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    The Netherlands
  1. I've just had an Andron terror mission where I lost 4 Xenos from my best team. (actually 6 'died', but when I completed the mission they were just gravely wounded; Thank god) Those medium saucer thingies absolutely wrecked me. I'm guessing I'm like mid-game now?
  2. I was wondering if Xenonauts also used the same system as XCOM where you complete certain 'main objectives' and the game gets harder after each one you complete. I've been playing quite a bit now, but it seems aliens get stronger regardless of any goals I achieve.
  3. Sorry to hijack your thread here, but I had a similar question; I have completed the Officer interogation, and now
  4. Yeah that sounds like a pretty good strategy
  5. I haven't got Electroshock grenades yet, but I assumed they would shut down everything electronic, not actually damage it.
  6. Aren't Androns machines? So to me it makes sense that they're not being stunned by a baton. Electroshock grenades should stun them though, so that's kinda weird that those do regular damage.
  7. Warning; Even though I assume everyone has done one of these already, I'm not taking any chances. Spoilers!
  8. Damn you Xenonauts! Everything is going great in my current (and first) game, but I'm genuinely scared to progress through the game. I feel as if every mission is a potential disaster. Awesome game, and a worthy successor to XCOM.
  9. IIRC leaders wear helmets, so they're immune to stungas.
  10. How many guys do you equip with shield if you don't mind me asking? I've also never used shields, but the more I read on them the more appealing they get. And what role do you give the soldiers with shields? Assault I assume?
  11. Can't you just edit their name and add a nickname yourself? Like Dude 'Alienkiller' Whatever.
  12. Thanks Max, that was just what I needed!
  13. Is there a way to identify aliens in the field, like with the Mind Probe in the original XCOM? I need to capture a leader, but how do I tell whether I should stun an alien or blow his brains out? I read on the wiki that officers and leaders both wear helmets, so that kinda rules out visual identification.
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