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Animal Mother

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Everything posted by Animal Mother

  1. No, I've never used them. I decided to use Animal Mother because I am a fan of Adam Baldwin, and from the looks of things, not the only one (I usually have to put numbers in with the username because the original had been used up) Also just a thought, does Energy Cells use Alenium or Alloys to manufacture? Perhaps with minimal staff you could convert Plasma Clips into energy cells for less material.
  2. Its true that in UFO: EU I used to build a lot of laser rifles, not only because they didn't require any ammo, but because I generate income from selling a batch. At the moment, Xeno' is not fully fleshed out, but whats been happening is that I would have two specialists equiped with laser weaponry, and my assault troops would have MGs (prefably with Wolf Armor as well) as they will be storming crash-sites and buildings. The only ballistic weapon that I would get rid off as soon as possible is the Pistol and Shotgun, everything else I would use, even in late game.
  3. You could pick them up during ground combat and use them only for that battle, you lose the weapon once the craft is secured and it is auto sold. Also the only thing that appears in stores are Plasma Clips, but not the weapons themselves
  4. Also, you can use them if you pick them up during ground combat, but for some reason they are not stored in the stores thereafter.
  5. It would be great if you could pick up corpes just to use as shields
  6. It has just occured to me as well, used a shotgun against a Reptillian, first one missed, second one hit and at same time crashed. Tried to load up my autosave and that also caused a CTD. I was in the Industrial tileset and clearing out a light-scout wreak. May be a problem with the new suppressed feature or game can't find the appropriate animation for being hit? Though I have less suspicions that its a Suppresion problem as from what Chris worded his changelog, any bullet that is fired at a target (regardless of whether it hits or misses) counts towards suppression
  7. Speaking of which, I think almost every character in the game is based on a actor. Even the three people on the main menu resemble Burt Reynolds, Gary Oldman and Zachary Quinto
  8. I understand that you need level designers to design the buildings and tilesets, but couldn't most maps be created procedually?
  9. Lol, I like you named the squad members after their actor look-a-likes Have you found Chris Rock yet? Haven't played the game since it updated yet, so I don't know what the female portraits look like yet
  10. One of the best starting positions is the Middle East. I tend to plonk my first base somewhere around Egypt, Sinai Desert, as from there you can cover for the most part 4 different regions (Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Russia (Except Siberia)) and has one of the largest land to sea ratio, then I place my second base in Hong Kong or an area around the South China Seas (Siberia, Indochina, Phillipines, Australia), then my 3rd base either North Mexico or Florida (North America, Mexico, North tip of South America), then I place a base in South America.
  11. I don't know why, but the way I pictured you say that made me lol
  12. My men didn't panic, but they did spend most of their time killing civilians who would randomly run into a crossfire, can't wait to see how they respond to a pineapple "punch" Also I noticed that Chris wants to implement assault shields into the game. Would it be possible to grab a civilian and use them as a shield.
  13. As far as I am aware it is random, first time I got a Terror mission, it occured in Tokyo and it was beyond my Chinooks operating range. The next time it occured a stone's-throw away from my Egypt base, which occured in Italy. Chinooks themselves can go about 5-10% beyond radar coverage, so what I do is attempt to locate my bases as close as possible to the center of the map.
  14. I'm all for the XCOM FPS, even before EU was announced. Any game that has an intriuging plotline is going to appeal to me, whether its First/Third Person and/or Turn-based/Real-time. Thats why a pre-ordered Xenonauts, and also why I'lll buy EU and XCOM.
  15. I wouldn't think squad size would be a concern for a console, you could cycle through your squad members with your L1 and R1 buttons. Lets not forget that everything points to one base, but nothing has been revealed about how many Skyrangers you can build. The smaller squad size could just be about balance, but it could also be about having enough surplus soldiers to deal with other seperate encounters around the globe. Depending on difficulty, late game may have more UFO landings/attacks than the player can keep up with.
  16. Is it possible to add escorts when the copter is already en-route? I know you can add them as escorts when back at base, but I though it was impossible when it was already in the air?
  17. This, when I said temperate, I meant the tileset that included the farm, or an expansion of that. Villages would be a nice touch. I understand what you mean by no forest, as that significantly causes problems with LOS, and the game becomes unplayable (Annoying), but will we see a return of plantations and/or isolated patches of trees. Speaking of forests, what if it didn't effect LOS, but acts only as a defensive barrier? I was under the impression Temperate was in fact a tileset in the editor?
  18. Similar to how military forces act as an ally on the ground combat phase, perhaps the same can be applied to aicraft interception. Occasionally warships and military aircaft are attacked by UFOs. What if you are in the viscinity just as the UFO attacks. The warship/aircraft in question may join in the fight, acting as an uncontrollable missile/gun platform. Obviously if you fail in protecting them, the random event (i.e. "Warship strafed, 38 crew missing") will proceed as if you didn't intervene. However, if the UFO did manage to get destroyed before it destroyed the target, then depending which region these assets are located, saving them may act as a bonus to region funding, as the local government takes note that you are doing the job you were set out to do.
  19. I prefer the Flat Geoscape, I almost feel like I could play Defcon
  20. Turns out the invading aliens were in fact Nazis, forcing the US and Russia to reanimate Roosevelt and Stalin To be honest I think they chose the setting because they liked the settings, not just from a narrative point of view, but colour and architecturally (A lot of buildings you come across are brown and grey) and buildings in that period were more about practicality, not athestics. Everything in that timeperiod was blocky, which given the games isometric point of view, served one of the games ideals (imagine playing an isometric game set in the 21st century with buildings of complex shapes and geometry).
  21. I'm currently playing on easy at the moment (I know, I know), but I noticed Selenium Missiles don't appear to need replenishment from Stores. Does that mean as long as I have at least have one missile in stores, I can attach that to a plane and continue to use it over and over again? Also I think I've encountered a bug whereby if I don't use a laser cell in a mission, it increases the amount in the stores after each mission. For example I create two cells. If I don't use those cells in a mission, stores will increase the total to four.
  22. Hills would be significant in Temperate tilesets too
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