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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Another idea would be to actually have a logical dawback of "all eggs in one basket" Let's say the aliensattack your base. If they damage/destroy a lab, they also destroy research the progress there. If the aliens can also bombard your base (randomly damage/destroy a tile, wound personell), then that base that's one giant research center suddenly isn't so appealing.
  2. Why does it looks so...weird? Looking at their screenshots, the angle seems..wrong. An the textures grainy.
  3. Actually you do need better armor. And with increased base costs you do have less money to go around. Regarding the HP thing, the game apparently differentiates between soldier HP and armor HP bonus. When a solder has 10HP and 4 armor bonus and gets hit for 8 damage...he's wounded. BUT... When a soldier has 4 HP and 10 armor bonus and gets hit for 8 damage.....you see the difference.
  4. I personally don't care much about such abstractions when the visuals show me different thing. Bullet doesn't even connect? Criticla hit on an enemy anyway! Bullte pases trough 3 cars? I still hit you for full damage!
  5. I made a tweak to that mode..changed hte balance a bit. You cna get it here: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=79543.320
  6. 1) Do you really think veteran soldiers all look like Rambo or Ahrnold? I met some Spec Ops soldiers in real life and they have normal faces. 2) It's 1970 and it's a mish-mash unit created ad-hoc from all over the world. Of course the basic uniform looks crappy. IHMO, it fits.
  7. I'm not a fan of the cover and armor system of the new XCOM. Mostly because it doesn't "feel" like cover or armor. Armor is extra HP. I want it to be actual armor. Cover is to-hit penalty. I want it to be a physical barrier.
  8. To each his own. I disagree with the man. It's good game, but I find it lacks a lot of what made X-Com, X-Com.
  9. This was posted on another forum, but I think it's worth mentioning here: - Sabotage: Infiltrate alien facilities or aligned countries and eliminate infrastructure - Stealth: Recon missions that take maybe a one or two operative team meant to carry out objectives "all quite like" - Assassination: Eliminate high value targets, whether it be collaborators or high ranking xenos - Augmenting Conventional Forces: Use my squad to assist a nation's conventional military forces perhaps a multi objective mission - CQB specific missions: Something really using multiple levels and tight quarters, like taking place in a high rise or a aircraft carrier
  10. There was no folly and you deliberately twisted the meaning of my words. Period. The "at all" reffers to the specific situation. And you knew that. Strongarmed you? Lest I checked I'm not holding a pistol to your head. I didn't force you to do anything. If you insist to blame everyone else for your own failings, that's your problem. Not mine. The nitpick is YOURS because you know very well what I wanted to say (you admitted that yourself) and still proceeded to nitpick. So yes. It is very petty from you. What a hypocrite. You presume to know what I want better than me and than call me out on "now knowing what you want"? You are seriously irrirating me Gorlom. Enough that I'm contemplating putting you on my ignore list, just so that I don't have to deal with you.
  11. Guess who the only psionic on my team is? A guy I named CHUCK "Almighty" NORRIS. The game is messing with me. I mean what are the odds? Seriously. What are the odds of him never dying (he never even got seriously hurt IIRC), having the highest kill-count and being the only psionic? This is either the biggest concidence ever, or the power of Norris at work.
  12. What makes you think they won't jam? I dunno, I see nothing wrong with jamming. Worked well in JA2.
  13. You did actually. What you describe is at best Reductio Ad Absurdum. If you make a parody of someones stance to pove your point, arguing a point that was never really made then it's a strawman. We both know what I mean. You beating aroudn the bush and nitpicking isn't helping anyone. It's not an argument of any kind. It does your own point no service whatsoever. It doesn't change my stance or oppinion at all.
  14. ERm...Xenonauts ARE fighting for victory. You can't survive if you don't win... Duuuuh!
  15. Hey, I've seen cops kill aliens with pistols. Don't look like they suck to me. It takes a few shots, but who cares?
  16. Ough...that avatar! What have you done to Faye you maniac?!?!?!?
  17. Dunno. I personally liek the idea of limited ranges. Makes multiple bases actually important. Also, a helicopter wouldnt' crash. When fuel gets dangerously low, they would land. So no, you wouldn't loose troops. They would just have to get back to base in a slower way, making them unavailable for a while.
  18. Well, it is deeper than SOTS1, lots of stuff to do, lots of things to learn. The new update should bring a new economy tab for easier trade managment. ATM you have to go into trade view and zoom a bit to a system to see what's going on.
  19. Chirs, you news are excellent. Her'es to hopign you get the beta working without any hiccups. Also, regarding filesizes - maybe you should just zip/rar the whole game? We won't mind unpacking it at our end:p
  20. I still say that the whole concept of time and how scicne measures it is very suspect.
  21. Sorry to nitpick, but the marines did have advanced tech. The kill ratio is heavily on the marine side (that's with half of them dying because they had to remove their ammo clips in the first room) Well, the predator did run from the Old Painless. Too bad the guy missed, otherwise, it would have been a really short movie.
  22. Planet managment hasn't changed much. You still have biome crusier. But now you cna connect systems into provinces. And you can turn planets into Forge/Gem worlds. You can close off entire systems to prevent piracy and espionage (but the locals won't exactly like it) And pirates are pests. Irritating pests. If you do start building Civilian station and freighters, expect them. What you will need to get rid of pirates are police cutters in system (defense managment). Having a naval station also helps. And researching convoy systems.
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