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  1. Yesterday
  2. Description: getting a Time Units penalty (e.g. from picking up a body from the ground) makes the game resets the calculation of used time units of that soldier, allowing for further actions that would not be possible otherwise, like taking a shot or throwing a grenade. What happened: I moved a soldier to a body, picked it up and noticed that I could throw a grenade or take a shot using very few Time Units. Further information: It does not matter how many time units the soldier have used before receiving the penalty, the new time units is what is used as parameter to calculate the cost of an action. I attached a save file of the autosave of the start of the turn; a manual save after picking up a body; and the only log file I could find. user_day_44_vip_extraction_manual_save-4.json resolve_layers.log auto_groundcombat_turn_5_start-140.json
  3. Last week
  4. Good evening, I am very interested in the possibility of creating mods for your game, however, I was unable to find a modding tool. The only thing I managed to find an example of a mod on Github. Can you tell me if this link is still up to date?
  5. This Sebillian shouldn't be visible behind trees:
  6. In Cleaners Base there were a couple of walls that my soldiers could see through like this:
  7. Hey there, thanks for the response. Yeah - we'd really appreciate if you can provide us the save before the ground combat mission ended if you still have them as that allows us to track what caused the soldier to get stuck in the "airborne" state.
  8. 1. Si la batterie de l'ordinateur portable est déchargée et passe, vous pouvez continuer à charger la batterie de l'ordinateur portable lorsqu'elle est branchée. Mais si la batterie de votre ordinateur portable est morte et ne peut pas être utilisée, elle ne peut pas être chargée même lorsqu'elle est connectée à un source d’alimentation et il ne peut pas être rechargé après avoir été allumé. 2. Confirmez les pôles positifs et négatifs de la batterie, utilisez le pôle positif du chargeur au pôle positif de la batterie et le pôle négatif du chargeur au pôle négatif de la batterie. Allumez-le et éteignez-le toutes les 10 secondes. Il faudra environ 10 minutes pour s'activer et revenir à 60 % (environ 7 V), puis vous pourrez le charger directement avec votre ordinateur portable. 3. Si la batterie est cassée, elle peut être rechargée. S'il manque de nourriture et ne peut pas être chargé, cela est principalement dû à la vulcanisation des plaques. Si la batterie a été utilisée pendant plus de 3 ans, elle n'a aucune valeur de réparation. Remplacez-la simplement par une nouvelle batterie. S'il s'agit d'une batterie avec une durée d'utilisation plus courte. 4. Vous ne pouvez traiter un cheval mort que comme un médecin vivant. Trouvez un journal et enveloppez-y la batterie. Je recherche un sac en plastique scellé. Mettez-le dedans et scellez-le. Mettez-le au réfrigérateur et laissez-le pendant trois jours, puis sortez-le et chargez-le à température ambiante. Généralement, il peut réactiver efficacement la cellule de la batterie, mais même s'il peut être activé, la puissance diminuera considérablement. Batterie Asus Pas Cher 2 Solutions pour les pannes d'ordinateur portable lorsqu'il est allumé 1. Solution à ce stade : s'il existe un disque d'installation, entrez dans le système PE et désinstallez le logiciel antivirus du système PE. Système authentique, causé par des correctifs aléatoires. De nos jours, divers agents de sécurité sont installés sur l'ordinateur, qui vous rappelleront les failles de sécurité, ou les répareront en un clic, provoquant un crash du système au démarrage. La solution pour le moment : restaurer le système. 2. Éliminez-le vous-même. Une mauvaise dissipation de la chaleur et un fonctionnement trop long du moniteur, de l'alimentation et du processeur entraîneront un crash. Dépoussiérez le ventilateur, huilez-le ou remplacez le ventilateur. Pour les ordinateurs de bureau, ajoutez un ventilateur temporaire dans le châssis hôte pour faciliter la dissipation de la chaleur. Pour les ordinateurs portables, ajoutez un coussin de refroidissement. 3. Méthode de réparation : (1) La mémoire est lâche ou il y a un problème avec la mémoire elle-même. Réinsérez la mémoire ou remplacez-la. (2) La puce d'alimentation de la carte mère est soudée ou vieillie, le câble de l'écran est desserré ou le circuit d'alimentation de la carte mère vers l'écran est court-circuité. (3) La soudure est faible ou endommagée. Généralement, il existe de nombreux cas de soudure faible. Ajoutez simplement plus de soudure. 4. Solution au problème du blocage de l'ordinateur portable lorsqu'il est allumé : La séquence de démarrage est bloquée, ce qui peut être résolu en appuyant sur la touche DEL après avoir allumé l'ordinateur pour accéder aux paramètres CMOS. Sélectionnez le deuxième élément sur la page principale : Fonctionnalités avancées du BIOS (paramètres avancés des fonctions du BIOS).
  9. Hi Team. I started noticing this bug on the mission where you rescue 3 soldiers that are not part of your team yet. You can control them in the mission, but they are at the ATLAS base. Funny thing is... a few missions later my guy finally healed back up and was then available. I can dig up the save files if you guys still need 'em.
  10. sometime expectations are not met however i suppose it is not quite yet ready for beta ? :|
  11. ++ Good summary. I can't agree more with 'air' part of the game. Its way too amplified compare to main game. As it right now I have to invest most of my resources and push as hard as possible to build air weaponry and fighters just to keep up with swarm of alien's UFOs. And 'my' game is not about it. I always use auto and at the end despite my 'focus' I start losing every air combat anyway.
  12. I were suggesting the same thing few months ago. There is a game mechanic, soldier interacts with a PC to retrieve a data stick. Use the same game mechanic to open a simple dialog with civilian. Dialog offers: 1. stop movement 2. go to chopper 3. fallow me 4. do as you like ( reset to default behaviour ) This way, player gets a feeling he can interact with enviroment to a point where result of the mission "number of saved civilians" is not pure random coin toss, but rather result of his own effort.
  13. Hey - thanks for this. As Koki said, the saves would be very helpful here. Was the Cleaner mission you played the Rescue Soldier one? Maybe this guy got left behind on that mission if you recovered more soldiers than you had space in the dropship for.
  14. So I was watching a couple youtubers play through the game, and oddly enough they both said the same thing. "I wish I could tell civilians to move out of the way" or "I wish I could tell them to go to the dropship" So what if there was a right click interaction your soldiers could do with civilians that'd make them flee on their turn? You could display a message about the civilian being told to retreat, and internally you could force them to do the flee version of panic, assuming fleeing forces them to path away from any aliens/cleaners. As it stands the civilians feel more like bait or human shields rather than actual people you're meant to protect, so adding this interaction would go a long way to give them a bit more life.
  15. Thanks for the bug report Bloodwolf! Do you have a save file for the campaign so I can take a look? If you have both, one for before the ground combat mission ended and another for after you've noticed the bug so we can take a look and see what's causing the issue. You can take a look at this guide to see where your saves are located, thanks again!
  16. Hello Team, Just installed the game. Played the tutorial and then 1 cleaner mission. One of my tanks had his shield destroyed and he got beaten up quite a lot. He didn't die, but I had to heal him and remove a bleeding debuff. The transport ship returned to base but this soldier got stuck forever in "Airborne" status. I've gone ahead and played a few more missions and he's always airborne even tho he's not on any ship. I can edit his equipment but I cannot change his loadout. He is also not clickable on the left, which makes him un-dismissable and un-transferable. Any ideas?
  17. Earlier
  18. This is actually really good. If you plan your base, and you know the transfer time of hiring a scientist, then you can get them to arrive when it is completed, vs having an empty lab doing nothing while you wait for their slow asses to get there.
  19. The civilian shotgunners remind me of drunk Texas rednecks. I kin of think it is funny how fearless they are.
  20. Nice catch! We'll take a look and get it fixed, thanks!
  21. Thanks for the bug report! Yeah, it's a bit of a niche bug so it's not very high on the priority list, but the heads-up is still very much appreciated!
  22. Thanks for the bug report! We're currently working on fixing this bug and hopefully get it included in the next patch (If Chris decides to push one out before milestone 4)
  23. This will never come up in normal gameplay, but if you loop the map of the Earth with an aircraft twice, its marker will disappear. I suspect it's because it went off the map twice. It happens going in both directions, and I was able to do it with both the Pegasus and Gemini. Strangely, reversing your direction can make your marker reappear.
  24. I've only noticed this on night missions, but sometimes the footprint of the UFO and corpses inside a crashed UFO will be visible when no soldier has actually seen it yet.
  25. I'm not entirely sure myself, but it seems like the UI showing how many crew members the UFO has from Quantum Cryptology overlaps with the UI showing the mission information.
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