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Aleksi last won the day on February 26 2019

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    Paris, France
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  1. Well, i you get the content ID option within your youtube channel, you can customize it pretty well. But you can't get this if you don't have something like 100K+ subs. So the alternative is to use a service like Tunecore or Imusician, but there is little to no customizable options. If 'd have to wirte an email to whitelist a channel, everytime... Too bad YT doesn't really care about the "little" ones. For the moment it is either "all" or "nothing".
  2. It's me guys. I officially released X1's music of platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, etc. I had the option to choose the youtube content ID for that, so i went for it after it was suggested. Turns out i had very little action over it and lots of youtubers started emailing me, so i had iMusician remove the youtube content ID on this album. I was curious to see what revenue such an option could bring. But, i'll try that on a personal project, and not tracks that will end up on gameplay videos. So, no worries for Xenonauts 2's soundtrack ! ;-)
  3. Dynamic music is an interesting feature but it may also sometimes be annoying. I'm not sure it would exactly fit for Xenonauts, seeing the slow pace it can have. It also requires much more work... or at least needs to be decided right at the start of the project.
  4. And big devs too. If you use MP3 you'd have to pay copyrights. So everybody goes for OGG.
  5. Une finalisation serait la bienvenue si vous en avez le courage. Une fois finie, la traduction aura besoin d'être vérifiée, et Chris pourra l'incorporer au jeu. Ce qui serait fantastique ! :-)
  6. Est-ce que quelqu'un a le courage de finir la traduction ? J'ai rapidement parcouru les fichiers, et ça m'a l'air plutôt pas mal. Quelques fautes ici et là, mais rien de bien méchant. Bravo pour le boulot en tout cas !
  7. C'est super de traduire le jeu les amis! Bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui ne parlent pas l'Anglais. Chris pourra peut-être la mettre in-game si c'est propre après l'avoir fait corriger par quelqu'un du métier ? Affaire à suivre.
  8. The problem here is that it is impossible to satisfy everybody. Some people love the interception music, some don't. Same as for certain passages of the other tunes.
  9. Well, Aliens are invading the world. Not a really happy end to that.
  10. hum, ok, i'll write Chris about that. Thanks ! And yes, only 2 GC music for the moment. GC 3 coming soon. NC 1, 2 & 3 will be changed a bit as well.
  11. There are 3 Ground Day musics, and 3 for the night parts. Not all are in the game yet, but they should be played randomly. Day when its day, night when night. In the current build, you should have random plays between day 1 and day 2. If not, then you've got a bug. I'd be curious to know if other people get the 2 soundtracks to play randomly. Last time i tested the game, it worked. But that was a couple months back...
  12. Si, sono nato in Italia (Venezia), ma lo parlo come un Francese ( e non lo so scrivere bene!). ;-)
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