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Commissar Pancakes

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Everything posted by Commissar Pancakes

  1. CoD does not feature bullets! CoD features Raspberry Jelly pellets! Every solder portrayed just has a horrible Raspberry allergies!
  2. Haven't you played Half-Life? EVERYTHING can be solved with medkits!
  3. Considering how attempting to leave the forum will be considered an attempt at desertion...
  4. Three reapers charged one of my Shield guys. Two were taken down immediately from the five others while the last nearly made it to eviscerate the unfortunate soul. And then he emptied his Laser pistol into it.
  5. From the way I see it, Reapers have the intelligence levels of apex predators, such as lions or wolves. Not exactly a great occupation force for guarding checkpoints or vital installations. And though they are intelligent enough that they know how to ambush their prey, I don't really see them learning how to avoid the black-exploding-stick thingies that us humans tend to carry without dying. And besides, can you imagine the utter logistical nightmare on training, equipping, and recording every single Reaper in the field? Every single deployment would mean countless of casualties just because they are assaulting a prepared position with firmly entrenched solders, not to mention the untold thousands of newborn Reapers that will inevitably spawn from when they ravage the population centers. Even then, they aren't that great at extended combat, given how horridly fragile they actually are. It only takes a few shots from an assault rifle to take one down, so if they aren't deployed en-mass, they're going to be incapable of viably taking strategic positions. Even if they do claim it, how do you get them to stay there? Mind-controlling Psions? The humans will probably quickly learn who the leaders are and assign them to be priority targets.
  6. If you want to pick up an e-reader, make sure that you don't get one that uses an e-ink screen (I'm looking at you Nook...) as they tend to be extremely fragile and can pretty much break if dropped hard enough. I had a first gen Nook that I pretty much maintained for two years with no trouble, only to drop it one day onto tile and have the screen pretty much mess up (everything else was functional). If you're going to get a Kindle, make sure that you buy the damned charger because they sell that separate. I might be a bit biased, but I'd have to suggest the Nook (I currently own a Nook HD+). Sure, sometimes Barnes and Nobles tech support isn't all that great, but I've found that I've been able to get support by bringing it to the Nook kiosk at my neighborhood B&N. That and the Nook HD is only $129, $10 cheaper than the Kindle Paperwhite without "special offers" and it actually comes with the damned charger (another $15)! Plus you can download the Kindle reader from the Google Play store for free, so that you can read Kindle format on your Nook!!! But really, avoid e-ink screens like the plague. They're cheap and they work. But don't expect them to last unless they are given as much care as possible.
  7. *Shoots dpelectric for attempting to steal the position of Commissar* Besides, this IS nice compared to the rest of the internet. No swearing, name-calling, flaming has been used and they've both been trying to explain their positions.
  8. ...why... ...why would you think of such a thing...?
  9. Who said that they were as smart as a human/Sebbilian? As in outright stated, no possible-through-inference-of-words. Considering how quickly a Reaper population may exponentially expand, I'm probably going to with the explanation that it's simply not economically feasible to uplift every single Reaper. Unless they did it before the invasion (which means that Chris would have to change the backstory to have this happen) I'd think they'd rather focus on getting that giant armada actually doing something rather than sitting up in orbit twiddling their thumbs (if they had any). Besides, having an expensive uber-trooper kinda defeats the purpose of effective disposable cannon fodder...might as well just send in hordes of Androns.
  10. After a while, it just seems as if the Xenonauts are just SWAT and the gas grenades are the tear gas used to smoke out criminals. ...the fact that I make heavy use of assault shields and beating sticks just reinforces this...
  11. Stun [gas] grenades pretty much are able to stun the lower tier enemies in one turn. Those that are able to resist them seem to be either higher in rank or Harridans.
  12. *Runs up with Assault shield and beating stick* ATTENTION CITIZEN: YOU ARE BEING RESCUED *Club*
  13. I think the main reason why I tend to be a stickler for grammar and punctuation was simply because I was an utter bibliophile when I was younger. By age 10 (11 years ago) I had finished all the released Harry Potter books, as well as had my nose stuck in as much Sci-Fi as I could get. Then again, maybe it was simply the fact that my father made me type up chapter-by-chapter summaries on the damned things that aided me... I'd suggest simply trying to read as much as you can from good, solid books (though I can't ever recommend reading Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms...couldn't stand the damned thing...). If you want to try and find stuff on the net, make sure that it's published, as they tend to receive the most editing. By then, it's just learning through osmosis. Or you can simply try your hand at writing; it doesn't matter what about. I'm sure a few of us will be able to help you improve. ...can't tell you how many times I've had the thought of creating a FF.net account just to shout I WILL EDIT YOUR DAMNED MISTAKES BECAUSE I GROW TIRED OF YOUR INABILITY TO STRING TOGETHER A COHERENT SENTENCE FLOW.
  14. Meh, all you guys... Nothing better than to imagine the terrified faces of the Xenos as my tactical squads bum-rushing them with assault shields and Beating sticks. I'm fine with them as is.
  15. They already tried. It's just that the maps are semi-randomized (different cells in preset locations to mix things up a little) enough that to implement stuff like that would increase the workload and size of the game exponentially. Mainly due to Xenonauts' 2D sprite artwork. 3D is simply easier to do.
  16. Probably not a but, and more just a really bad luck of the draw with RNG. Unless it wasn't reporting the correct percentage. Was there anything that might have blocked the shot?
  17. *edits previous post* Milking the Media: The Completely justified sentencing of rabid milk reporters
  18. If memory serves me correctly, they are semi-randomized, but there are over 70 maps.
  19. Now imagine this scenario except it's a base assault. In September. And your guys are all trapped in the first bloody room. Surrounded. And being constantly suppressed by those damned scout droids...
  20. That's when Private McBulletsponge and his dual-wielded shield technique comes in. Followed by massive quantities of C4 and Heavy Weapons fire.
  21. Considering it was the first Reaper of the current playthough? I nearly shat my pants. Luckily, I had outfitted the Alpha team with lasers. The advance pretty much slowed to a crawl after that, with me pretty much saving enough TUs for burst and everyone being covered by at least 3 others.
  22. Probably? Would be hilarious if all of them had Arnold Schwarzenegger level of bravery/gung-ho though.
  23. Actually, it's because they've lost faith in the program because of how little they are protected, and decided that their own military might do a better job.
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