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Everything posted by PerfectDeath

  1. If you are deploying your foxtrot with condors (lets say to engage 3 heavy fighters you send 2 condors and 1 foxtrot) make sure you click on the foxtrot last when selecting the aircraft you are going to deploy. This is important because the heavy fighters will generally fire their 3 missiles at one target. If the foxtrot is considered to not be the first aircraft it will not find itself being hammered by a volley of 3+ alien missiles. =\ Just kill its throttle, have it fly behind the condors, fire its payload, then get it out. EDIT: oh yea, alenium missiles and torps are pretty expensive considering they are made from depleted alenium, yet they require the fresh stuff from out stockpiles and we only get one.
  2. My most recent game upgraded from vanilla to V5 I was still within my first month; however, I ran out of research even after getting corvettes and heavy fighters, I capped my tech out at corsairs and didn't get laser weaponry even with alien plasma tech and electronics. What is needed for these in the little mod?
  3. How do you get an AK in this mod aside from 'borrowing' from local forces? Not sure if I am loading the mod right, I get the reduced construction times for MiGs but grenades feel no different, I get unlimited rockets and such, havn't played long enough to test for the powercores yet. =\ EDIT: scratch that, grenades are weak as piss (3 close and direct hits can't kill a noncom selb) and flares cost 42 TUs, no idea why those changes arn't working. How do you get the mod running? I'm probably not doing it right if I only get some of the changes. @_@ EDIT2: Got it working, pasted the files in.
  4. I'm sure xenonauts is going to receive a massive bill for all those gun and grenade IOUs i'm certain the supplier of flares will be a wealthy man after this is over. =]
  5. I've played a few rounds with double LMG 'nauts. I can tell you guys it is very deadly once those two get to 80 TUs. 40 TUs per burst, if you set them up out of the alien's line of sight and crouch you can nail them with two bursts each. But LMGs really have a hard time being a fire and maneuver weapon unless the entire group slows to the LMG's pace meaning you hold your riflemen and assault back so that the LMG(s) can always be set up before hand. If my LMG does not have 80 TUs then I can have him set up before advancing to spot targets, once the target is dead, I still have some TUs left (something like 15-30 extra TUs), I usually use these to stand back up and start relocating. It kind of helps to allow the LMG to keep up.
  6. In your Xenonauts>assets>weapons>ballistic>soviet folder you will find images of: AK47 Black AK47 Coloured Makarov Black Makarov Coloured PK Black PC Wood RPG7 Black RPG7 Coloured Soviet Shotgun SVD Black Only the AK47 coloured and soviet shotgun are in game that I have seen.
  7. This video is SO PAINFUL! >_< He didn't use the side doors on the helicopter and moved his heavy weapons a few squared every time before firing when he had a clear shot. Definitely my biggest issue with watching game previews, I find myself skipping through vids when that starts happening. TotalBiscuit at least has enough experience to sometimes start talking about another topic so you don't need to watch him fail horribly. Just alt-tab and listed like it is a pod cast =P
  8. The command center for the base is built instantly, everything else takes time.
  9. First night terror mission vs snakemen and chryssalids. Being the newb I was I did not bring any flares either, solders has all laser rifles and armour. Walked out the door, shot rang out, first casualty. Found the shot came from a gas station, shot the pumps, the explosion created a lot of smoke, the snake was still alive, finished him off while he had a hard time seeing through the smoke. Fanned out, broke everyone up into pairs, formed a line from one side to the other (rectangular map, spawned on one end) The starting area had a gas station and a park, the skyranger dropped in the park, to the right is a road we must cross, I moved my men slowly, chryssalids would often jump out of the darkness to meet my reaction fire. The first pair crossed the road at the south, there is one large single floor building with an alley along the southern edge. One man runs down the alley, the other hugs the southern building's wall. Another pair runs accross, the building has a hole from snakemen fire, one enters there. The rest form a line along the central and northern road. The center has an alley at the northern part of the big building, snakemen fire out from the darkness and kill one solder, his partner makes no moves. The flanking pair peek around the corner of the building, seeing a snakeman and a zombie in the back yard, he withdrawls to cover. His partner hugs the building's corner, ready to for next turn. A chryssalid jumps from the darkness, stands in front of this solder. Not enough TU to molest him. A second chryssalid emerges, stands diagonal of the solder, not enough TUs either. His partner jumps around the corner, fires two auto bursts into the chryssalids, not a single shot misses, neither die. Unable to run, the other fires point blank at the two chryssalids killing one... but the other survives. The flank is in danger. The two inside the building are the closest there, one can move to the alley but has no shot on the remaining 'lid, it is behind the corner. Instead of watching his comrade die a horrible death he fires into the building, tunneling through two walls, but only one wall remains. The soldier inside the building rushes to the tunnel, fires at the remaining wall, the first shot misses, the second breaks the wall, teh third hits and kills the chryssalid. With the flank secure I could spot the snakemen pinning down the main force killing the rest easily. only two deaths on a night terror mission with chryssalids, no flares or grenades, not bad. =]
  10. Some aliens will not lose enough AP from suppression to be unable to fire again. Generally they will either fire, and stay put or they move slightly and are unable to fire. One is a good outcome, the other is really risky to deal with.
  11. What weapon were you using at 'point blank'? I fired a heavy machinegun burst at point blank into an andron, all 5 shots missed, hitting the floor at his feet; however, another soldier has a laser carbine, his 3-round burst hit all 3 times and he was 1 square away.
  12. The larger round of the AK has more kinetic energy when it hits, so more damage; however, its ballistic properties actually make it less effective at penetrating. I've seen a comparison of the m16 and AK47 fired at cinderblocks. The AK destroys the first half of the block in a glorious explosion of debris, the m16 cleanly punches through the first section, then shatters through the other end. There are a few other weapon images in the game's database; like a Soviet Dragunov marksmen rifle, revolvers, etc. In this current version if you want to keep something you found make sure it is in your backpack. If it is equipped it may get replaced by the class' weapon. I havn't tried reloading the AK yet, that would be interesting to try since it would mean it can reload 30 rounds while the m16 only reloads 20. What can I say, the current version has a tough economy. =P
  13. What is this "reload" thing you speak of, never done it before. =O
  14. Well, anything thrown from the quick grenade costs 42TUs, doesn't matter if it is in the belt or backpack.
  15. Yea, I read that; however, that covered a lot of alien tech, not ballistics. I know in the game files we have lots of various weapons so I'm sure we'll see some armoury expansion. I'm mostly finding it hilarious that I prioritize middle east missions so I can hit the local forces with stun weapons to loot their AKs. =P It is a good idea too since they sell for $1,000 once taken off of a solder. Just be careful if you want one to keep his gear, You have to avoid dropping it out of his inventory or else it is forever lost in the storeroom until sold.
  16. Okay, I have this down pretty well, I can take out 3 heavy fighters with 2 condors! Alenium Missiles is useful to have along with Laser Gatling cannons. At the begining, #1 and #2 should be targeting different UFOs, the other doesn't matter, just fire two sidewinders at a single target, with 4 sidewinders you can kill 2 heavy fighters. Before you can launch those alenium sidewinders you have to get in range, these heavy fighters will fire missiles before that, so when the missiles get close pause and hit Q or E to avoid the missiles(use the cannon range as a point to evade by). Make sure you zoom in at the begining so you can see the fighter's missiles and such. After dodging their missiles, yours will kill two fighters, now it is 2v1. The condor that is being targeted should run away while the other condor sneakes in behind the heavy fighter to shoot it with its gatling laser. Do watch out that while running the heavy fighter does not fire another missile. You can do a head on attack with both condors vs the one hvy fighter but it is risky. Time your evasive rolls to evade some of the hvy fighter's laser fire when doing head ons. Against an escorted corvette, the condors can kill the two fighters easy enough but the corvette has too much HP to kill with the gatling. So a quadruple alenium torpedo barrage from a foxtrot will do the trick; however, landing craft need a little more than x4 alenium torps...
  17. I've just gotten back into the game after a while. Just didn't usually post much till now. =\
  18. What will I get for my tenth mission survival?
  19. Quick image I came up with. =P http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/164/7/2/not_a_reaper_by_chizek-d68xuz3.png
  20. I must have gotten lucky then since those terror groups were all flying by my one base! I deal with these one of two ways: - Use a foxtrot to fire 4 torps at the corvette, then run! Finish the excorts off whenever with condors. - Use 2 condors to kill the fighters, then probably run, laser gattlings seem to only deal ~30% damage to corvettes each, finish the corvette off later. =P Splitting my aircraft has been useful when my foxtrot was off shooting down something else or my condors were already out after engaging fighters or something. =\
  21. Doors can jam at alien bases, usually because the aliens think they can hit you through the fog of war, they end up breaking the door or something. Bring a rocket launcher. =] But yea, right-click opens and closes doors, be careful you don't accidentally do it while rotating units. Also I've noticed that Xenonaught's base blast doors can be opened but not closed. Maybe this is intentional to increase base defense difficulty? Usually the aliens are to busy camping my hangars to actually attack... =\
  22. You can hold another weapon in the off hand while a pistol is equipped allowing for something like a grenade (which will cost only 30 TUs vs 42 TUs) to throw. It is not great for killing but many love it for grinding reaction shots against selbs. =P
  23. I usually put about 1-2kg more weight than what they can carry if i'm training strength, I end up with CMD ranks with 75-85 strength. One think to keep in mind is that if there is some close alien activity to your base you can send a condor out early on to see if it can spot it. One condor for interception and one for hunting and spotting those light scouts at the beginning. When do you get terror missions, I've played a round for 3 months and had an alien base + base invasion after the 3rd month but not a single terror mission. =\
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