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Everything posted by poulwrist

  1. If you start a new game and hit escape before placing your first base, when you hit Resume Game from the menu, you will get a Game Over screen.
  2. Since build 9 or so, I think maybe around the time that AA became an option, the Geoscape has had performance reduced drastically for me. I can't move the mouse around without significant lag in the graphics; zooming and moving the map around is very laggy and chuggy as well. This is the case regardless of what state AA is set to. I'm running at a resolution of 2560x1400. If relevant. Used to have no problems, but this problem cropped up with the 9 series.
  3. Hm, why not start using a compressed resource file format for all this ?
  4. This is also a problem with the small white houses in Terror site missions. My guy seemed to understand the ... backside? The right side of the two you can see with the camera, well enough, and used the door to get in, but the interior wall he just walked through and the same with the wall to the outside, just walked through that as well.
  5. I was wondering, after playing the latest build a bit, if the current size of ground battles is the final and maximum size area that things are going to take place in? Just wondering, because they feel kinda small. I don't know if it's a function of the soldiers being able to traverse the whole thing in just a couple of turns, but for some reason it feels... small. I wouldn't mind seeing the map reach twice the current size, for a bit of extra ground to cover. The search for the aliens is always so intense, but if you always know that the UFO is just a few turns this or that way every time, rather than a bit of "it could be several turns that way, and if I spend too much time being too careful, I give the aliens more time to kill civilians" .. Just wondering if I'm the only one.
  6. There's plenty of room for both games. Xenonauts is unlikely to take up much space in the mainstream. I will certainly play both, because why should I limit the possible enjoyment I can have from the presence of two games that are obviously both going to be great in their own right? Now let fanboys of conservatism flame on me for being positive about the new X-COM. Also, it's maybe a week ago there was a post on Rock Paper Shotgun about Xenonauts.
  7. Thanks for the update Guess 9.3 really will be quite meaty!
  8. Sounds hot Looking forward to trying it out, take your time!
  9. Might be a place to contact to sell more once that day comes http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/03/27/good-old-games-relaunches-as-gog-will-sell-indie-games-and-more-current-titles-drm-free/
  10. Nice to hear. Nothing bad about delaying patch when it gets more polished.
  11. Hardware failure sucks Good to hear you guys make use of proper backup though
  12. Actually you can deliver non-steam requiring content through steam, if you so choose. And I would guess the same is true for Desura. In that case they are really just game managers that help you keep your game up to date and healthy.
  13. KOKON's posts are painfully difficult to read. Maybe if there was less horrible English, abuse and grandiose weirdness and more gamedesign logic there'd be less of a problem.
  14. What is the point of wanting those weapons anyway , really? It's not like they'll see use much more than a very very short time in the game
  15. I don't get the ammo gripe. Playing x-com like games ammo has never been something you run out of. Everything ends up dying in 1-2 shots, and your weapon carries loads and a single clip makes ammo basically infinite. Take a look at Xenonauts at the moment. The M16 comes with a 30 round clip. Your guys carry two extra by default. How many times, on average, does each soldier shoot? Even when doing bursts for every shot, you never run out of ammo. I played the game for 10ish hours, and I can't remember ever having to reload for anyone other than the one with the rocket launcher. Sure, it looks neat, and it can "feel" cool to have to bring ammo, but the reality is that you never need all that ammo for anything but the heavy weapons.
  16. Don't really see much of a problem if you consider it figuring out which plane is best suited for the role of dealing with UFOs, as in, which one is most available, which one takes the modifications, whatever they are, that Xenonauts make to planes the easiest, then that's that. It's not about "figuring out a whole new plane", but figuring out which plane, out of the many available.
  17. Somehow I don't think the majority of US casualties during the Vietnam war were caused by exploding rifles
  18. No, increasing complexity for no other reason than complexity's sake is silly. Good on implementing it, it is a good idea. If you go with a "guided tutorial" you could have that initial research act as the tutorial research project.
  19. I'd suggest that you start the game with the research on "Alien Invasion" already running, and finish it in a day maybe after start, that then gives access to the "High Speed Interceptor" research, so people will get a ping to go see the research menu and prompted to start research on the interceptor, research being as Chris stated more of a "figure out which existing craft is best suited for the task, and is readily available in large numbers", not designing a new aircraft. After going through that bit, people have gotten round to both seeing how it looks when you finish research projects, how you start new ones, what kind of data you get from research and how you apply the knowledge gained to the game; manufacturing researched items.
  20. Wonder how it worked in Apocalypse... I feel like installing Apocalypse again
  21. Consider that Tim Schafer and Double Fine just raised 1.25 million (and more) dollars in under 2 days from donations on a fundraiser at Kickstarter, I figure that people have a lot more money they're willing to throw at things that mean something to them.
  22. Nice update hope you guys get the funding thing sorted (still insane that Schafer got in 1.25 million $ in under 3 days). Maybe register Goldhawk as a company in the states as well, so you don't get into any issues with your artist? Also, can't wait to see the UFO crash sites I remember how in old X-Com you'd wander around the map going "hmm where is it", then you found a big hole in a building wall and go "hmmm" and then follow the trail of destruction through the area till you foudn the UFO. Now that was great
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