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Everything posted by WalrusJones

  1. Very well. Look: Do things as you will. Granular damage based balance may very well be fitting of your mod, due to the fact that there are not a lot of weapons.
  2. Yes. The low power ballistic weapons obsolete dirty fast. However, the natural de-actionization of a tier as you approach the end is probably a good thing. The last days before laser weapons, and then plasma weapons, being a figurative "bossfight." One amazing thing you could do for the carbines is reduce the inventory space they take, and their weight: This makes it so they can be backpacked easily, and thus, be a good reassurance weapon for squad specialists. Aliens loose armor as they take damage, so your snipers resorting to their backup carbine when a sebellian guard closes in after having survived two shots from their big mean killing machine rifle: Its armor has been brought down to non-combatant levels.
  3. Its a little long, but you have a very strong chance of becoming my favorite forum member. Edit: This guy. He is good.
  4. You are a golden god: You don't know how painful it was to clean up the much less visually interesting sprite I was using before to make it well suited to the games art. If I had the ability to use photoshop, and your filters, I could probably release on tuesday, and release with much better art quality then I have currently.
  5. I can see how that weapons struggles as a main line weapon, but I really don't see how it is weak. Its much more like a submachinegun then a carbine by my mods standards, but I have a comparable MP5 that I have found extremely useful for using as a backup weapon for commandos, heavy weapons, and anti tank units, as well as a safe breaching weapon for flamer troopers (I am currently preparing to run tests to see if enabling the flamer would be worth my time reimplementing.) (Notice: This weapon has dimensions of 2 by 4 squares, tall/horizontally, and weighs three weight units (Hereonout refereed to as stones.)) <Weapon name="weapon.sub" bulletType="normal" emptySound="Empty Click 1"> <props range="15" hands="2" recoil="0" weight="3" isHeavy="0" clipSize="30" reloadAPCost="25" reloadSound="Weapon Assault Rifle Reload" reactionModifier="2" hpLimit="80"/> <SingleShot sound="Weapon Pistol Single" delay="0.6" suppressionValue="30" suppressionRadius="3"> <Set1 ap="17" accuracy="35" /> <Set2 ap="22" accuracy="50" /> <Set3 ap="30" accuracy="65" /> </SingleShot> <BurstFire ap="25" accuracy="30" sound="Weapon Assault Rifle Burst" delay="0.6" burstdelay="0.1" shotCount="3" suppressionValue="20" suppressionRadius="3" /> <GUIImage name="gui/weapons/MP.png"/> <GroundImage name="grounditemimages/assaultrifle.png"/> <Ammos> <Ammo name="ammo.ballistic.sub" type="kinetic" damage="22" mitigation="0"> <Projectile spectre="projectiles/bullet/bullet" speed="1200"/> <Impact spectre="particles/bulletplume/bulletplume"/> </Ammo> </Ammos></Weapon> Weapons of this calliber really don't work as a primary weapon, but they are extremely good as a backpack weapon for "heavy" weapons users: Snipers, flamers, rocket troopers, and machinegunners. Trying to force submachinegun style weaponry to be primary weapons doesn't really work, but they are very strong for a few reasons. 1. They train soldiers FAR faster then any other weapons. My commandos were fifteen points ahead of my other soldiers in most attributes. 2. They rarely leave you with your pants down, you can virtually always run into a room and open fire. 3. You can make almost every soldier carry one. Making them a primary weapon type by design seems to backfire whenever I try it. Not every weapon needs to be a front-line gun, if you make the right choices, you can have outright excellent secondary weapons for squad specialists (That don't quite fall into being a sidearm.) Of course, this is all just opinions from personal testing and balancing. Some ideas are cursed to be forever to be gimmick weapons, like... say, the SKor (A puny earthling machinepistol that... Must remain pretty useless for balances sake:) <Weapon name="weapon.skor" bulletType="normal" emptySound="Empty Click 1"> <props range="7" hands="1" recoil="0" weight="2" isHeavy="0" clipSize="20" reloadAPCost="10" reloadSound="Weapon Pistol Reload" reactionModifier="2" hpLimit="60" /> <SingleShot sound="Weapon Pistol Single" delay="0.6" suppressionValue="20" suppressionRadius="2"> <Set1 ap="10" accuracy="30" /> <Set2 ap="15" accuracy="60" /> </SingleShot> <BurstFire ap="17" accuracy="20" sound="Weapon Assault Rifle Burst" delay="0.9" burstdelay="0.1" shotCount="3" suppressionValue="15" suppressionRadius="1" /> <BurstFire ap="20" accuracy="40" sound="Weapon Assault Rifle Burst" delay="0.9" burstdelay="0.1" shotCount="3" suppressionValue="15" suppressionRadius="1" /> <GUIImage name="gui/weapons/skor.png" /> <GroundImage name="grounditemimages/pistol.png"/> <Ammos> <Ammo name="ammo.ballistic.skor" type="kinetic" damage="13" mitigation="0"> <Projectile spectre="projectiles/bullet/bullet" speed="1200"/> <Impact spectre="particles/bulletplume/bulletplume"/> </Ammo> </Ammos></Weapon> Its not like having bad weapons like this is a bad idea. In fact, screwing around with this pile of fecal material that wounds a sebellian on one out of ten bullets was one of my most fun experiences testing the mod. Now, I am getting pretty close to the boundaries of what it would be acceptable advice for a mod maker who has yet to release anything at all, but I will be here for you if you want any advice (You probably don't need it, and will eventually find your own way anyhow if I go ahead and do nothing,) I have gone extremely deep in the rabbit hole of balancing cluttered weapon tiers, and will always be willing to help, even if it is technically at my own detriment (Giving people less reason to use my medium sized weapon mod over your larger general-everything mod.)
  6. My take on soviet weapons were that they have better damage potential for their class (A soviet rifle outdamages an western rifle, but the western rifle makes up for the lost damage in armor mitigation,) and have slightly lower aimed/burst Tu costs (5 points), but are significantly less accurate (The AK47's burst for me started turning out to feel balanced with an accuracy score as low as 10, once again, its a rifle for me.) This made having a soviet carbine at a lower tier FAR more viable then doing so with the western one for me. I am currently hopped up on cold and allergy medicine right now, and don't feel like clicking another download link to read someone else's weapon_GC.xml... Would you kindly post a copy of your carbine/AK47's GC entry? It would save me a lot of dizzy.
  7. Ahh. Like burstfire explosives (For autocannons,) and the ballistic multi-ammo gui features.
  8. Strings is where you give items description. I am confused by the fact that he overwrote a weapon, but it may have had something to do with it potentially totally obsoleting another gun, which can take a lot of work to avert.
  9. I don't see any way to manipulate that. It looks like, to me, from my repeated testing of early weapons, that the bleed status has a chance to kick in when a unit looses half its health from a single hit.
  10. That is an aggravatingly good MP5 sprite, from the desk of someone who is working on a beta-style release of a much bigger overall mod. My hat comes off to you, I am sincerely jealous of your artistic talent.
  11. This thread has given me some good ideas, nonetheless. Most of which, in classic Walrus Jones fashion, vomited it in an overly excited text blob before returning to my own modding to go through the lengthy process of implement it, extending the time it takes until I am ready to release it.
  12. Overwriting is the only way currently: Remember that you may want to start a new game when you install a mod, and installing multiple mods drag and drop style is simply going to partially overwrite the old mods, not combine them. (Splicing them together would take a significant period of time.) Many big mod authors like to include many smaller mods in their mod: Mostly the flavor text mods, as those are always nice.
  13. Of course, I always given charlie team demeaning names to make up for their superior stats. Left hand Lad Butt Wolf Dominated Monkey The Puppy The Virgin Dismal Rebel Rouser Unwanted Queen CHINCHILLA DRUG.
  14. A dishonorable discharge medal, for gunning down defenseless civilians at the order of a pancake.
  15. If I could spam calm first world nations with leaflets advertizing Viagra at an amazing price to make money, that would make my day... And diffuse my primal rage.
  16. The mod maker said it himself: You need these techs. Do note, upgrading an existing save to a mod save can break it in ways that can leave you screwed: Its best not to go down that road. Use new saves in modded xenonauts. I also tend to get extremely excited when I see this thread, and then I realize that this isn't that kind of new weapons thread, and It is not a proper place to advertize my upcoming mod.
  17. I think civilians picking up discarded weapons isn't necessarily a bad idea: As long as we balance them with being highly paranoid, and likely to attempt reaction fire at any nearby thingy that does stuff, while being vulnerable to mind control, as well as simply being poor enough shots that you simply DON'T want to risk leaving a weapon on the ground to pick up. For your own mens safety. Would this be an improvement? Maybe, maybe not. Is it worth development time? No.
  18. Partial points for being nice, or just a tally in a MISC statistics would be nice. Blown up tiles, civilians treated, casings left behind, ETC ETC.
  19. It goes to the currently unfinished (win conditions not being properly defined,) ending.
  20. Or, we could divide missile tiers into cheap missiles (Infinite,) and expensive missiles (Money-bullets, so to say.) Say, upon researching alien alloy fabrication, you can make armor piercing dart missiles out of alien alloys: It uses a few alloys, but inflicts damage a tier and a half higher then the free sidewinder missile. The Alienium warheads having two variants: Depleted alienium warheads (Free, and a nod to depleted uranium ammo: Which uses uranium that actually is at 85% of its original potency, but is now simply too weak for the original purpose of the reactor grade uranium,) and alienium warheads (expensive.) This would allow you do depthen air combat significantly, while still preventing unwinnable scenarios in the sky, and allowing players who fall behind the curve of technological progress try to catch up, at a steep cost of alloys and alienium. We could even include an additional pair of missiles, for manufactured, non-rescource ammo that is 60% as good as the next tiers ammo (From an upgrade perspective.) Say, Tungsten dart warheads for the sidewinders and avalanches, and DA-AC (Derivative of HE-AT anti-tank, "Depleted alienium, anti-covette" rounds,) rounds. As a great way to spend raw manufacturing hours, and potentially something that could be sold at a profit (Albiet, a small negligible one.)
  21. I think the reason why your first troops are inherently more experienced is that they have been working with the xenonauts for years.
  22. Its of the experimental build, hence, why I put it here.
  23. I haven't tried it, but the thread asked for someone to pass this along.
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