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suggestions and hello

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Hello all. Hello Devs!

You choose very interesting game to rebuild and refresh! Thanks you for that!

And in game time period is great too. The period of first open flights of stations to Moon, Mars, Venus. So it would be a good idea to implement historical events to background story.

USSR and US had had expeditions and successful missions on Moon, Venus, Mars in all 1970-th walkthrough.

I'm a great fan of X-com, and even more, my life is closely connected to space and it's exploration - i am working in the innovation center of JRS "Russian space systems". Now its JRS, but it's type was formed shortly ago. Before it was an institute that manufacture space rocketry and satellite tech (http://spacecorp.ru/en/about/history/). We worked with all Moon automatic vehicles like lunahod-1, 2, Venus program and Mars program.

Even more i want to say. My grandfather - has designed the television systems for Moon lunahod-1,2, and he was the lead constructor of all cameras for Venus down lifting stations (Venus 13,14) and some Mars stations too.

So, i think the storyline of Xenonauts could benefit by implementing some real history notes with some fairy fantasy of about "secret results" from that missions compared with real photos that was made in the time of near to 1970-th years

Like that:

- 1959- Panoramic photography of Moon by Luna-9

- Moon satts that photograph the black side of the moon - Luna-11 (1966), Luna -12 (1967), Lunar-Orbiter (US)

- Mars-2, Mars-3 (1971) - two automatic, between-planetary stations became Mars satellites, also do Mariner-6,7,9, (US)

- In 1973 - there was sent by USSR 4 stations to Mars - 4,5,6,7 (because of some systems failure Mars satt became only Mars-5 that made some number of photography scenes). And Mars-4 made just one. Other two stations brought downshifted apparatus but they failed

- Viking - 1976 (US)

- Venera-9, 10 (1975 ) - panoramic photos of Venus from orbit, Venera 13,14 (colored photos of landed Venera 13 and orbital Venera 14 stations - 1981 - really to close to find interesting end combined with real photos)

For example we could take some photo of Moon, Mars, Venus and with Photoshop give a some sort of secret alien activity there. Or even mark their landing sites and bases (so like the stations Venera-13 and 14 in 1981 could have a secret aims to find the alien bases and figure their place for Xenonaut team)

Just for other themes of suggestions and feature requests/design proposals/new ideas i attach a word file and keep here only spheres of ideas (it 17 pages of A4 text)

1. Map geo

2. Geopolitics and funding

3. Races and exp

4. Enemy sides

5. Trainings

6. Buildings and Base types (alien too)

7. AI friendly (geo)

8. AI enemy sides (geo)

9. AI battle

10. Infiltration as a line of interest

11. Type of weapons/arms and upgrades

12. Vehicles

13. Air combat

14. Endings

15. Map battle. Ground battle specials

16. Mission types

17. Tilesets

18. Soldiers

19. Micromanagement

20. Research

21. Way to settle missions

22. Project Orion program and group

23. Alien races and alien hierarchy in their society

I tried to attach the file - but it feature doesn't work

i can send it by mail (my - guardianru@gmail.com) or skype - guardianru

(It's to big to just post - 17 pages)

PS we in JRS are trying to do some interesting popularization projects too (by my lead) http://mic.herewetest.com/GLONASS-Promo-en/index.html

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Excellent content suggestions, Kirill, and welcome!

I have suggested they also add historic UFO sightings and abduction cases, as well as other known unusual events (cattle mutilation, ect...) but I haven't heard much enthusiasm.

I sure hope they do contact you and use you for backstory ideas and images though.

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Hi Kirill, welcome to the forum. Thanks for the file, I'm glad the game captures your imagination. To be honest, the final design for the game is pretty much set (except for adding usability stuff or changing small features) and what I can understand of your document is calling for some pretty big changes. It's too late in development for that.

I'm afraid I also simply don't have the time to read 17 pages of comments, I'm a busy guy. Particuarly as I think English is not your first language - it makes your writing hard to understand.

If you want to post up your 3-4 most important ideas in this thread I can give them a read, but 17 pages is too much.

Finally, I don't really want to start adding real-life UFO information to the game. It's something I could do, but I find it more interesting to write my own backstory that isn't based on real-world occurences.

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