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Everything posted by Skitso

  1. I think what Valentine means is that as it is now, you don't really need a designated medic as all regular rifle and assault guys are able to carry medikits with ease. If there was something more heavy but effective that would be hard for regular troops to carry, it would make more sense to use medic as a seperate role...? Maybe something like defribrilators to bring critically wounded (almost dead) units back to life or something?
  2. As Chris said above, there's some 60+ portraits in the game, but I still seem to get the same faces again and again.. Some nationalities are more common than others, so are some rarer faces only possible with certain nationalities or why am I not seeing half of the available portraits?
  3. I feel the briefing screen before ground combat is a bit unfinished, but can't really come up any great ideas how to flesh it up. I think the upcoming and immersion breaking loading screen should atleast be merged with it to have a better flow and to keep players in the game. The screen should have more variable text and intel information though, as for now, I don't even bother reading it anymore. Maybe some kind of random text generator to stitch up a wall of unique intel text. In addition to current ufo condition stuff, it could also tell expected rough alien numbers, current mission goal (capture alien alive), time of day, possible civilian and local force numbers, crashsite location from lz, tileset etc. I won't type an example of a briefing here as I'm not a native english speaker and it'd end up terrible, but you get the general idea? loading the gc would go almost unnoticed while player is reading even semi intresting intel of the following mission. Just add a small rotating loading icon that changes to deploy button when ready. Any ideas to make the briefing screen more intresting? Do people prefer the seperate loading screen? Other thoughts?
  4. I think the new UI is a huge step up from the original, both functionality and art quality wise but kinda agree that the games's atmosphere could benefit from a more dark tones. Art is great otherwise, but i'm not particulary fond of stock screen background picture and while the troop equipment screen looks fine, it could benefit from slight ui modifications. Here's what I would change there: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/8500-Soldier-equipment-screen-improvements-%28Picture%21%29
  5. No other opinions? I obviously feel it's a tremendous improvement over the original one... Chris, what's your take on this?
  6. There's always been something that really bugged me in the soldier equipment screen that I just couldnt put my finger on. Today, for some reason I woke up really early and while all others were still asleep, I decided to make a quick photoshop and see if I could make it better. Changes: - Moved role and armor controls to soldier card on the left (only inventory related stuff in center screen, more visible background art) - Changed medal location and size and removed empty medal slots - Made subtle dividers to soldier card on the left - Moved dismiss and relocate soldier to bottom screen - Recolored inventory screens (not sure about this) - Remade weight bar to differentiate it from unit stats and to simplify the looks (AP penalty doesnt need it's own bar. EDIT: Oops, they are TU's ofcourse) - Tried to achieve overall more cohesive look. - Tried to achieve better overall UI logic (Soldier related info and actions are left, equiped items at center screen and base inventory is right.) Hope you like it, here it is: http://i.imgur.com/MEp6Msu.jpg
  7. I like them! Much better than the old ones. Thanks!
  8. Is it easy to mod all custom backer faces to be in the game? I find most of them very suitable for the game and would cladly have all of them.
  9. Good to hear you have identified the problem.. You actually seem to know what you are doing! So, what about the nationalities? Could a flag be added? I kinda liked that aspect in the Firaxis' XCom...
  10. I am still unable to get better shots with my more accurate sniper than my rifle guy. Even if I compare direct hit shots without a cover, the sniper doesn't get any edge. Both guys are capped at 76% (why?). Sniper only has the same percentage ragardless of TU's spent. Ok, I'm not familiar at all with the math and calculations behind this, but this can't be right. I can't think of any advantage in taking snipers to missions as they are as accurate as rifle guys but with heavy weapon trait, rifles have burst and lower TU cost to shoot. Am I missing something here or is the game really this broken atm?
  11. Adding a nation flag after soldier name in GC hud could be an easy way to personalize your troops more, which is a bit lacking at the moment. The units all seem pretty samey and I don't attach to them that much. BTW, are you still adding more portraits to have more variation? If you have any other easy methods to personalize the troops more, put them here.
  12. Oops, I messed the title. Please mods, remove or lock this sh*t.
  13. Ah, sounds reasonable I guess... I just feel that snipers are a bit underwhelming at the moment. BTW, I just had my machine gunner killed because he didn't stop his movement when spotted an alien. He just happily continued his movement all the way next to freshly spotted alien until 0 TU's... sigh.
  14. There seems to be something wrong in how the game calculates accuracy. I had a sebillian behind a stone fence (farm tile set), had a rifleman with 55 accuracy and sniper with 65 accuracy side by side. Rifleman's maximum aim was 41TU 46% and sniper 62TU 46% even with better accuracy stat and more accurate weapon. Even if I moved the rifle guy further away, it was constantly more accurate than my sniper... can anyone confirm this?
  15. I had a complete lockup after one ground combat. It was small scout shot by local forces, night time, snow tileset, had one casualty and one wounded unit.
  16. Thanks Chris! This seems to fix the CTD problem and the CG loading is fast again. (5 secs compared to 70-80 secs in stable candidate 2) Happy Holidays to everybody!
  17. Agree. If aliens had lower health, maybe reserving TU's for reaction fire could be worthwhile once in a while...which it's not atm.
  18. Yeah, something has changed here. I'm getting about three times longer loading times than in previous builds... don't know if it's tied to this crashing problem or not, but 70-80 sec loading times are simply no where near acceptable
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