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Everything posted by nutbarz

  1. Got to my First mission, on the Hidden movement phase, I saw shots, and could barely hear the sfx. During normal movement (Aka My turn) everything is normal volume. I tried turning the music down, but it seems to turn down all the audio.
  2. I had this happen as well. When coming down from the second floor to the first he disappeared, I then tried to get him to go back up the stairs, and he would not, was not able to. The Little Green Box for the Action Points would not show when I tried to send him back upstairs
  3. I have encountered this as well, where they seem to "Hide" in the craft wall, or in a crate... Places My Units can not get into.
  4. I Just wish we could sell the extra corpses, like in the Original. Just to have more income.
  5. Would that work? I DOnt have much actual Programming Experience outside of what I learned 10 years ago in c++, which I have never used again. I have some Spreadsheet skills. lol BUt If I was Just a Figurehead... 1% seems a Bit Much. Maybe Pay me a Dollar.
  6. Just had the Same thing, Casean Non Combatant was the only one seen. Killed. Completed 3 more turns, then Locked after the end Turn Button was Pressed. In the City, if it matters.
  7. My Earlier Post Hinted at the Soldier Spectre FIle for one of the Sebellians. Turns out under the Soldier File, under Plasma Rifle, it refers to Guard, not soldier. SO In this Folder: \xenonauts\assets\units\alien\sebillian\soldier\weapon.alienPLasmaRifle Find this File: soldier_spectre.xml Ex: Reads Now under <anim src="units/alien/sebillian/guard/weapon.AlienPlasmaRifle I Think is should be <anim src="units/alien/sebillian/soldier/weapon.AlienPlasmaRifle I Changed it in Mine, and I will attempt to see if its a Fix. If so Its a Duplicate of what happened in 9.0 with the Casean's This was similar to the issue in the Prior build with the ceasan's
  8. I think this is related to the Ceasan Freeze from 9.0, at least a Similar Fix may apply. I had the Hang on 9.0 and found in the Sebellain Soldier, under the rifle, in the spectre.xml file, the links ot the graphics were calling to the wrong folder. One the download completes in the next hour, I'll let you know more. But I Fixed that file on my 9.0 and it seemed to work, but I never got a chance to fully test it out.
  9. I Did notice the one in the Sebillian file folder... Froze on Reaction. BUt I have not had a chance to try my "Fix" Tonight Doesn not look good either
  10. Ok, So Anyone Have this Happen with a Sebillian? I Did yesterday, and I think I found the Problem. I Could be Wrong. But the Error could be similar to the Cesean Problem, but I think its soldier Alien Plasma Rifle, the spectre file reads Guard, not soldier. Have not been able to confirm a fix yet. But I'll work on it. Spectre for the Soldier Plasma Rifle reads - Guard in the file and not soldier. units/alien/sebillian/guard/weapon.AlienPlasmaRifle/idle_e
  11. One thing on the scout ship has always troubled me... How do they get from the front to the back when in FLight?
  12. Have Experienced this as well. I have not had a chance to reproduce it yet, but I did have the same thing. I was not sure it if was related to having three Squads going after 3 ufo's and in High Speed or not. BUt It Froze the Game, Stuck in Geoscape, and the cursor was the square box Crosshair thing, unless I went into the lower right hand corner where you can turn off the radar ranges. Then it changed to an arrow. And the music that played was the Air Combat Music, not a save load. On a Complete playthrough (Month and a Half) Also - I had applied the "Fix" for the Non-Combatants Not showing and the Reaction Fire Freeze.
  13. When I first read this, I thought it would be about making the game open ended, where you could continue after defeating the Alien Invasion Force, or whatever the end Game Scenario will be. Been Playing Fallout alot lately and Dont like how the game forces you to quit when you "win"
  14. I think it would be Cool / Funny to see some of the Combat Histories in the soldiers profiles read Classified instead of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Etc. While I like that Flavor, I think seeing Classified as well would be fun.
  15. Just Noticed this today on a New Game - Tried to Shoot, even when standing with the machine Gun and nothing, just deducted the points, then I could not get any of the others to move until I made him knee l and stand, then on the next turn, the animation was very choppy when that unit would move. (No Save Game, it was one I started "Fresh" and never saved)
  16. Ok, Here are the Steps I completed: Load this Game - [ATTACH]683[/ATTACH] From the Geoscape - Click on the Workshop Tab Create a New Job - I Picked Laser Carbine this time (It Does not seem to care which I choose) Start the Job Increase the Quantity to above Zero. I've used one, and up to 10. Have not tried more. Do Not put any Techs on it to do the Job. Go Back to the Geoscape Watch the money Drop to 19750 (If you Chose Laser Carbine) Message will Pop Up Stating Insufficient Funds While still here, press M to add more money and watch it roll back down. Now go Back to the Workshop Put at least One tech to work on this Laser Carbine Go Back to the Geoscape. The money will be removed for Production of one Item, but it stays Go Back to the Workshop and remove that tech you just put on the Carbine Go Back to the Geoscape and the Money will not move. Hope this helps. 2012-02-23_16.33.40.zip 2012-02-23_16.33.40.zip
  17. I tried to Start a Project in my workshop, one thing I Had yet to Try. So I Started a Project, for Laser Rifles. Decided I wanted 10 of them, but I had fired all my engineers. I figured, well. I have to build more living space, so I will leave this project active, with no engineers on it. I Went to the base page, added another living quarters Went to the Geoscape and there was a message, Laser Production halted due to funding issues. So I pressed M for more money, and I watched the money disappear... and the current funds dropped to just under 50k Weird I thought, so I removed the project. Pressed M a bunch more, and the money stayed this time. So I repeated the process. This time with laser Pistols. Created the Job for just one laser Pistol, no techs on it, and went to Geoscape, and all my money went away, to just under the cost to manufacture the pistol. If I add one Tech, it does not do this. It Leaves everything alone. Just thought it was weird. And thought you all should know. Oh, and it happens after loading a save game. Dont know if that matters.
  18. So the other day, about a week ago I read someone said something about validating the download. Well I tried that, and ever since then I can not play the game. I have gone as far as uninstalling the game and Desura. Well upon the reinstall, it hangs on "Install Tool: Visual Studio 2008 Redist x86 SP1 I've let it run for 16 hours. Nothing. I'm ready to scream! I miss the Game... Anyone have any Ideas?? It Worked Fine initially, then Worked for the Upgrade to 9.0, but now its Broken. I have Removed Xenonauts and reinstalled. Removed Desura and Reinstalled, Removed Both and reinstalled both. I have tried the Desura Force Update option.
  19. Time Travel is Awesome... but if your going to time travel, get the final release... lol not just Alpha 9.1
  20. I've Not had this Issue, It takes some getting used to, you you have to increase the camera level by one and guess at where you would put your soldier. Once he's up there the graphics will appear. But you have to see the room before they load.
  21. All I know each Successive combat they keep another Pistol (SO they have 15 now for research) and sell the rest. BUt I want to sell them, or transfer them, or put them in a stew. And even after the research is complete, they still send more to research.
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