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Everything posted by Alienkiller

  1. Ruggerman, I know exactly what you mean. I can´t remember the Names of the both big Fighter-Transports from X-Com: EU / TftD. Therefore I give the Example from the UFO ET-Series, where such big Transports with 3 to 4 Slots (Guns / Rockets with the since 2010+-Computer-Tech-Posibilitys Shields and Extra-Slot) show up.
  2. @Chris: I have read all Storylineparts for the Cleaners and find that extra Storyline very good. That´s why I say we need more of them. I don´t wanna spoiler the Storyline of them, but I can say that the Cleaners are very important. Not only as Enemys, if you know what I mean.
  3. Thanks Emily that you mention it too. The Endgame here comes to fast (you have in UFO 2 ET about 900 Days), before the fully Invasion beginns. And the Story from the Cleaners is told to fast. As well as thanks to the Comrade which mentioned the very less Stun Abilitys against the Cleaners. With the Informations you get from the living Cleaners the Storyline from them should be more important.
  4. Ruggerman, I understand what you mean. An Dropship you mean is integrated in UFO 2 ET-Basegame (there are atm sadly only 2 Researchable). This can be Equiped like the Original Skyranger with Guns and Missles. I don´t remember if the last Dropship from UFO 1 ET-Basegame / Gold-Version can be Equiped with Shields as Secondary-Minimum. But if we wanna that bring in for Xenonauts 2 the complete Air-Fighting System have to be changed to an similar System which the UFO ET-Series brings in (which is an Refited System from X-Com: Apocalypse).
  5. Haven´t seen they yet. But some other Aliens with their working Special-Abilitys.
  6. To much Saves or to old Operations. It´s not the first Game with that Issue. Exactly that have Battletech too and only the reduction of Saves as well as complete Delete of to old begunn Operations from older Versions help to solve that Problem.
  7. Yaeh, the Game need some more cool Stuff. In the past 2,5 Years we tested a lot of new Stuff and some of it comes in an different shape. And I give you both right, there is going a lot more. Hope too that the Rest of tested Stuff get in too and we Beta-Testers can make it better. When I´m getting to harsh sometimes, it´s about the hard test- and implemention Work we Crowfounders and Testers since the Game comes out invested already to make it longplayable and such Missions come in. And that´s a lot of Hours we active ones have invested (about 2.000 to 3.000 Hours+).
  8. Hi Cormrade, you can play like you would. But don´t forgett, the Game is still in WIP and we Main-Beta-Testers had many Things tested already. Like you said correctly, many of them will come again when the Game is more stable etc. In the Testing were f. e. dismantling Alien Parts to get more ressources (Weapons, robotic Aliens etc.). That´s atm not integrated in the Game for whatever Reasons. If the big Game-Changes for the remaining Beta-Versions and Early Access will come, then you need the more Ressources again. Atm. you can sell them for Money. I personaly like it when you have to choose between Economy (here Upgrading your Equipment, Buildings etc.) and Money (Standard-Ressoruce).
  9. Maybe you have to much Saves and have loaded an incompatile one from an older Mission-Folder. Delete older named Mission-Screens (V.25.0 / V.25.1) with the Codenames. They are in the Save-Folder. Then the Game will run fine again. That´s the only explenation I have. Did the same mistake and got an corrupt Game then. Since then all old Saves from previous Beta-Versions get deleted and an complete fresh Game get started.
  10. Comandos, if it were only that Room i would aggree. That´s not only this room. There are several rooms which need Energy. Look at your Main-Base-Buildup-Screen, get the Cursor over the buildable buildings and later more buildable buildings, then you know what I mean. Why do you think you have the Alien-Crystals and similar for later on? You have an limitation in Energy with the Generator-Rooms. So you have to use them wisely from the beginning. The only other Option for de-Energyzing is that such Buildings which go over the Energy you have left are closed for buildup until you get the Energy for them again with more Generators or similar. The Generators we have in the Game are Mini-Atomic-Generators (on Salt-Atomic-Generators). If not, the Game get in an GAME OVER after the first 4 to 6 WEEKS. What the Bases belongs, you can build up an Second Base in the first 100 Days. She is then small 1x Lift, 3x Hangars (with Fighters), 1x Radar, 2x Rocket-Defense (linked), 1x Living Room, 2 Workshops or 2 Labs. If you decide for that, you can upgrade your Main-Base 1x directly at the Beginning with 2x Rocket-Defens (linked), 1x Living Room, 1x Hospital and 1x Training Center for the next 100 Days. That 2 Choises you have directly in the Beginning. That´s why we Main-Beta-Testers from the Beginning on (after the old Base-Buildup-Screen come back) discussed about that after a lot of testing already. The only Solution you have is to make 5 or 6 small Outposts which are your secondary Bases which were Outposts from your Predecessors and give up or fast to build up ones without the 750.000 Credits payment to get an planing permission for every Base you wanna build.
  11. Komandos, they don´t use Diesel for the Buildings, if you have such Buildings which have to work 24 Hours 365 Days, what have you then instead: Yep Atomic!
  12. Emely, you mean for the Game when it come out as Early-Access-Version. An good Idea. Then it don´t scare the normal Gamers which wanna buy it. And it could adjusted to the Difficulty too. The easyer the lesser the Panic from Beginning on, when the Aliens and their Helpers [Cleaners] get shown the first Time. Variant A: Beginning from 20 (Soldier), 25 (medium Soldier), 30 (Veteran) and 40 (General) or Variant B: Beginning from 20 (Soldier), 30 (medium Soldier), 40 (Veteran) and 50 (General)
  13. Oh, then I interpredet something wrong. He meant the Smoke from Fire, Grenades and similar to Stun someone. I thougt the Comrade mean something heavyer.
  14. What the Knife belongs, it´s an very nice Secondary Weapon for the LMG´s and / or Snipers. I use them very often for Close Combat-Situations for them. Shields (Combat and Assault) are not overpowerd, rather the opposite. 1. Steel is Steel (Steel Plating / Shield), which is heavy (like the Defender Armour which consists on Cevlar and heavy Plates), so that no Wounder is to expect. Your Specialists will take Damage, so Cover and the existing Protection is important. 2. Alien-Alloys (Plating / Shield), is much lighter (like the Warden Combat Armour) and are an Step forward, but still not good enough. Your Sepcialists will still take Damage, so still Cover and the exsiting Protection is important. The Newbies will remember the words from the experianced Main-Beta-Testers in that esp. later when they fight not against human Weapons / advanced Human Weapons. What the Disable Buildings-Button belongs, it´s an must have for later, if Upgrades make Buildings bigger. If someone played the UFO ET-Series, where some buildings get Upgrades and not all can be Minaturised as whished, what get then an 1x2 Building (like the Hangar or similar) instead.
  15. Yep, it´s the yellow Bar, which lays over the red HP-Bar if Stun Damage comes up. It orient on the red HP-Bar, means how hurt is the soldier (has he / she get some damage) or not. The lesser the HP-Bar the faster the Xenonaut falls unconsicious.
  16. Seems to me that the refill-process from Gun-Ammo wasn´t finished in the Vid-Sequence from what can be seen. That´s no Bug but an Feature. The Refill and Reloading are 2 seperate processes. First the Refill (Fuel) get done, then the Reloading (Rockets, Gun-Ammo).
  17. I personaly don´t have seen that in 2 long V.24.7-Version-Tests and V.25.0-Version-Test in the first 60 Days and closed doors. The Floor was everytime dark after the Door was cloesed. So I thought we have solved that Problem.
  18. I don´t know if the Devs have testet that out internaly. If yes, that won´t come in. If you read the UFO-Pedia correct, then you know that you have enough to do to get your Specialists finish the Mission alive, esp. against the Alien-Weapons, beginning with the easyest from them.
  19. @Chris Like already said, such Missions bring in picancy in the Game. That´s what such and similar Games make interessting. From the Mission itself I wouldn´t change much. The Reward from the Abduction Tubes (Ressources) are fully OK. You will need them earlyer or later. Where I give the Newbis right, that an Abduction-Save-Bonus would be cool for the Civilians. There Panic-Reduction is an very good Idea. -1 Panic, if nessecarry -2 as Maximum per Tube after you make more then the minimum 5 Tubes. That make the Challange much more interessting. 7 Rounds I think are OK for that Mission (esp. for Newbies on lower Difficultys), 5 on higher Difficulty Levels (Veteran / General). That wouldn´t plunge complete Newbies or such which beginn Beta-Testing and gives for the experianced Gamers / Testers like us an Challange. Like you said, the Mission can be done to manage 8 to 9 Tubes, belongs on the Enemy which make the Abduction Mission. Aliens are harder to beat, Cleaners much easyer. With Cleaners as Enemys you can manage all 10 Tubes if you are clever. @happystrawberry1 Very cool Idea. You mean for Abduction Missions which get done from UFOs directly. Sounds very interessting and would make such Crash- / Landing-Sites very important too.
  20. What the MARS belongs, I love it. You can upgrade it with better Armour (the first is Alloy-Plating to double the Safety) and change the Main-Weapon / Secundary Weapon. Later you can bring on Modul-Components. Special Surprisses will come later on for that. The Planes and Airfights aren´t finished yet. The Fighters can be upgraded like the Mars atm. We Crowfounders / Main-Beta-Testers tested out in the last 2 or 2,5 Years many Reworks, Upgrades, Changes in that Part. But the Devs announced that isn´t finished yet. What the Radar-Buildup belongs. The 3 Tiles for Radars are a waste of Ressources. There 2 Upgrade-Rework-Project from the Workshop / Research is much better. I don´t know how the Devs from Chaos Concept (the direct Competitor with the very strong WIP-Refit for the Series) are doing in that Part. But 3 simple Radars linked are not the Solution. Haven´t tested the last Version yet, but get done 2 fully longplay Tests in V.24.7. And with the R & D-Outcomes such Radar-Upgrades are more then possible.
  21. Kamehamehayes, the Stun Damage for your Soldiers get shown. You know the HP-Information for your Specialists. Normaly they reduce after getting hit or Bleeding. Stun works different. There an yellow Colour raise until the max HPs get reached. That get shown in the Pictures on the Top and on the Specialist itself. asdfcyber, yes the Stun Damage for your Soldiers reduce (if they aren unconsicious) if you are not staying in Smoke and similar. In prevouis Betas (before V.23 or V.24) we testet something out for your Specialits, but it seems to be canceld or if we all get lucky in Rework-Process.
  22. You mean the Cleaner-Bureau-Mission, right? There the only Main-Part is to catch as many Information as you can (10 are Minimum). But yeah, it would be cool to have the Bonus shown (by 11+ you get that and that as Bonus, evtl. R & D-Shortages) to the 25.000 Credits per sold Information. With the missing turn Count I aggree fully in that Cleaner-Bureau-Mission. Would be cool to see when the first and second wave of Assistment from the Enemy will show up. Secondary Win Conditions are not for Base-Defenses (Bases and Outpots from yourself / Founding Countrys), Terror-Missions, Abduction Missions and Base-Attacks (Catching enemy Bases dosen´t matter Alien, Cleaners or Human Traitors).
  23. Thanks, that you like what we have done so far in the last 2 Years of hard Playtesting from us older Beta-Testers and the Devs brought in. That´s good for the Soul. What your Questions belongs I can help: a) The blue Circle around the Base is the existing maximum Radar-Range. You can upgrade it 2 Times atm. with building 2 more Radars, but we testet in older Versions a much better System. Hope the Upgrade-System comes back. b) That´s an special Ability from the Ceasns or so. Yes it works against all Enemys, because that Aliens can link that Feature with other Aliens to reduce the Disadvangate of bad seeing (Nebula, Smoke etc.) like the Rangefinder you can use for your Soldiers / Vehicles. c) Yes, not every useable Starting-usable-Things (like the Defender-Armor) is in the UFO-Pedia yet. We older Beta-Testers mentioned it already. The missing Entrys there will come in and exitings Entrys get the missing Parts (Texts, Pictures, special Informations) too with time. We all hope that will be completely done for the beginning Early-Access-Phase. d) I haven´t seen an centering on an Alien yet. Either the shot hit or miss it. The shots are fast, that you can´t see them. You would need like in UFO ET-Series an longer to programm special Camera-Feature, that could show the flightpath of an Bullet like Laser, Plasma. Standard. Hope that helps.
  24. Nope, we older Beta-Testers don´t see it from rose-tinted Glasses. Either it will be an 1:1 Copy from the first Game (08/15) or bring it to an new Level (like new XCOM, Phoenix Point, big refited UFO-ET-Series in WIP). The same would have happend to UFO 2: Extrateresstials "Battle for Mercury" if the Devs and their Freelancers wouldn´t bring in complete new Features, which will come in too for the complete Refit of UFO 1 ET-Gold. We older Beta-Testers fight to bring such cool special Missions and Features to come in for Xenonauts 2 for several Reasons. 1. Not to have an 08/15-Standard-Game (like the Predecessor Xenonauts 1) and standing still like from the 1190s to new XCOM-Series (2012). 2. Battle the direct Competitor (the fully in Upgrade-WIP UFO ET-Series). 3. To get an Game which don´t have the same Mistakes like the similar Games wich are working on the standing in the past Conecepts. Enough Points to fight for that we older Beta-Testers and Main-Crowfounders already brought in. The only thing we can discuss about is to bring in an Panic-Reduction and integration as small Outpost for somthing like to make Reasearch & Development more profitible or somthing like that as additonal Bonus for the Xenonauts-Commander. The more People you Rescue the better it will be.
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