yes. But we're only implementing the new UI once the rest of the game mechanics have been implemented so it's the last thing planned for development pre-beta.
  7. The tiles just weren't set correctly. I've updated them now, thanks.
  8. Hmmm, it's not a bug, but it could be improved. For throwing grenades I think we probably need the green tile. The reason it was disabled was simply because you could use it to "scout" the map as it displays under the terrain items when you move it about. We could implement it differently for grenades though, because grenades should only be able to land on full tiles anyway - it doesn't really make sense to throw them at walls etc. This is a bug, but a minor one.
  9. Yes, you need to press Toggle Roof in this occasion. You likely can't see the alien because it's behind the walls of the building. This should work automatically in the future but that feature is not in place yet.
  10. We can't really do that, I'm afraid. The Quick Battle is a bit of a hack so we can't really add too many features to it. It's just to let people get a taster anyway, the research etc is all for the full game mode.
  11. I assume you'd use "bulletType=heavy" to make a weapon heavy, if it's implemented.
  12. It should kick off in about a week and a half. Hopefully we'll send out press builds this weekend and the Kickstarter will follow that Thursday / Friday.
  13. Yeah, it seems to be that if you try to throw a second grenade from the quick slot in the same turn then it won't work. Hmm. One for Matthew to log. Smoke now causes stun damage. If the sebillian turns blue it means it has been stunned (it's a debug feature, won't be in the final). Amiga, the updated grenade smoke will be arriving next build. It's intended that grenades have a visually smaller and different blast than rockets.
  14. Wahngrok - please report that as a bug in the Bug Reporting forums. We have a dedicated tester to test and verify bugs but he only checks that subforum.
  15. Hopefully the AI bug will be fixed in the next 24 hours. That's the major show stopper still remaining. I'm updating a bunch of the missing animations at the moment too.
  16. @ QM - The next update, due out tomorrow most likely, will contain updated grenades and rockets and a variety of new gasses. Light smoke, heavy smoke, stun gas, nerve gas etc. Also the fire settings will have been set up for the rockets and grenades too, so just take a peek at those when they come out. @ all - I'm currently unsure as to whether "heavy" weapons are functional in code terms. It is intended that both the rocket launcher and the machinegun would be heavy weapons (and possibly the precision rifle too as mentioned above), and this would give an accuracy penalty if the user moves and shoots in the same turn. Maybe someone should have a play and see if it works. Your program should support it, though, QM. If it's confirmed not working, we'll be implementing them pretty soon.
  17. True. I should proably update that prior to the Kickstarterr drive.
  18. For the public build (as in the current build), there will be a link on the launcher linking to the game manual. I've not yet put together the public manual for the game, although there is a pre-order version floating around somewhere. For the public version, it needs to be a short and easily-understood guide to the game explaining the functionality of each screen without going into too much detail. Does anyone want to help draft the text? I can do it, but I'm going to be a bit busy with the other Kickstarter stuff...
  19. Yes, they do. That's how you know they're invisible
  20. Why can't you mouseover and shoot him once you Toggle Roof? Sorry, I don't understand?
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