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Theon Greyjoy

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Everything posted by Theon Greyjoy

  1. Don't count on it. This would require extensive hardcoding on so many levels ... So on a scale of 0 (very easy) to 10 (impossible to make), this would probably score 11. Though, I would like to have a tracker like that. Hatts off to the brave man who ever accomplishes something like this.
  2. Theon's Institute of Badass Flying Pt 2 Here you go, something that might make your piloting experience a bit more enjoyable:
  3. GooberCat... hmm so is eveything else working? new aircrafts, battles and such? Are some kinds of crafts invisible or all of them? Also, did you try starting a new game after reinstalling?
  4. Sandyxx --- I presume you tested on vanilla aircrafts. Those will work ... cos they are hardcoded. It's true that you set the price in items.xml. But you won't be able to make a new aircraft buyable. You can only set the vanilla ones to buyable (through aircraft.xml). There is one way around it which is say would have a 99% chance of working (though no one tested it yet ). - name your new files with the same names as one of the vanilla crafts... replace the files and set the craft to buyable. Edit. Just made some tests - f17,mig31,marauder,corsair and fury can be set to buyable....so you would have to replace one of those. ...and of course by replace I only mean the name files... you can have your marauder back if you call it maruader2 in file names. Hope this makes sense to you I had started working on SR71 myself... and then I remembered that the game's Fury is actually a modified blackbird
  5. Will look into it. Totatally normal. Yes it might have been vortex friendly fire. Or you might have knocked one down by using one of your own weapons. Basically all weapons can knock an alien out (well imagine blowing an aliens arm off...pretty much not battleworthy anymore). But that's not a big chance...more likely: - you used shotguns (the impact damage can knock sb out) - you used flashbangs (imagine if you were hit by 5 flashbangs, one after another, now imagine you are a Ceasan with much sharper eyesight...poor guys). You can see the stun damage being done when you fire (blue numbers).
  6. Yes, ty. Aircraft-xenopedia entries have to be added. I've spent all my time on putting aircrafts together, making them feel unique and useful and then tons of time for testing and balancing. So I didn't have that much time for lore (aircrafts and aircraft weapons) For now you can read the forum tips I give on flying (page 6 of this forum). I'll add some more covering the topic of missiles and cannons tonight (european time). If you overwrote XNT gameconfig.xml with the one from the portraits mod then that might be the cause of crashes.
  7. THEON'S INSTITUTE of BADASS FLYING Alright nuggets, today we are going to cover the basics. That means familiarazing yourself with the fine machines we are gonna be flying. Enough Theory, it's time for Theony: As you see we can point out some fair lessons from this simulation: - Do not attemp to fight head on whilst piloting a Su. You relly on your long term damage, try to position yourself behind the enemy craft. - Use Maneuvers. Su is the sturdiest aircraft we poses, even so it offers only basic protection against enemy plasma technology. - When advancing enemy fighters send in F17s, Su is not desinged to fight interceptors. - Even so, an experienced pilot will be able to score a kill if he doesn't make too many blunders. Class dismissed. See you back tomorrow.
  8. Or don't use shields and go for the additional "heavily wounded for mankind" medal (+1brv!) I don't even understand why would anyone exploit stuff like this. If you hate the current bravery value just change it in gameconfig.xml..it takes 30 sec. Unless you are some kind of MMORPG grind-junkie
  9. Like Kabill says, you get your stuff back at combat end anyway... Unless, I think, if you would abort the mission and leave a soldier behind OR if the corpse/item pile was destroyed by explosives. If you are alright with that...then you can try... But then there's also the uncertainty of grenades... I'm not sure if they aren't hardcoded. I tried removing them and making them producable... the first part was a success..the second, not so much. I didn't have the time to check if I made any mistakes though (quite possible), can't work with files atm.
  10. Looks nice though Imagine my frustration when I started modding in Sr71-Blackbird. and then I remembered about Fury ...
  11. You should forget vanilla altogether Here there are no easy solutions, you will have to find your own way.. remember about taking a flexible arsenal to your missions, heavy machine guns, in the right hands, can fire quite more than 1-2 times a turn. Shotguns can be used to incapacitate an alien, even pistols have their unique uses. If you are playing for the first time try and read what the Head Scientist has to say...he might give you some useful stategy tips. As the new aircraft weapons and tactics are not yet covered in the xenopedia.. Tomorrow, I'll teach you nuggets how to fly. For now you can enjoy this sassy Su taking down a Scout: [video=youtube;YAAx7UTvCZs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAAx7UTvCZs
  12. Well... I've tried DeleteManufacture RemoveM... ReplaceUnlockM... gosh, I've even tried LockUnlockManufactures No dice. That's a brilliant idea if the code allows it!Edit:...hmm but it wont solve the "40 plus weapons in the ballistic weapons menu."... meh I hate this code
  13. Really nice idea aajs. Now you can choose between offense (scanner) and defense (shield). Plus, even if the pistol guy loses his shield on turn 2 of combat he will be able to pull out the scanner... Those pistol guys who lost their shields early on, always seemed handicapped to me.
  14. Yep, lot's of things are hardcoded. A lot of mod packs are about finding indirect ways to change things that the code would not normally allow. Even what seems a simple change is at times followed by hours of work. On the other hand there are files that are very mod-friendly... So it depends what you actually want to change. If you want scout's Im affraid you'll have to stick to those that are called "PVT". Or you might want to try Kabills latest vehicle rebalance mod. He makes vehicles more role-specific. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/10546-Armoured-Assault-A-Vehicle-Balance-Mod
  15. Dude, we will have enough of expandable manforce when the aliens come. It's the well educated scientists we need. You know, the ones that are able to design a new weapon overnight or an aircraft that needs only 4 days to develop and 2 days to build. We need those kind of people. Not another Josh Eales wannabe. Keep studying. EDIT: Unless you study Literature or sth like that...then you can totally settle your priorities and start preparing for an alien invasion with us.
  16. If we are making a wish list of things that are hard-coded and would require genius walk-around ideas to implement..then I want a cemetery (like in cannon fooder) or a simple Killed-In-Action Ui screen.
  17. Problem? There would also be the problem of the bear counting as a civilian in mission summary. Pvt. Jenkins: Sir, all civilinas are dead, I repeat, all civlians are dead. Cpl. Eales: Jenkins, are you blind, there is one still alive behind those trees. Pvt. Jenkins: But, sir, that is a bear! Cpl. Eales Cover the bear with your own body Jenkins. We cannot afford any more civilian casuelties. Pvt. Jenkins: ?! Cpl. Eales: Now look Jenkins, you're a good lad but Brezhnev is threatning that the Soviets will leave the alliance if we let anymore civilians die. They are already on the verge, Jenkins. Last week a light Ufo scout terrorised Kamchatka cos we didn't think that it was strategically important and none of our interceptors can fly to that God forsaken place. Pvt. Jenkins: But why do they care about a bear? Cpl. Eales: It's about national symbols, Jenkins. The aliens are targeting national symbols... Most of Mother Russia's distilleries have already been destroyed. Without vodka, bears are Russias only reliable manpower...If we let bears die too... the soviet block will surely fall.
  18. Great work. I wish there was a way to implement a civilian bear.
  19. Most likely there aren't gonna be any XNT updates today. The mod should still be compatible though.
  20. Yep, but still, ammo, rockets and stuff are free. (But you do get lots of new things to produce) XNT focuses more on the monetary economy so you have to produce stuff to balance your budget (and balancing the budget is tough) In the near future we plan to have new finite resources though (alien materials different than alenium or alloys)
  21. Damn it TD, don't spoil the placebo effect --------------------------- Well, at least for now we can confirm that the info in xenopedia is accurate (those values are auto-filled from the source files). --------------------------- Are there any Russian or Ukrainian speaking players here? Would love to have one sentece translated (for lore/flavor shenanigans )
  22. There are more ufo's around. So you need to cover more of the world ...so more bases/ more aircrafts. Also bear in mind that there are more things to research so you might need more labs and scientists ...and they don't work for peanuts. Even with the starting money you are given, you might soon realize that it is not enough. So its best to start producing and selling stuff to balance your budget... Of course there are many strategies for making and using money...those are just two fair points. actually a fine idea. Thanks for the feedback and enjoy your game! Hmm... it actually depends if you also play with the Hullbreaching submod..making some extra holes is one way. I actually don't remember the old cruiser layout so I don't know if i can give any valid-specific advice. But here goes: Remember to used a mixed arsenal. Some aliens are very resiliant to energy weapons. Vortex weapons. Stun you (well they also do dmg but not that much). Since the last update it's possible to make your stunned soldiers recover (just heal them with a medpack). Armor resistance. Always try to soften them up by explosives. Armors get damaged and it makes killing so much easier. You could also try carrying some ballistic rapid-fire weapon to destroy enemy armor before finishing the job with other weapons. Im sure TD will show up soon and give you some advice of his own
  23. So i was just reading wikipedia about mig 23.... "(...) Because of its distinctive appearance with large air intakes on both sides of the fuselage the aircraft was nicknamed "Cheburashka" by some Soviet pilots after a popular Russian cartoon character representing a fictional animal with big ears (...)" lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lolooooooo I guess I wasn't the fist one with that idea
  24. or you can return to your Charlie and relate to this meme: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nothing-to-do-here-jet-pack-guy Aborting a mission is no shame in XNT. I remember when playing the original X-COM: Ufo Defense... I used to kill an alien get his body and weapons for research purposes and then get the fuck out of there. To this day I have no idea whether it was a legit strategy or just the urge of ending a terrifying mission ASAP (hey, I was 6 years old, X-com was a damn horror for a 6y old boy)
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